Väljaandja: Teede- ja Sideminister Akti liik: määrus Teksti liik: algtekst-terviktekst Redaktsiooni jõustumise kp: 01.06.2002 Redaktsiooni kehtivuse lõpp: 15.09.2002 Avaldamismärge: RTL 2002, 16, 210 Eesti raadiosageduste plaan Vastu võetud 11.12.2001 nr 110 Määrus kehtestatakse «Telekommunikatsiooniseaduse» (RT I 2000, 18, 116; 78, 495; 2001, 23, 125; 53, 310) § 64 lõike 2 alusel. § 1. Määruse reguleerimisala Eesti raadiosageduste plaan sätestab kooskõlas Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu põhikirja ja konventsiooni täiendavate raadioeeskirjadega raadiosagedusalade üldise kasutusviisi, -otstarbe ja -režiimi Eestis. § 2. Raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim ja kasutusotstarve (1) Raadiosagedusala kasutusotstarve määrab ära sageduskasutuse jaotuse erinevate raadiosideteenistuste ja raadioseadmete klasside vahel. (2) Raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim määrab ära sageduskasutuse kategooriad (primaarne või sekundaarne). (3) Primaarse kasutusrežiimiga raadiosideteenistuse raadioseadmeid kaitstakse teiste raadioseadmete poolt põhjustatud häirete eest. (4) Sekundaarse kasutusrežiimiga raadiosideteenistuse raadioseadmeid ei kaitsta teiste raadioseadmete poolt põhjustatud häirete eest ja nende raadioseadmete kasutamine ei tohi tekitada häireid primaarset kasutusrežiimi omavatele raadiosideteenistustele. § 3. Raadisagedusala kasutusviis (1) Raadiosagedusala kasutusviis määrab ära üldised sageduskasutuse tingimused (kasutamise eesmärgid, dupleks-/simpleksside, dupleksivahe, baasjaama saate- ja vastuvõtusagedus, kanalisamm jms). (2) Raadiosagedusala, mis on tähistatud «riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1», on ette nähtud rahuajal riigikaitselisel otstarbel kaitsejõudude ainukasutuseks vastavalt kaitseministri poolt kehtestatud nõuetele. (3) Raadiosagedusala, mis on tähistatud «riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2», võivad kaitsejõud kasutada rahuajal riigikaitselisel otstarbel samadel alustel teiste isikutega, kui muudes õigusaktides ei ole sätestatud teisiti. § 4. Määruse lisad (1) Raadiosagedusala kasutusviis, -otstarve ja -režiim on sagedusalade kaupa sätestatud käesoleva määruse lisas 1. (2) Raadiosageduste plaanis esinevate raadiosagedusalade kasutusotstarvete eesti- ja ingliskeelsed vasted ning kasutatud tähiste ja lühendite selgitused on esitatud määruse lisas 2 toodud loetelus. (3) Eesti raadiosageduste plaanis viidatud õigusaktide loetelu on esitatud määruse lisades 3 ja 4. § 5. Määruse kehtetuks tunnistamine Teede- ja sideministri 31. märtsi 2000. a määrus nr 19 «Eesti raadiosageduste plaan» (RTL 2000, 45, 671; 90, 1389; 2001, 1, 3) tunnistatakse kehtetuks. Minister Toivo JÜRGENSON Kantsler Margus LEIVO Teede- ja sideministri 11. detsembri 2001. a määruse nr 110 lisa 1 EESTI RAADIOSAGEDUSTE PLAAN1 I OSA. RAADIOSAGEDUSALA 9 KHZ–29,7 MHZ Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu konventsiooni ja põhikirja täiendavate raadioeeskirjadega määratud raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim ja -otstarve Raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim ja -otstarve Eestis Raadiosagedusala kasutusviis Eestis Lisaandmed 9–14 kHz RADIONAVIGATION RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 14–19.95 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.57 Maritime mobile service for coast radiotelegraph stations A1A and F1B only S5.56 Stations may transmit standard frequency and time signals S5.55 Additional allocation: in Russia the band 14–17 kHz is also allocated to radionavigation service on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 19.95–20.05 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (20 kHz) ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 20.05–70 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.57 Maritime mobile service for coast radiotelegraph stations A1A and F1B only S5.56 Stations may transmit standard frequency and time signals S5.58 Additional allocation: in Russia 67–70 kHz on a primary basis radionavigation service PAIKNE SIDE     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 70–72 kHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 72–84 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.57 Maritime mobile service for coast radiotelegraph stations A1A and F1B only RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems S5.56 Stations may transmit standard frequency and time signals PAIKNE SIDE RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 84–86 kHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 86–90 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.57 Maritime mobile service for coast radiotelegraph stations A1A and F1B only RADIONAVIGATION S5.56 Stations may transmit standard frequency and time signals PAIKNE SIDE     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 90–110 kHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.62 Stations in the radionavigation must be coordinated to avoid harmful interference Fixed S5.64 Only A1A or F1B, A2C, A3C, F1C or F3C emissions for fixed and maritime services; J2B or J7B for maritime mobile service RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 110–112 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.64 Only A1A or F1B, A2C, A3C, F1C or F3C emissions for fixed and maritime services; J2B or J7B for maritime mobile service RADIONAVIGATION PAIKNE SIDE RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 112–115 kHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 115–117.6 kHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems Fixed Maritime mobile S5.64 Only A1A or F1B, A2C, A3C, F1C or F3C emissions for fixed and maritime services; J2B or J7B for maritime mobile service RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 117.6–126 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.64 Only A1A or F1B, A2C, A3C, F1C or F3C emissions for fixed and maritime services; J2B or J7B for maritime mobile service RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems PAIKNE SIDE RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 126–129 kHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 129–130 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.64 Only A1A or F1B, A2C, A3C, F1C or F3C emissions for fixed and maritime services; J2B or J7B for maritime mobile service RADIONAVIGATION S5.60 Pulsed radionavigation systems PAIKNE SIDE RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 130–148.5 kHz MARITIME MOBILE FIXED S5.64 Only A1A or F1B, A2C, A3C, F1C or F3C emissions for fixed and maritime services; J2B or J7B for maritime mobile service LIIKUV MERESIDE PAIKNE SIDE     Amatöör-raadioside 135,7–137,8 kHz Amatöör-raadioside CEPT/ERC/REC 62-01 TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 130–135 kHz Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 148.5–255 kHz BROADCASTING RINGHÄÄLING Pikklaine AM-raadio Genf 1975 kokkulepe 255–283.5 kHz BROADCASTING AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION RINGHÄÄLING Pikklaine AM-raadio Genf 1975 kokkulepe 283.5–315 kHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION (radiobeacons) S5.73 Transmitting of navigational information S5.74 Additional allocation: 285.3–285.7 kHz maritime radionavigation on a primary basis (other than radiobeacons) MERE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadiomajakad DGPS Genf 1985 kokkulepe Lennu-raadionavigatsioon   315–325 kHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION Maritime Radionavigation (radiobeacons) S5.73 Transmitting of navigational information S5.75 Different category of service: in Russia maritime radionavigation on a primary basis (in the Baltic Sea area new stations shall be subject to prior consultation between the administrations concerned) LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Ringsuunalised raadiomajakad   Lokaator-raadiomajakad 325–405 kHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Ringsuunalised raadiomajakad   Lokaator-raadiomajakad 405–415 kHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.76 410 kHz is designated for radio direction-finding in the maritime radionavigation service RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Ringsuunalised raadiomajakad   Lokaator-raadiomajakad 415–435 kHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION MARITIME MOBILE S5.79 Maritime mobile service is limited to radiotelegraphy LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Ringsuunalised raadiomajakad Genf 1985 kokkulepe Lokaator-raadiomajakad 435–495 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.79 Maritime mobile service is limited to radiotelegraphy S5.79A NAVTEX service coast stations on frequency 490 kHz must be coordinated in accordance with IMO procedures Aeronautical Radionavigation S5.82 490 kHz transmission by coast stations NBDP telegraphy, in using the band 415–495 kHz for aeronautical radionavigation, no harmful interference should be caused to the frequency 490 kHz LIIKUV MERESIDE Raadiotelegraafiside laevadega 490 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid (NAVTEX) Genf 1985 kokkulepe TSMm(2000) 119 – nõuded raadiosidele Lennu-raadionavigatsioon Ringsuunalised raadiomajakad Genf 1985 kokkulepe Lokaator-raadiomajakad 495–505 kHz MOBILE (distress and calling) S5.83 500 kHz international distress and calling frequency for Morse radiotelegraphy LIIKUV SIDE (kutsungi- ja avariisagedus) 500 kHz Rahvusvaheline raadiotelegraafi kutsungi- ja avariisagedus TSMm(2000) 119 – nõuded raadiosidele 495–505 kHz Kaitsetsoon   505–526.5 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.79 Maritime mobile service is limited to radiotelegraphy S5.79A NAVTEX service coast stations on frequency 518 kHz must be coordinated in accordance with IMO procedures S5.84 Conditions for the use of the frequency 518 kHz by maritime mobile service are prescribed in Art. S31 and S52 and in App. S13 AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION LIIKUV MERESIDE Raadiotelegraafiside laevadega Genf 1985 kokkulepe 518 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid (NAVTEX) TSMm(2000) 119 – nõuded raadiosidele Lennu-raadionavigatsioon Ringsuunalised raadiomajakad Genf 1985 kokkulepe Lokaator-raadiomajakad 526.5–1606.5 kHz BROADCASTING RINGHÄÄLING Kesklaine AM-raadio Genf 1975 kokkulepe 1606.5–1625 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.90 The service area of maritime mobile stations are limited to that provided by ground-wave propagation FIXED LAND MOBILE S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W LIIKUV MERESIDE 1606,5–1625 kHz Du (+535 kHz) Kaldajaamade telegraafiside; Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse Genf 1985 kokkulepe 1625–1635 kHz RADIOLOCATION S5.93 Additional allocation: in Russia and Latvia also allocated to the fixed and land mobile services on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     1635–1800 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.90 The service area of maritime mobile stations are limited to that provided by ground-wave propagation FIXED LAND MOBILE S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W S5.96 Up to 200 kHz may be allocated for amateur stations mean power <10 W LIIKUV MERESIDE Kaldajaamade raadiotelefoniside Genf 1985 kokkulepe 1650–1800 kHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   1650 kHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 1800–1810 kHz RADIOLOCATION S5.93 Additional allocation: in Russia and Latvia also allocated to the fixed and land mobile services on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     1810–1850 kHz AMATEUR S5.98 Alternative allocation: in Russia the band 1810–1830 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis S5.100 To prevent harmful interference between amateur stations and stations of other services AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 1850–2000 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W S5.96 Up to 200 kHz may be allocated to amateur stations with mean power <10W S5.103 Special requirements of the maritime mobile service LIIKUV MERESIDE 1850–1950 kHz Kaldajaamade raadiotelefoniside   1950–2000 kHz Laevade raadiotelefoniside   LIIKUV MAASIDE     Amatöör-raadioside 1850–1955 kHz TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 2000–2025 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W S5.103 Special requirements of the maritime mobile service LIIKUV MERESIDE Laevade raadiotelefoniside   LIIKUV MAASIDE     2025–2045 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) Meteorological Aids S5.104 Oceanographic buoy stations S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W S5.103 Special requirements of the maritime mobile service LIIKUV MERESIDE Laevade raadiotelefoniside   LIIKUV MAASIDE     2045–2160 kHz MARITIME MOBILE FIXED LAND MOBILE S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W LIIKUV MERESIDE 2045–2141,5 kHz Laevade raadiotelefoniside Genf 1985 kokkulepe 2141,5–2160 kHz Du (–535 kHz) Laevade telegraafiside; Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse LIIKUV MAASIDE 2130 kHz; 2150 kHz Raudteesidesüsteemid Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   2160–2170 kHz RADIOLOCATION S5.93 Additional allocation: in Russia and Latvia also allocated to the fixed and land mobile services on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     2170–2173.5 kHz MARITIME MOBILE LIIKUV MERESIDE Raadiotelefoni- ja -telegraafiside laevadega   2173.5–2190.5 kHz MOBILE (distress and calling) S5.108 2182 kHz is an international distress and calling frequency for radiotelephony S5.109 2187.5 kHz is an international distress frequency for digital selective calling S5.110 2174.5 kHz is an international distress frequency for NBDP telegraphy S5.111 2182 kHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles LIIKUV SIDE (kutsungi- ja avariisagedus) 2174,5 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119 – nõuded raadiosidele 2182 kHz Rahvusvaheline raadiotelefoni kutsungi- ja avariisagedus 2187,5 kHz Digitaalselektiivväljakutse 2190.5–2194 kHz MARITIME MOBILE LIIKUV MERESIDE     2194–2300 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W S5.103 Special requirements of the maritime mobile service PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV MERESIDE Liikuv mereside: 2194–2262,5 kHz Laevade raadiotelefoniside   2262,5–2300 kHz Laevadevaheline raadiotelefoniside   Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   2300–2498 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING S5.113 conditions of the use 2300–2498 kHz by broadcasting service can be found in Nos. S5.16 to S5.20, S5.21 and S23.3 to S23.10 S5.103 Special requirements of the maritime mobile service PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside (R) 2300–2498 kHz Laevadevaheline raadiotelefoniside   Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   2498–2501 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (2500 kHz) ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     2501–2502 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL Space Research ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     2502–2625 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W S5.103 Special requirements of the maritime mobile service PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside (R) 2502–2578 kHz Laevade telegraafiside   2530 kHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 2578–2625 kHz Kaldajaamade raadiotelefoni- ja telegraafiside   2625–2650 kHz MARITIME MOBILE MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W MERE- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     LIIKUV MERESIDE Kaldajaamade raadiotelefoni- ja telegraafiside   2650–2850 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W S5.103 Special requirements of the maritime mobile service PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside (R) Liikuv mereside: Kaldajaamade raadiotelefoni- ja telegraafiside   2650–2750 kHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   2850–3025 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.111 3023 kHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles S5.115 3023 kHz may also be used by stations of the maritime mobile service engaged in coordinated search and rescue operations LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) 3023 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000)119 – nõuded raadiosidele RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 3025–3155 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 3155–3200 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.116 3155–3195 kHz a common worldwide channel for low power wireless hearing aids LIIKUV MERESIDE Laevade telegraafiside   3180 kHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides PAIKNE SIDE     3200–3230 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) BROADCASTING S5.113 Conditions of the use by broadcasting service can be found in Nos. S5.16 to S5.20, S5.21 and S23.3 to S23.10 S5.116 For hearing aid devices LIIKUV MERESIDE Laevade raadiotelefoniside   3230–3400 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile BROADCASTING S5.113 Conditions of the use by broadcasting service can be found in Nos. S5.16 to S5.20, S5.21 and S23.3 to S23.10 S5.116 For hearing aid devices LIIKUV MERESIDE 3230–3340 kHz Laevade raadiotelefoniside   3340–3400 kHz Laevadevaheline raadiotelefoniside   3400–3500 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 3500–3800 kHz AMATEUR FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.92 Radiodetermination systems mean power <50 W PAIKNE SIDE     AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel LIIKUV MERESIDE 3500–3600 kHz Laevadevaheline raadiotelefoniside   3600–3800 kHz Kaldajaamade raadiotelefoniside   3800–3900 kHz FIXED AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LAND MOBILE LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV MAASIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   3900–3950 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 3950–4000 kHz FIXED BROADCASTING RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (75m) AM-raadio   4000–4063 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE S5.127 Ship stations using radiotelephony <1.5 kW PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV MERESIDE Laevade raadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus 4063–4438 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.79A NAVTEX service coast stations on frequency 4209.5 kHz must be coordinated in accordance with IMO procedures S5.109 4207.5 kHz is an international distress frequency for digital selective calling S5.110 4177.5 kHz is an international distress frequency for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy S5.130 4125 kHz usage conditions in Art. S31 and S52 and in App. S13 S5.131 4209.5 kHz for meteorological and navigational warnings and urgent information to ships by NBDP S5.132 4210 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI S5.128 In Russia in the bands 4063–4123 kHz, 4130–4133 kHz and 4408–4438 kHz stations of limited power in the fixed service which are situated >600 km from coast may operate on condition that harmful interference is not caused to the maritime mobile service S5.129 On condition that harmful interference is not caused to the maritime mobile service, the frequencies in the bands 4063–4123 kHz and 4130–4438 kHz may be used exceptionally by stations in the fixed service communicating within the boundary of the country in which they are located with mean power <50 W LIIKUV MERESIDE 4063–4065 kHz Laevadelt okeanograafiliste andmete ülekandmine RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 4065–4146 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 4146–4152 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 4152–4172 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 4172–4181,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 4181,75–4186,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraafi väljakutsesagedused 4186,75–4202,25 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 4202,25–4207,25 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 4207,25–4209,25 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 4209,25–4219,25 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside 4219,25–4221 kHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 4221–4351 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 4351–4438 kHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 4098/4390 kHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 4125 kHz; 4177,5 kHz; 4207,5 kHz; 4210 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele 4209,5 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid (NAVTEX) TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele 4438–4650 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV MERESIDE Kaldajaamad   4650–4700 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 4700–4750 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 4750–4850 kHz FIXED AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LAND MOBILE BROADCASTING S5.113 Conditions of the use by broadcasting service can be found in Nos. S5.16 to S5.20, S5.21 and S23.3 to S23.10 PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)     4850–4995 kHz FIXED LAND MOBILE BROADCASTING S5.113 Conditions of the use by broadcasting service can be found in Nos. S5.16 to S5.20, S5.21 and S23.3 to S23.10 PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV MAASIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   4995–5003 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (5000 kHz) ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     5003–5005 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL Space Research ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     5005–5060 kHz FIXED BROADCASTING S5.113 Conditions of the use by broadcasting service can be found in Nos. S5.16 to S5.20, S5.21 and S23.3 to S23.10 PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   5060–5250 kHz FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.133 Different category of service: in Latvia and Russia 5130–5250 kHz mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE Liikuv side, v.a. liikuv lennuside     5250–5450 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   5450–5480 kHz FIXED AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LAND MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) LIIKUV MAASIDE Liikuv lennuside (OR) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   5480–5680 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.111 5680 kHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles S5.115 5680 kHz may also be used by stations of the maritime mobile service engaged in coordinated search and rescue operations LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele 5680 kHz – raadiotelefoni avariisagedus 5680–5730 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) S5.111 5680 kHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles S5.115 5680 kHz may also be used by stations of the maritime mobile service engaged in coordinated search and rescue operations LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) 5680 kHz – raadiotelefoni avariisagedus RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele 5730–5900 kHz FIXED LAND MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV MAASIDE 5750–5850 kHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   5900–5950 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.136 Land mobile service on a primary basis (until 01.04.2007) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (59 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 5950–6200 kHz BROADCASTING RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (59 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 6200–6525 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.109 6312 kHz is an international distress frequency for digital selective calling S5.110 6268 kHz is an international distress frequency for NBDP telegraphy S5.130 6215 kHz conditions in Art. S31 and S52 and in App. S13 S5.132 6314 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI S5.137 6200–6213.5 kHz and 6220.5–6525 kHz may be used in the fixed service, <50W LIIKUV MERESIDE 6200–6224 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 6224–6233 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 6233–6261 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 6261–6262,75 kHz Laevadelt okeanograafiliste andmete ülekandmine 6262,75–6275,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 6275,75–6280,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraafi väljakutsesagedused 6280,75–6284,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 6284,75–6300,25 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 6300,25–6311,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 6311,75–6313,75 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 6313,75–6330,75 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside 6330,75–6332,5 kHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 6332,5–6501 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 6501–6525 kHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 6200/6501 kHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 6215 kHz; 6268 kHz; 6312 kHz; 6314 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 6525–6685 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 6685–6765 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 6765–7000 kHz FIXED Land Mobile S5.139 Different category of service: in Russia and Latvia land mobile service on a primary basis S5.138 6765–6795 kHz (centre frequency 6780 kHz) for ISM applications PAIKNE SIDE     Lähitoimeseadmed 6765–6795 kHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)01 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 6765–6795 kHz Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)14 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 6765–6795 kHz (kesksagedus 6780 kHz)   7000–7100 kHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 7100–7300 kHz BROADCASTING RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (41 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 7300–7350 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.143 Fixed service on a primary basis and land mobile service on a secondary basis until 01.04.2007 RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (41 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 7350–8100 kHz FIXED Land Mobile PAIKNE SIDE Liikuv maaside 7350–7450 kHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed 7400–8800 kHz Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)15 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 8100–8195 kHz FIXED MARITIME MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV MERESIDE Laevade side RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus Lähitoimeseadmed 7400–8800 kHz Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)15 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 8195–8815 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.109 8414.5 kHz is an international distress frequency for digital selective calling S5.110 8376.5 kHz is an international distress frequency for NBDP telegraphy S5.132 8416.5 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI S5.145 Conditions for the use of 8291 kHz in Art. S31, S52 and in App. S13 S5.111 8364 kHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles LIIKUV MERESIDE 8195–8294 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 8294–8300 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 8300–8340 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 8340-8341,75 kHz Laevadelt okeanograafiliste andmete ülekandmine 8341,75–8365,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 8365,75–8370,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraafi väljakutsesagedused 8370,75–8376,25 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 8376,25–8396,25 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 8396,25–8414,25 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 8414,25–8416,25 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 8416,25–8436,25 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside 8436,25–8438 kHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 8438–8707 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 8707–8815 kHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 8249/8773 kHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 8291 kHz; 8376,5 kHz; 8414,5 kHz; 8416 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele 8364 kHz Otsingu- ja päästeside pidamiseks liikuva mere- ja liikuva lennuside jaamadega TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele Lähitoimeseadmed 7400–8800 kHz Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)15 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 8815–8965 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 8965–9040 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 9040–9400 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     9400–9500 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.146 Fixed service on a primary basis until 01.04.2007 RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (31 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 9500–9900 kHz BROADCASTING S5.147 9775–9900 kHz may be used by stations in the fixed service <24 dBW on condition that harmful interference is not caused to the broadcasting service S5.148 9775–9900 kHz allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Res. 8) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (31 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 9900–9995 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     9995–10003 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (10000 kHz) S5.111 10003 kHz (±3 kHz) may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     10003–10005 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL Space Research S5.111 10003 kHz (±3 kHz) may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     10005–10100 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.111 10003 kHz (±3 kHz) may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 10100–10150 kHz FIXED Amateur PAIKNE SIDE     Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 10150–11175 kHz FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) PAIKNE SIDE 10150–10250 kHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   11175–11275 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 11275-11400 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 11400–11600 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     11600–11650 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.146 Fixed service on a primary basis until 01.04.2007 RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (25 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 11650–12050 kHz BROADCASTING S5.147 11650–11700 kHz and 11975–12050 kHz may be used by stations in the fixed service <24 dBW on condition that harmful interference is not caused to the broadcasting service S5.148 11650–11700 kHz and 11975–12050 kHz allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Res. 8) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (25 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 12050–12100 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.146 Fixed service on a primary basis until 01.04.2007 RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (25 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 12100–12230 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     12230–13200 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.109 12577 kHz is an international distress frequency for digital selective calling S5.110 12520 kHz is an international distress frequency for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy S5.132 12579 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI S5.145 Conditions for the use of 12290 kHz in Art. S31, S52 and in App. S13 LIIKUV MERESIDE 12230–12353 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 12353–12368 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 12368–12420 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 12420–12421,75 kHz Laevadelt okeanograafiliste andmete ülekandmine 12421,75–12476,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 12476,75–12549,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 12549,75–12554,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraafi väljakutsesagedused 12554,75–12559,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 12559,75–12576,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 12576,75–12578,75 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 12578,75–12656,75 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside 12656,75–12658,50 kHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 12658,5–13077 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 13077–13200 kHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 12290 kHz; 12520 kHz; 12577 kHz; 12579 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele 12251 kHz/13098 kHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 13200–13260 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 13260–13360 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 13360–13410 kHz FIXED RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     13410–13570 kHz FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.150 13553–13567 kHz (centre frequency 13560 kHz) for ISM applications PAIKNE SIDE     Lähitoimeseadmed 13553–13567 kHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)01 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 13553–13567 kHz Induktiivseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)14 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 13553–13567 kHz (kesksagedus 13560 kHz)   13570–13600 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.151 Allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis and to the mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) service on a secondary basis until 01.04.2007 (Res. 21) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (22 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 13600–13800 kHz BROADCASTING S5.148 Allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Res. 8) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (22 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 13800–13870 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.151 Allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis and to the mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) service on a secondary basis until 01.04.2007 (Res. 21) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (22 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 13870–14000 kHz FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) PAIKNE SIDE     14000–14250 kHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 14250–14350 kHz AMATEUR S5.152 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis <24 dBW AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 14350–14990 kHz FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) PAIKNE SIDE     14990–15005 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (15000 kHz) S5.111 14993 kHz (3 kHz) may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     15005–15010 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL Space Research ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     15010–15100 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 15100–15600 kHz BROADCASTING S5.148 15450–15600 kHz is allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Res. 8) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (19 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 15600–15800 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.146 Fixed service on a primary basis until 01.04.2007 RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (19 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 15800–16360 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     16360–17410 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.109 16804.5 kHz is an international distress frequency for digital selective calling S5.110 16695 kHz is an international distress frequency for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy S5.132 16806.5 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI S5.145 Conditions for the use of 16420 kHz in Art. S31 and S52 and in App. S13 LIIKUV MERESIDE 16360–16528 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 16528–16549 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 16549–16617 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 16617–16618,75 kHz Laevadelt okeanograafiliste andmete ülekandmine 16618,75–16683,25 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 16683,25–16733,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 16733,75–16738,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraafi väljakutsesagedused 16738,75–16784,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 16784,75–16804,25 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 16804,25–16806,25 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 16806,25–16902,75 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside 16902,75–16904,5 kHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 16904,5–17242 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 17242–17410 kHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 16420 kHz; 16695 kHz; 16804,5 kHz; 16806,5 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000)119  – nõuded raadiosidele 17410–17480 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     17480–17550 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.146 Fixed service on a primary basis until 01.04.2007 RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (15 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 17550–17900 kHz BROADCASTING S5.148 17550–17700 kHz is allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Res. 8) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (15 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 17900–17970 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 17970–18030 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)   RR App. S26 – kanalijaotus 18030–18052 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     18052–18068 kHz FIXED Space Research PAIKNE SIDE     18068–18168 kHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE S5.154 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the fixed service <1kW AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 18168–18780 kHz FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE     18780–18900 kHz MARITIME MOBILE LIIKUV MERESIDE 18780–18825 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus 18825–18846 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 18846–18870 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 18870–18892,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 18892,75–18898,25 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 18898,25–18899,75 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 18900–19020 kHz BROADCASTING S5.134 SSB (App. S11) or any other spectrum-efficient modulation techniques recommended by ITU-R (Access to this band shall be subject to the decision of a competent conference) S5.146 Fixed service on a primary basis until 01.04.2007 RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (14 m) SSB-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 19020–19680 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     19680–19800 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.132 19680.5 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI LIIKUV MERESIDE 19680,25–19703,25 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 19703,25–19705 kHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 19705–19755 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 19755–19800 kHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 19680,5 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 19800–19990 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     19990–19995 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL Space Research S5.111 19993 kHz (± 3 kHz) may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     19995–20010 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (20000 kHz) S5.111 19993 kHz (± 3 kHz) may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     20010–21000 kHz FIXED Mobile PAIKNE SIDE     21000–21450 kHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 21450–21850 kHz BROADCASTING S5.148 21750–21850 kHz is allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Res. 8) RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (13 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 21850–21870 kHz FIXED S5.155A In Russia the use by fixed service is limited to provision of services related to aircraft flight safety S5.155 Additional allocation: in Russia allocated to the aeronautical fixed and the aeronautical mobile (R) services on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE     21870–21924 kHz FIXED S5.115B Used by the fixed service for provision of services related to aircraft flight safety PAIKNE SIDE     21924–22000 kHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side (HF kõne ja andmed) RR App. S27 – kanalijaotus 22000–22855 kHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.132 22736 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI LIIKUV MERESIDE 22000–22159 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 22159–22180 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 22180–22240 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 22240–22241,75 kHz Laevadelt okeanograafiliste andmete ülekandmine 22241,75–22279,25 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 22279,25–22284,25 kHz Laevade morsetelegraafi väljakutsesagedused 22284,25–22351,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 22351,75–22374,25 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 22374,25–22375,75 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 22375,75–22443,75 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside 22443,75–22445,5 kHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 22445,5–22696 kHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 22696–22855 kHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 22376 kHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 22855–23000 kHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     23000–23200 kHz FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) PAIKNE SIDE     23200–23350 kHz FIXED S5.156A Use by fixed services is limited to provision of services related to aircraft flight safety AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR)     23350–24000 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.157 Maritime mobile service is limited to inter-ship radiotelegraphy PAIKNE SIDE     24000–24890 kHz FIXED LAND MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE     24890–24990 kHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 24990–25005 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL (25000 kHz) ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL     25005–25010 kHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL Space Research ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJA SIGNAAL     25010–25070 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside     25070–25210 kHz MARITIME MOBILE LIIKUV MERESIDE 25070–25100 kHz Laevade dupleksraadiotelefoniside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus 25100–25121 kHz Simpleksraadiotelefoniside 25121–25161,25 kHz Laevade telegraafiside 25161,25–25171,25 kHz Laevade morsetelegraaf 25171,25–25172,75 kHz Laevade morsetelegraafi väljakutsesagedused 25172,75–25192,75 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside 25192,75–25208,25 kHz Laevade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 25208,25–25210 kHz Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 25210–25550 kHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside     25.550–25.670 MHz RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     25.670–26.100 MHz BROADCASTING RINGHÄÄLING Lühilaine (11 m) AM-raadioringhääling Perspektiivis üleminek digitaalsele tehnoloogiale. RR Res.517 (Rev. WRC-97) 26.100–26.175 MHz MARITIME MOBILE S5.132 26100.5 kHz is an international frequency for the transmission of MSI LIIKUV MERESIDE 26,10025–26,12075 MHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside RR App. S17 – kanalijaotus RR App. S25 – kaldasaatjate raadiotelefoni sageduste jaotuskava 26,12075–26,1225 MHz Kaldajaamade digitaalselektiivväljakutse 26,1225–26,145 MHz Kaldajaamade telegraafi- ja andmeside, morsetelegraaf 26,145–26,175 MHz Kaldajaamade dupleksraadiotelefoniside 26100,5 MHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 26.175–27.500 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.150 26957–27283 kHz (centre frequency 27120 kHz) for ISM applications PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside 26,960–27,410 MHz (välja arvatud 26,995; 27,045; 27,095; 27,145; 27,195 MHz) PR27 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)11 TSMm(2000)95  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 27,450 MHz Mitteüldkasutatav isikuotsingusüsteem   Lähitoimeseadmed 26,995; 27,045; 27,095; 27,145; 27,195 MHz Mudelite juhtimisseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)10 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 26,957–27,283 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)02 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 26,957–27,283 MHz Induktiivseadmed CEPTERC/DEC(01)16 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 26,957–27,283 MHz (kesksagedus 27,120 MHz)   27.500–28.000 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS FIXED MOBILE RAADIOMETEOROLOOGIA PAIKNE SIDE     28.000–29.700 MHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel II OSA. RAADIOSAGEDUSALA 29,7 MHZ–3600 MHZ Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu konventsiooni ja põhikirja täiendavate raadioeeskirjadega määratud raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim ja -otstarve Raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim ja -otstarve Eestis Raadiosagedusala kasutusviis Eestis Lisaandmed 29.700–30.005 MHz FIXED MOBILE LIIKUV SIDE     30.005–30.010 MHz SPACE OPERATION (satellite identification) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH LIIKUV SIDE     30.010–37.500 MHz FIXED MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Liikuva maaside Si võrgud   30,300–30,500 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 KAMm(2001)16  – üldised nõuded kaitsejõududele ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusaladele 32,150–32,450 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 33,300–33,800 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed 34,995–35,225 MHz Lendavate mudelite juhtimisseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)11 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 37.500–38.250 MHz FIXED MOBILE Radio Astronomy S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference LIIKUV SIDE Liikuva maaside Si võrgud   38.250–39.986 MHz FIXED MOBILE LIIKUV SIDE Liikuva maaside Si võrgud   39,000–39,500 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Liikuv side 39,0–39,2 MHz Meteoorside terminalid kanalisamm 25 kHz (sekundaarsel alusel) CEPT/ERC/REC(00)04 39.986–40.020 MHz FIXED MOBILE Space Research LIIKUV SIDE     40.020–40.980 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.150 40.66–40.70 MHz (centre frequency 40.68 MHz) for ISM applications LIIKUV SIDE     Lähitoimeseadmed 40,660–40,700 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)03 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 40,665; 40,675; 40,685; 40,695 MHz Mudelite juhtimisseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)12 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 40,660–40,700 MHz (kesksagedus 40,68 MHz)   40.980–41.015 MHz FIXED MOBILE Space Research LIIKUV SIDE     41.015–47.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.162A Additional allocation in Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Finland and Sweden: 46–68 MHz is allocated on secondary basis to wind profiler radars (Mod.) LIIKUV SIDE Liikuva maaside Si võrgud   41,700–42,200 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 KAMm(2001)16  – üldised nõuded kaitsejõududele ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusaladele 45,000–45,700 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 45,700–46,000 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 Alates 01.01.2002 KAMm(2001)16  – üldised nõuded kaitsejõududele ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusaladele 46,000–47,000 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1  KAMm(2001)16  – üldised nõuded kaitsejõududele ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusaladele 47.000–68.000 MHz BROADCASTING S5.162A Additional allocation in Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Finland and Sweden: 46–68 MHz is allocated on secondary basis to wind profiler radars (Mod.) S5.163 Additional allocation in Estonia, Latvia and Russia: 47–48.5 MHz and 56.5–58 MHz also allocated to the fixed and land mobile services on a secondary basis S5.164 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden also allocated to the land mobile service on a primary basis RINGHÄÄLING TV-kanalid R1 48,5–56,5 MHz R2 58–66 MHz   Amatöör-raadioside 50,000–52,000 MHz TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Liikuv maaside 47,000–48,500 MHz Si CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 47,000–47,800 MHz Si Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   57,150–57,500 MHz Du (+7 MHz); 64,150–64,500 MHz Du (–7MHz) Kooskõlastatult ringhäälinguga CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 57,000–57,150 MHz Du (+7MHz); 64,000–64,150 MHz Du (–7 MHz) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 Kooskõlastatult ringhäälinguga, Si kuni 01.01.2005 68.000–74.800 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference in the frequency band 73–74.6 MHz S5.175 Alternative allocation in Russia and Latvia: 68–73 MHz broadcasting on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.176 Additional allocation in Estonia: 68–74 MHz is also allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis. S5.177 Additional allocation in Russia and Latvia: 73–74 MHz broadcasting on a primary basis S5.179 Additional allocation: in Russia and Latvia 74.6–74.8 MHz also allocated to the aeronautical radio-navigation service, on a primary basis, for ground-based transmitters only RINGHÄÄLING 68,000–74,000 MHz FM-raadioringhääling Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside 68,000–74,800 MHz Du (+9,8 MHz) Liikuv maaside Kooskõlastatult ringhäälinguga CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 74,200–74,500 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   74,200 MHz Si Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 Si kuni 01.01.2005 74.800–75.200 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.180 75 MHz aeronautical marker beacons S5.181 Additional allocation: in Sweden also allocated to the mobile service on a secondary basis LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON 75,000 MHz Lennu markermajakas; 74,800–75,200 MHz kaitsetsoon   75.200–87.500 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.175 Alternative allocation in Latvia and Russia: 76–87.5 MHz broadcasting on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.179 Additional allocation: in Russia and Latvia 75.2–75.4 MHz also allocated to the aeronautical radio-navigation service on a primary basis, for ground-based transmitters only LIIKUV MAASIDE Liikuv maaside: 75,2–77,7 MHz Du (+9,8 MHz) CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 77,7–77,8 MHz Si 77,8–84,6 MHz Du (–9,8 MHz) Kooskõlastatult ringhäälinguga CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 78,4–79,7 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 82,050/77,050 MHz (Tx/Rx) Du Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2004 84,6–85,0 MHz Si CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 85,0–87,5 MHz Du (–9,8 MHz) 84,000–84,300 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   87.500–108.000 MHz BROADCASTING RAADIORINGHÄÄLING 87,500–108,000 MHz FM-raadioringhääling Genf 1984 kokkulepe 108.000–117.975 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON ILS kursimajakad    VOR raadionavigatsiooniseadmed 117.975–136.000 MHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.111 121.5 MHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles S5.198 Additional allocation: also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite(R) service on a secondary basis S5.199 121.45–121.55 MHz also allocated to the mobile-satellite service S5.200 121.5 MHz is the aeronautical emergency frequency and 123.1 MHz is auxiliary. Maritime mobile under conditions of Art. S38 and App. S13 S5.201 Additional allocation: in Estonia, Latvia and Russia the band 132–136 MHz also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (OR) service on a permitted basis LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side ja õhk/õhk side (VHF kõne ja andmed)   123,100 MHz Lennu-avariiside TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 121,500 MHz  EPIRB Liikuv kosmoseside (R)     LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) 132–136 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   136.000–137.000 MHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.202 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia the band 136–137 MHz also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (OR) service on a permitted basis (Mod.) S5.203 Additional allocation: space operation service (SE), meteorological-satellite service (SE) and the space research service (SE) on a secondary basis (until 01.01.2002) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) Õhk/maa side ja õhk/õhk side (VHF kõne ja andmed)   137.000–137.025 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE (SE) SPACE RESEARCH (SE) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.208A To protect radioastronomy from harmful interference (Table 1 of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1) S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.206 Different category of service: in Finland and Russia the band 137–138 MHz is allocated to the aeronautical mobile (OR) service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.208 Mobile-satellite service under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 137–138 MHz S-PCS (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)06 TSMm(2000)93  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Liikuv side, v.a liikuv lennuside (R)     137.025–137.175 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE (SE) SPACE RESEARCH (SE) Mobile-Satellite (SE) S5.208A To protect radioastronomy from harmful interference (Table 1 of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1) S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.206 Different category of service: in Finland and Russia the band 137–138 MHz is allocated to the aeronautical mobile (OR) service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.208 Mobile-satellite service under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A KOSMOSE RAADIOMETEOROLOOGIA (SE)     Liikuv kosmoseside (SE) 137–138 MHz S-PCS (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)06 TSMm(2000)93  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Liikuv side, v.a liikuv lennuside (R)     137.175–137.825 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE (SE) SPACE RESEARCH (SE) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.208A To protect radioastronomy from harmful interference (Table 1 of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1) S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.206 Different category of service: in Finland and Russia the band 137–138 MHz is allocated to the aeronautical mobile (OR) service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.208 Mobile-satellite service under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 137–138 MHz S-PCS (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)06 TSMm(2000)93  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Liikuv side, v.a liikuv lennuside (R)     137.825–138.000 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE (SE) SPACE RESEARCH (SE) Mobile-satellite (SE) S5.208A To protect radioastronomy from harmful interference (Table 1 of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1) S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.206 Different category of service: in Finland and Russia the band 137–138 MHz is allocated to the aeronautical mobile (OR) service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.208 Mobile-satellite service under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A KOSMOSE RAADIOMETEOROLOOGIA (SE)     Liikuv kosmoseside (SE) 137–138 MHz S-PCS (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)06 TSMm(2000)93  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Liikuv side, v.a liikuv lennuside (R)     138.000–143.600 MHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) S5.211 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden the band 138–144 MHz is also allocated to the maritime mobile and land mobile services on primary basis (Mod.) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) Liikuv maaside Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   143.600–143.650 MHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) SPACE RESEARCH (SE) S5.211 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden the band 138–144 MHz is also allocated to the maritime mobile and land mobile services on primary basis (Mod.) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) Liikuv maaside Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   143.650–144.000 MHz AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) S5.211 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden also allocated to the maritime mobile and land mobile services on primary basis (Mod.) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) 143,700 MHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides Liikuv maaside Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   144.000–146.000 MHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 146.000–148.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) LIIKUV MAASIDE 146,0–146,8 MHz Si CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 146,8–148,0 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz)   146,8–148,0 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 148.000–149.900 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems S5.218 Additional allocation: Space operation (ES) (bandwidth for any individual transmission ±25 kHz) S5.219 Mobile-satellite service under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.221 Additional allocation: in Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Russia and Sweden stations in the mobile satellite service shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, stations of the fixed or mobile services (Mod.) LIIKUV MAASIDE 148,0–149,9 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz)   148,000–148,800 MHz Si 148,925 MHz; 148,950 MHz; 148,975 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides Liikuv kosmoseside (ES) /S5.221/ 148–150,5 MHz S-PCS (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)06 TSMm(2000)93  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 149.900–150.050 MHz RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE S5.224B Radionavigation-satellite service until 01.01.2015 MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems S5.224A Limited to the land-mobile satellite service (ES) until 1 January 2015 S5.220 Land mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.222 Emmission of the radionavigation-satellite service may also be used by receiving earth stations of the space research service S5.223 Administrations are urged not to authorize the use by the fixed and mobile services LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 148–150,5 MHz S-PCS (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)06 TSMm(2000)93  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Liikuv maaside 149,950 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 150.050–153.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference LIIKUV MAASIDE 150,05–151,4 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz)   151,4–153,0 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz)   150,250–153,000 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 153.000–154.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) Meteorological Aids LIIKUV MAASIDE 153,0–154,0 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz)   153,0–154,0 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 154.000–156.7625 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) S5.226 156.8 is international distress, safety and calling frequency for maritime mobile VHF radiotelephone service, 156–156.7625 MHz priority to the maritime mobile service S5.227 In the maritime mobile VHF service the frequency 156.525 MHz is to be used exclusively for digital selective calling for distress, safety and calling LIIKUV MAASIDE 154,0–154,5 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz)   154,150–154,375 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 154,5–154,65 MHz Si CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 154,65–156,0 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz)   154,750–156,000 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 LIIKUV MERESIDE 155,500 MHz; 155,525 MHz Meresidekanalid purjekatele   156,025–156,350 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz) Rx Mereside kanalid 1.–5. ; 7. ; 60.–66. RR App. S18 156,300 MHz Si, laevadevaheline side, 6. kanal TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 156,375–156,5125 MHz Si Mereside kanalid 9.–10.; 67.–69. VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides RR App. S18 156,525 MHz 70 mereside kanal Laevade digitaalselektiivväljakutse TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele RR App. S18 156,5375–156,600 MHz Si Mereside kanalid 11.–12.; 71. RR App. S18 156,625 MHz Si, laevadevaheline side, 72. kanal 156,650 MHz 13. mereside kanal Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele RR App. S18 156,675–156,750 MHz Si Mereside kanalid 14.–15.; 73.–74. RR App. S18 156.7625–156.8375 MHz MARITIME MOBILE (distress and calling) S5.111 156.8 MHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles S5.226 156.8 MHz international distress, safety and calling frequency for the maritime mobile VHF radiotelephone service LIIKUV MERESIDE (avariiside ja väljakutse) 156,7625–156,7875 MHz Kaitsevahemik   156,800 MHz 16. mereside kanal Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele RR App. S18 156,8125–156,8375 MHz Kaitsevahemik RR App. S18 156.8375–174.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.226 156.8375–157.45; 160.6–160.975; 161.475–162.05 MHz priority to the maritime mobile service LIIKUV MERESIDE 156,850 MHz ja 156,875 MHz Si Mereside kanalid 17. ja 77. RR App. S18 156,900–157,400 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz) Rx Mereside kanalid 18.–28.; 78.–86. 157,375 MHz ja 157,425 MHz Si Mereside kanalid 87. ja 88. 157,475–157,800 MHz Si Mereside kanalid 29.–35.; 89.–94. Kuni 01.01.2005 RR App. S18 160,625–160,950 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz) Tx Mereside kanalid 1.– 5. ; 7.; 60.–66. RR App. S18 161,500–162,025 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz) Tx Mereside kanalid 18.–28.; 78.–86. 161,975 MHz; 162,025 MHz Universaalne laevade identifitseerimissüsteem (AIS) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)17 RR App. S18 LIIKUV MAASIDE 157,450–157,800 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz) Kooskõlastatult liikuva meresidega 157,800–160,600 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz)   157,900–158,100 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 160,000 MHz Si Andmeside Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2007 160,050; 160,100 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 160,975–161,475 MHz Si CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 162,050–162,400 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz)   162,400–165,200 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz)   162,050–162,900 MHz Si; 163,825–165,000 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 165,200–165,225 MHz Si CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 165,225–169,400 MHz Du (+4,6 MHz)   166,775; 169,850 MHz Si Operatiivteenistuse raadiovõrk Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2007 167,000–168,025 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 169,825–174,000 MHz Du (–4,6 MHz)   171,150–172,975 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 169,4125–169,8125 MHz Reserveeritud: ERMES süsteemile CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)23 CEPT/ERC/DEC(94)02 90/544/EEC   Lähitoimeseadmed 173,200–173,350 MHz Loomade jälgimisseadmed TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TSMm(2001)89  – üldised nõuded 173,350–174,770 MHz Invaraadioseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex 10) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 174.000–223.000 MHz BROADCASTING S5.235 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden is also allocated to the land mobile service on a primary basis RINGHÄÄLING TV kanalid R6 174–182 MHz R7 182–190 MHz R8 190–198 MHz R9 198–206 MHz R10 206–214 MHz R11 214–222 MHz R12 222–230 MHz Stockholm 1961 kokkulepe T-DAB (perspektiivselt planeeritud) 214,304–215,840 MHz – T-DAB katsesaatja Wiesbaden 1995 kokkulepe Lähitoimeseadmed 173,350–174,770 MHz Invaraadioseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex 10) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 223.000–230.000 MHz BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile RINGHÄÄLING 222–230 MHz TV kanal R12 Stockholm 1961 kokkulepe T-DAB – perspektiivselt planeeritud Wiesbaden 1995 kokkulepe 230.000–235.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE 230,000–231,000 MHz Telemeetria, andmeside   RINGHÄÄLING T-DAB – perspektiivselt planeeritud Wiesbaden 1995 kokkulepe 235.000–267.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.111 243 MHz may also be used for search and rescue operations concerning manned space vehicles S5.199 242,95–243,05 MHz also allocated to the mobile-satellite service S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on conditions that stations do not cause harmful interference S5.256 243 MHz for use by survival craft stations PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE 250,000–267,000 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 242,950–243,050 MHz EPIRB   RINGHÄÄLING 235–240 MHz T-DAB – perspektiivselt planeeritud Wiesbaden 1995 kokkulepe 267.000–272.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE Space operation (SE) S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on conditions that stations do not cause harmful interference S5.257 May be used for space telemetry on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   272.000–273.000 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) FIXED MOBILE S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on conditions that stations do not cause harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   273.000–312.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on condition that stations do not cause harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE 273,000–300,000 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   280,000 +/– 3MHz 285,000 +/– 3MHz 290,000 +/– 3MHz 296,000 +/– 3MHz VVm(2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 306,000–306,325 MHz Du Rx (+37 MHz) Andmeside   307,000–307,500 MHz Si Andmeside   307,5125–307,9875 MHz Du Rx (+36 MHz) Telefoniliinipikendid Kuni 01.01.2005 308,000–312,000 MHz Laiaribaline ühekanaliline ringhäälinguaparatuur   312.000–315.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE Mobile-satellite (ES) S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on condition that stations do not cause harmful interference S5.255 May be used by non-geostationary-satellite systems PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Laiaribaline ühekanaliline ringhäälinguaparatuur   315.000–322.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on condition that stations do not cause harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Laiaribaline ühekanaliline ringhäälinguaparatuur   322.000–328.600 MHz FIXED MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE     328.600–335.400 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.258 Limited to Instrument Landing Systems (glide path) S5.259 In Sweden also allocated to the mobile service on a secondary basis LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON ILS lauglemisnurga majakad   335.400–387.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on condition that stations do not cause harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE 343–343,325 MHz Du Tx (–37 MHz) Andmeside   343,5125–343,9875 MHz Du Tx (–36 MHz) Telefoniliinipikendid Kuni 01.01.2005 344,000–358,500 MHz Du (+20,5 MHz) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   358,500–364,500 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   364,500–379,000 MHz Du (–20,5 MHz) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   LIIKUV MAASIDE 380,000–385,000 MHz Du Rx (+10 MHz) Reserveeritud operatiiv-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)01 380,000–380,150 MHz Operatiivteenistuse DMO kanalid CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)19 384,800–385,000 MHz Operatiivteenistuse AGA kanalid CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)20 385,000–387,000 MHz Du Rx (+10 MHz) Reserveeritud tsiviil-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 387.000–390.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE Mobile-satellite (SE) S5.208A To protect radioastronomy from harmful interference (Table 1 of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1) S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on conditions that stations do not cause harmful interference S5.255 May be used by non-geostationary-satellite systems LIIKUV MAASIDE 387,000–389,900 MHz Du Rx (+10 MHz) Reserveeritud tsiviil-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 389,9–390,0 MHz Si Liikuv maaside   390.000–399.900 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.254 May be used by the mobile-satellite service on condition that stations do not cause harmful interference LIIKUV MAASIDE 390,000–395,000 MHz Du Tx (–10 MHz) Reserveeritud operatiiv-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)01 390,000–390,150 MHz Operatiivteenistuse DMO kanalid CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)19 394,800–395,000 MHz Operatiivteenistuse AGA kanalid CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)20 395,000–399,900 MHz Du Tx (–10 MHz) Reserveeritud tsiviil-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 399.900–400.050 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems S5.224A Mobile-satellite service is limited to land mobile-satellite service (until 01.01.2015) RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE S5.222 May also be used by receiving earth stations of the space research service S5.224B Radionavigation satellite service shall be effective until 01.01.2015 S5.260 Administrations are urged not to authorize the use by the fixed and mobile services S5.220 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     400.050–400.150 MHz STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL-SATELLITE (400.1 MHz) S5.261 Emissions confined in a band 400.1 MHz ±25 kHz S5.262 Additional allocation in Russia: the band 400.05–401 MHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis (Mod.) ETALONSAGEDUSE JA AJASIGNAAL SATELLIIDILT     400.150–401.000 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE (SE) SPACE RESEARCH (SE) S5.263 Also allocated to the space research service in the space-to-space direction MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.208A To protect radioastronomy from harmful interference (Table 1 of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1) S5.209 Limited to non-geostationary satellite systems Space Operation (SE) S5.262 Additional allocation in Russia: the band 400.05–401 MHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.264 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/ S9.11A RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA KOSMOSE RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA (SE) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     401.000–402.000 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS SPACE OPERATION (SE) EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (ES) METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE (ES) Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA     402.000–403.000 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (ES) METEOROGICAL-SATELLITE (ES) Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA     Lähitoimeseadmed 402–405 MHz Meditsiinilised implantaadid CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)17 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 403.000–406.000 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA Meteoroloogilised raadiosondid TSMm(2001)92  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast Lähitoimeseadmed 402–405 MHz Meditsiinilised implantaadid CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)17 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 406.000–406.100 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) S5.266 Use by mobile-satellite service is limited to low power satellite EPIRBs S5.267 Any emission causing harmful interference is prohibited LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) EPIRB TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 406.100–410.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE kuni 01.01.2005 407,000–410,000 MHz Du (+40 MHz) 408,000–408,600 MHz Du (+30 MHz) Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 LIIKUV MAASIDE 406,1–410,0 MHz Si, kanalisamm 12,5 kHz CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 410.000–420.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile SPACE-RESEARCH (SS) S5.268 Communications within 5 km of an orbiting, manned space vehicle PAIKNE SIDE 415,000–420 MHz Du Rx (+10 MHz) RAS 1000 (24 kanaligruppi) TSMm(2001)78  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast LIIKUV MAASIDE 410,000–412,500 MHz Du Rx (+10MHz) Operatiivteenistuste raadiovõrk VVm (2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 414,925 MHz; 414,950 MHz; 414,975 MHz Si Operatiivteenistuse raadiovõrk VVm (2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 412,500–415,000 MHz Du Rx (+10MHz) Reserveeritud tsiviil-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 VVm (2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 420.000–430.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Radiolocation S5.271 Additional allocation in Latvia and Estonia: the band 420–460 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service (radio altimeters) on a secondary basis PAIKNE SIDE 425,000–430 MHz Du Tx (–10 MHz) RAS 1000 (24 kanaligruppi) TSMm(2001)78  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast LIIKUV MAASIDE 420,000–422,500 MHz Du Tx (–10MHz) Operatiivteenistuste raadiovõrk VVm (2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 424,925 MHz; 424,950 MHz; 424,975 MHz Si Operatiivteenistuse raadiovõrk VVm (2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 422,500–425,000 MHz Du Tx (–10 MHz) Reserveeritud tsiviil-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 VVm (2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides 430.000–440.000 MHz AMATEUR RADIOLOCATION S5.138 433.05–434.79 MHz (centre frequency 433.92 MHz) for ISM applications S5.271 Additional allocation in Latvia and Estonia: the band 420–460 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service (radio altimeters) on a secondary basis S5.274 Alternative allocation: in Sweden the bands 430–432 MHz and 438–440 MHz are allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis S5.275 Additional allocation in Finland, Estonia and Latvia: the bands 430–432 MHz and 438–440 MHz are allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis S5.277 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.282 In the band 435–438 MHz amateur-satellite service not causing harmful interference to other services PAIKNE SIDE 430,000–432,000 MHz Si   438,000–438,600 MHz Du (–30 MHz) Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 438,600–440,000 MHz Si Raadiomodemid   AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE 432,000–438,000 MHz TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Amatöör-kosmoseside 435,000–438,000 MHz Lähitoimeseadmed 433,050–434,790 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex 1) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 433,05–434,79 MHz (kesksagedus 433,92 MHz)   440.000–450.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Radiolocation S5.271 Additional allocation in Latvia and Estonia: the band 420–469 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service (radio altimeters) on a secondary basis S5.286 449.75–450.025 MHz may be used for the space operation service (ES) and the space research service (ES) LIIKUV MAASIDE 440–442,5 MHz Si; 443–450 MHz Si Kooskõlastatult paikse sidega VVm (2000)392 –raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 444,250–449,975 MHz Du Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 445,2–445,3 MHz Reserveeritud DMO kanalitele CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)21 446,0–446,1 MHz PMR446 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)25 TSMm(2000)98  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast PAIKNE SIDE 442,5–443 MHz; 445 MHz; 445,4 MHz 445,8 MHz Si Raadiomodemid   447–450 MHz Du (–40 MHz) Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 450.000–460.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.209 Use by mobile-satellite service is limited to non-geostationary satellite systems S5.271 Additional allocation in Latvia and Estonia: also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service (radio altimeters) on a secondary basis S5.286 449.75–450.25 MHz may be used for the space operation service (ES) and the space research service (ES) S5.286A The use of the bands 454–456 MHz and 459–460 MHz by mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.287 In the maritime mobile service the frequencies 457.525, 457.550 and 457.575 MHz may be used by on-board communication stations LIIKUV SIDE Liikuv maaside: 450,000–453,000 MHz Du (+10 MHz) CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 450,000–453,0 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 457,575–460,000 MHz Du (+10 MHz) CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 459,000–460,000 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 Liikuv mereside: 457,525–457,575 MHz Laevasisene side S5.287 CEPT/ERC T/R 32-02 Paikne side 453,000–457,475 MHz Du Rx (+10 MHz) RAS 1000 TSMm(2001)78  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 460.000–470.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE Meteorological-Satellite (SE) S5.287 In the maritime mobile service, the frequencies 467.525, 467.550 and 467.575 may be used by on-board communication stations S5.289 Earth exploration-satellite service application may also be used not causing harmful interference S5.290 In Russian Federation the band is allocated to the meteorological-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. S9.21(Mod.) LIIKUV SIDE Liikuv maaside: 460,000–463,0 MHz Du (–10 MHz) CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 460,000–463,0 Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 467,575–470,000 MHz Du (–10 MHz) CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 – kanalijaotus 469,000–470,000 MHz Si Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 Liikuv mereside: 467,525–467,575 MHz Laevasisene side S5.287 CEPT/ERC T/R 32-02 Paikne side 463,000–467,475 MHz Du Tx (–10 MHz) RAS 1000 TSMm(2001)78  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 470.000–790.000 MHz BROADCASTING S5.149 In the band 608–614 MHz assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.291A Additional allocation in Finland and Estonia: the band 470–494 MHz is also allocated to the radiolocation service on a secondary basis S5.296 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden the band 470–790 MHz is also allocated on a secondary basis to the land mobile service, intended for application ancillary to broadcasting (Mod.) S5.306 The band 608–614 MHz is also allocated to the radio astronomy service on a secondary basis S5.311 Within the frequency band 620–790 MHz, assignments may be made to television stations using FM in the broadcasting-satellite service S5.312 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia the band 645–862 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radio-navigation service on a primary basis RINGHÄÄLING 470–862 MHz TV kanalid 21…60 21  470–478 MHz  22  478–486 MHz 23  486–494 MHz  24  494–502 MHz 25  502–510 MHz  26  510–518 MHz 27  518–526 MHz  28  526–534 MHz 29  534–542 MHz  30  542–550 MHz 31  550–558 MHz  32  558–566 MHz 33  566–574 MHz  34  574–582 MHz 35  582–590 MHz  36  590–598 MHz 37  598–606 MHz  38  606–614 MHz 39  614–622 MHz  40  622–630 MHz 41  630–638 MHz  42  638–646 MHz 43  646–654 MHz  44  654–662 MHz 45  662–670 MHz  46  670–678 MHz 47  678–686 MHz  48  686–694 MHz 49  694–702 MHz  50  702–710 MHz 51  710–718 MHz  52  718–726 MHz 53  726–734 MHz  54  734–742 MHz 55  742–750 MHz  56  750–758 MHz 57  758–766 MHz  58  766–774 MHz 59  774–782 MHz  60  782–790 MHz Stockholm 1961 kokkulepe DVB-T (perspektiivselt planeeritud) 638–646 MHz – DVB-T katsesaatja (kuni 01.07.2004) Chester 1997 kokkulepe VVm (2000)392 – raadiosageduskanali kasutamine avalikes huvides Lähitoimeseadmed Raadiomikrofonid CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex 10) 790.000–862.000 MHz FIXED BROADCASTING S5.312 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia the band 645–862 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radio-navigation service on a primary basis S5.316 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden also allocated to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.319 Additional allocation: in Russia the bands 806–840 MHz (ES) and 856–890 MHz (SE) are also allocated to the mobile-satellite, except aeronautical mobile-satellite (R), service RINGHÄÄLING 470–862 MHz TV kanalid 61–69 61  790–798 MHz  62  798–806 MHz 63  806–814 MHz  64  814–822 MHz 65  822–830 MHz  66  830–838 MHz 67  838–846 MHz  68  846–854 MHz 69  854–862 MHz Stockholm 1961kokkulepe DVB-T (perspektiivselt planeeritud) Chester 1997 kokkulepe Lähitoimeseadmed Raadiomikrofonid CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex 10) 862.000–960.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Radiolocation (890–942 MHz) S5.319 Additional allocation: in Russia the bands 806–840 MHz (ES) and 856–890 MHz (SE) are also allocated to the mobile-satellite, except aeronautical mobile-satellite (R), service S5.317A Administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000 may use 806–960 MHz which are allocated to the mobile service on a primary basis (WRC-2000) The identification does not preclude the use of those bands by any application of the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in the RR (Res.224) (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.323 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia the band 862–960 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service limited to ground-based radiobeacons on a primary basis until the end of their lifetime LIIKUV SIDE v.a liikuv lennuside 870,000–876,000 MHz Du Rx (+45 MHz) Reserveeritud tsiviil-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 880,000–890,000 MHz Du Rx (+45 MHz) Reserveeritud: GSM 900 laiendus CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)02 TSMm(2000)94  – üldised nõuded 890,200–913,800 MHz Du Rx (+45 MHz) GSM 900 kanalid 1...119 Kanalimahu jaotus operaatorite vahel: GSM 900 I – 39 Tx kanalit GSM 900 II – 39 Tx kanalit GSM 900 III – 39 Tx kanalit CEPT/ERC/DEC/(94)01 87/372/EEC CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 TSMm(2000)94  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 915,000–921,000 MHz Du Tx (–45 MHz) Reserveeritud tsiviil-TETRA võrgule CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 925,000–935,000 MHz Du Tx (–45 MHz) Reserveeritud GSM 900 laiendus CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)02 TSMm(2000)94  – üldised nõuded 935,200–958,800 MHz Du Tx (–45 MHz) GSM 900 kanalid 1...119 Kanalimahu jaotus operaatorite vahel: GSM 900 I – 39 Rx kanalit GSM 900 II – 39 Rx kanalit GSM 900 III – 39 Rx kanalit CEPT/ERC/DEC(94)01 87/372/EEC CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 TSMm(2000)94  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 864,1–868,1 MHz CT2 (kuni 01.01.2005) TSMm(2000)103  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 914,0125–914,9875 MHz CT1, Rx 959,0125–959,9875 MHz CT1, Tx (kuni 01.01.2005) TSMm(2000)103  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast Paikne side 890,0–913,2 MHz Du Rx (+45 MHz) RAS 1000 (32 kanalit) Räpinas ja Uuemõisas sekundaarsel alusel TSMm(2001)78  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 935,0–958,2 MHz Du Tx (–45 MHz); RAS 1000 (32 analoogkanalit) Räpinas ja Uuemõisas sekundaarsel alusel TSMm(2001)78  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. Lähitoimeseadmed 863,0–865,0 MHz Raadiomikrofonid CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex 10) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 863,0–865,0 MHz Juhtmeta audioseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)18 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 868,0–868,6 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)04 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 868,600–868,700 MHz Häireseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)09 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 868,700–869,200 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)04 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 869,20–869,25 MHz Häireseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)06 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 869,250–869,300 MHz Häireseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)09 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 869,400–869,650 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)04 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 869,650–869,700 MHz Häireseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)09 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 869,700–870,000 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)04 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 960–1215 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.328 Reserved on a worldwide basis for the use and development of airborne electronic aids to air navigation and any directly associated ground-based facilities (Mod.) S5.328A Additional allocation the band 1164–1215 MHz is also allocated to radionavigation-satellite service (SE, SS) on a primary basis. The aggregate power flux-density shall not exceed the provisional value of –115 dB (W/m2) in any 1 MHz band for all angles of arrival. Stations in the radionavigation-satellite service shall not cause harmful interference to, nor claim protection from, stations of the aeronautical-radionavigation service (Res.605) (WRC-2000) (Add) LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON DME süsteemid   ACAS süsteemid 1215–1240 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE (SE) S5.329 Radionavigation-satellite service shall not cause harmful interference to, and no protection is claimed from, the radionavigation service (Res.606) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.329A Use of systems in the radionavigation-satellite service (SS) operating in the bands 1215–1300 MHz and 1559–1610 MHz is not intended to provide safety service applications, and shall not impose any additional constraints on other systems or services operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations (Add) SPACE-REASEARCH S5.331 In Sweden the band 1215–1300 MHz also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.332 Active spaceborne sensors in the earth-exploration satellite and space research services shall not cause harmful interference to, claim protection from, or otherwise impose constraints on operation or development of other services allocated on a primary basis (Mod.) RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   1240–1260 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE (SE) (SS) S5.329 Radionavigation-satellite service shall not cause harmful interference to, and no protection is claimed from the radionavigation service (Res.606) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.329A Use of systems in the radionavigation-satellite service (SS) operating in the bands 1215–1300 MHz and 1559–1610 MHz is not intended to provide safety service applications, and shall not impose any additional constraints on other systems or services operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations (Add) SPACE-REASEARCH (active) Amateur S5.331 In Sweden the band 1215–1300 MHz also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.332 Active spaceborne sensors in the earth-exploration satellite and space research services shall not cause harmful interference to, claim protection from, or otherwise impose constraints on operation or development of other services allocated on a primary basis (Mod.) RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 1260–1300 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE (SE) (SS) S5. 329 Radionavigation-satellite service shall not cause harmful interference to no protection is claimed from, the radionavigation service (Res.606) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S 5.329A Use of systems in the radionavigation-satellite service (SS) operating in the bands 1215–1300 MHz and 1559–1610 MHz is not intended to provide safety service applications, and shall not impose any additional constraints on other systems or services operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations (Add) SPACE-REASEARCH (active) Amateur S5.282 In the band 1260–1270 MHz amateur-satellite service shall not cause harmful interference to other services S5.331 In Sweden also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.335A In the band 1260–1300 MHz active spaceborne sensors in the Earth exploration-satellite and space reserch services shall not cause harmful interference to, claim protection from, or otherwise impose constraints on operation or development of the radiolocation service and other services allocated on a primary basis (Add) RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Amatöör-raadioside 1260–1270 MHz Amatöör-kosmoseside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 1300–1350 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.337 Aeronautical radionavigation is restricted to ground-based radars and associated airborne transponders RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE (ES) S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.337A Earth stations in the radionavigation-satellite service and stations in the radiolocation service shall not cause harmful interference to, nor constrain the operation and development of, the aeronautical-radionavigation service (Add) LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   1350–1400 MHz FIXED MOBILE RADIOLOCATION S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.339 The band 1370–1400 MHz is also allocated to the space research (passive), earth exploration-satellite (passive) services on a secondary basis PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex A ja B) – kanalijaotus 1400–1427 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited (Mod.) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     1427–1429 MHz SPACE OPERATION (ES) FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex B) – kanalijaotus 1429–1452 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.342 Additional allocation: in Russia is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (aeronautical telemetry) on a primary basis (Mod.) PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex B) – kanalijaotus 1452–1492 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile BROADCASTING-SATELLITE S5.345 Use by the broadcasting-satellite service is limited to DAB BROADCASTING S5.345 Use by the broadcasting service is limited to DAB S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.342 Additional allocation: in Russia is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (aeronautical telemetry) on a primary basis (Mod.) PAIKNE SIDE     RINGHÄÄLING T-DAB (perspektiivselt planeeritud) Wiesbaden 1995 kokkulepe (2002. a – ümberplaneerimise konverents) 1492–1525 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.342 Additional allocation: in Russia is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (aeronautical telemetry) on a primary basis (Mod.) PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex A) – kanalijaotus 1525–1530 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) FIXED MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S 5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) Earth Exploration-Satellite (SE) Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.342 Additional allocation: in Russia is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (aeronautical telemetry) on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1530–1533 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.353A In mobile-satellite service priority shall be given for distress, urgency and safety communications of the GMDSS (Res.222) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) Earth Exploration-Satellite Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.342 Additional allocation: in Russia is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (aeronautical telemetry) on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1530–1544 MHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 1533–1535 MHz SPACE OPERATION (SE) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.353A In mobile-satellite service priority shall be given for distress, urgency and safety communications of the GMDSS (Res.222) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) Earth Exploration-Satellite Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.342 Additional allocation: in Russia is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile (aeronautical telemetry) on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/ S9.11A LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1530–1544 MHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 1535–1544 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.353A In mobile-satellite service priority shall be given for distress, urgency and safety communications of the GMDSS (Res.222) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97– üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1530–1544 MHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 1544–1545 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.356 Use is limited to distress and safety communications LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 1544,5 MHz Cospas-Sarsat (side kohaliku monitooringujaamaga)   1544–1545 MHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid /S5.356/ TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 1545–1555 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.357 From terrestrial aeronautical stations to aircraft stations, or between aircraft stations in the aeronautical mobile (R) service are transmissions also authorised for extension S5.357A In mobile-satellite service priority shall be given to the aeronautical mobile-satellite(R) service providing transmission of messages with priority 1 to 6 in Article S44 (Res.222) (WRC 2000) (Mod.) S5.359 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia the band 1550–1645.5 MHz also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (avoid any new implementation) (Mod.) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1555–1559 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.359 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (avoid any new implementation) (Mod.) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1525,0–1559,0 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1559–1610 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE (SE) (SS) S5.329A Use of systems in the radionavigation-satellite service (SS) operating in the bands 1215–1300 MHz and 1559–1610 MHz is not intended to provide safety service applications, and shall not impose any additional constraints on other systems or services operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations (Add) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.362B Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis until 01.01.2005 and after this date on the secondary basis until 01.01.2015. Administrations not authorized new frequency assignments to fixed-service systems in this band (Add) S5.363 Alternative allocation: in Sweden the band 1590–1626.5 MHz also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 GPS   1610–1610.6 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION MOBILE SATELLITE (ES) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.359 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (avoid any new implementation) (Mod.) S5.363 Alternative allocation: in Sweden also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis S5.364 Mobile-satellite (ES) and radiodetermination-satellite (ES) service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.366 On a worldwide basis reserved for airborne electronic aids to air navigation and any directly associated ground-based or satellite-borne facilities S5.367 Additional allocation: also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service on a primary basis S5.368 Radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services (except for the aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service) do not require any special measures for protection S5.371 Additional allocation: also allocated to the radiodetermination-satellite service on a secondary basis S5.372 Harmful interference shall not be caused to stations of the radio astronomy service by stations of the radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 1610–1610,6 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) S-PCS (Globalstar) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)71 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1610.6–1613.8 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION MOBILE SATELLITE (ES) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) WRC-2000 (Add) RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.359 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (avoid any new implementation) (Mod.) S5.363 Alternative allocation: in Sweden also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis S5.364 Mobile-satellite (ES) and radiodetermination-satellite (ES) service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.366 On a worldwide basis reserved for airborne electronic aids to air navigation and any directly associated ground-based or satellite-borne facilities S5.367 Additional allocation: also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service on a primary basis S5.368 Radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services (except for the aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service) do not require any special measures for protection S5.371 Additional allocation: also allocated to the radiodetermination-satellite service on a secondary basis S5.372 Harmful interference shall not be caused to stations of the radio astronomy service by stations of the radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 1610,6–1613,8 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) S-PCS (Globalstar) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)71 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 –terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1613.8–1626.5 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION MOBILE SATELLITE (ES) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) WRC-2000 (Add) Mobile Satellite (SE) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.359 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (avoid any new implementation) (Mod.) S5.363 Alternative allocation: in Sweden also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis S5.364 Mobile-satellite (ES) and radiodetermination-satellite (ES) service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/ S9.11A S5.365 Mobile-satellite service (SE) shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.366 On a worldwide basis reserved for airborne electronic aids to air navigation and any directly associated ground-based or satellite-borne facilities S5.367 Additional allocation: also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service on a primary basis S5.368 Radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services (except for the aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service) do not require any special measures for protection S5.371 Additional allocation: also allocated to the radiodetermination-satellite service on a secondary basis S5.372 Harmful interference shall not be caused to stations of the radio astronomy service by stations of the radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 1613,8–1621,35 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) S-PCS (Globalstar) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)71  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1621,35–1626,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) S-PCS (Iridium) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)71  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Liikuv kosmoseside (SE) 1621,35–1626,5 MHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) S-PCS (Iridium) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)71  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1626.5–1660 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) WRC-2000 (Add) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.353A In mobile-satellite service priority shall be given for distress, urgency and safety communications of the GMDSS (Res.222) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/ S9.11A S5.357A In the band 1646.5–1656.5 MHz in mobile-satellite service priority shall be given to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service providing transmission of messages with priority 1 to 6 in Article S44 (Res.222) (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.359 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (avoid any new implementation) (Mod.) S5.374 In the bands 1631.5–1634.5 MHz 1656.5–1660 MHz mobile earth stations operating in mobile-satellite service shall not cause harmful interference to the stations in the fixed service in Latvia and Russia S5.375 In the band 1645.5–1646.5 MHz use by mobile-satellite(ES) service and inter-satellite links are limited to distress and safety communications S5.376 In the band 1646.5–1656.5 MHz also allowed transmissions to terrestrial aeronautical stations from aircraft stations, or between aircraft LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1626,5–1645,5 MHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 1645,5–1646,5 MHz Merepääste- ja ohutussüsteemid /S5.375/ TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele 1660–1660.5 MHz MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) WRC-2000 (Add) RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services in the band 1660–1670 MHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.351 Shall not be used for feeder links of any service S5.354 Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.376A Mobile Earth stations operating in the band shall not cause harmful interference to stations in the radio astronomy service LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Inmarsat C, D, EMS-PRODAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Inmarsat B, M, M4, mini-M phone ja EMS-SAT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)19 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 TSMm(2000)97 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Thuraya CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 TSMm(2000)97  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2001)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 1626,5–1660,5 MHz (suunal Maa–kosmos) Space Checker S-SMS CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 TSMm(2000)96  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     1660.5–1668.4 MHz RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.379A All practicable protection shall be given to future research in radio astronomy RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     1668.4–1670 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions PAIKNE SIDE RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA RAADIOASTRONOOMIA Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   1670–1675 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS FIXED METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE S5.380 On a worldwide basis for aeronautical public correspondence (transmission from aeronautical stations) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV SIDE 1670–1675 MHz Reserveeritud TFTS (maa–lennuk) süsteemile CEPT/ERC/DEC(92)01 CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)08 1675–1690 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS FIXED METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA PAIKNE SIDE KOSMOSE-RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA (SE) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   1690–1700 MHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (SE) Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.289 Earth exploration-satellite service application may also be used not causing harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.382 Different category of service: in Russia also allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a secondary basis RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA KOSMOSE-RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA (SE) Paikne side Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   1700–1710 MHz FIXED METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.289 Earth exploration-satellite service application may also be used not causing harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions KOSMOSE-RAADIO-METEOROLOOGIA (SE)     PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   1710–1885 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.380 On a worldwide basis for aeronautical public correspondence (transmission from aeronautical stations) S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.385 Additional allocation: the band 1718.8–1722.2 MHz also allocated to the radio astronomy (line spectral observation) service on a secondary basis (Mod.) S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212 (WRC-97), Res. 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5 384A The bands 1710–1885 MHz and 2500–2690 are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 223 (WRC-2000). Does not establish priority in the RR. (Add) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE 1710–1785 MHz Du Rx (+95 MHz) GSM 1800 Kanalimahu jaotus operaatorite vahel (Rx kanalid): GSM 1800 I – kuni 16 MHz GSM 1800 II – kuni 16 MHz GSM 1800 III – kuni 16 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)21 CEPT/ERC/DEC(95)03 TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1800–1805 MHz Reserveeritud TFTS (lennuk–Maa) süsteemile CEPT/ERC/DEC(92)01 CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)08 1805–1880 MHz Du Tx (–95 MHz) GSM 1800 Kanalimahu jaotus operaatorite vahel (Tx kanalid): GSM 1800 I – kuni 16 MHz GSM 1800 II – kuni 16 MHz GSM 1800 III – kuni 16 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)21 CEPT/ERC/DEC(95)03 TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 1880–1885 MHz DECT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)22 CEPT/ERC/DEC(94)03 91/287/EEC TSMm(2000)99  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 1885–1930 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.380 On a worldwide basis for aeronautical public correspondence (transmission from aeronautical stations) S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212 (WRC-97),Res 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5 388A May be used by high altitude platform stations as base stations to provide IMT-2000 Res. 221 (WRC-2000). The use of high altitude platform stations does not preclude the use of these bands by any station in the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in RR. (Add) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE 1885–1900 MHz DECT CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)22 CEPT/ERC/DEC(94)03 91/287/EEC TSMm(2000)99  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 1900–1930 MHz Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (maapealne rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)25 CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)01 128/1999/EC 1930–1980 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212 (WRC-97), Res. 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5 388A May be used by high altitude platform stations as base stations to provide IMT-2000 Res. 221 (WRC-2000). The use of high altitude platform stations does not preclude the use of these bands by any station in the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in RR. (Add) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (maapealne rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)25 CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)01 128/1999/EC 1980–2010 MHz FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212, Res. 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.389A Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A and Res. 716 S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.226)WRC-2000 (Add) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE S-PCS (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)74  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (kosmoseside rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 128/1999/EC 2010–2025 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212 (WRC-97), Res. 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.388A May be used by high altitude platform stations as base stations to provide IMT-2000 Res. 221 (WRC-2000). The use of high altitude platform stations does not preclude the use of these bands by any station in the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in RR. (Add) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (maapealne rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)25 CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)01 128/1999/EC 2025–2110 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.391 Mobile service shall not introduce high-density mobile systems (Rec. ITU-R SA.1154) and take into account any other type of mobile system described in this Rec. SPACE RESEARCH (ES) (SS) SPACE OPERATION (ES) (SS) EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (ES) (SS) S5.392 SS transmissions between non-geostationary satellites, in space research, space operations and Earth exploration-satellite services shall not impose any constraints on SE, ES or other SS transmissions and between geostationary and non-geostationary satellites LIIKUV SIDE     PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus 2110–2120 MHz FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (ES) S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212 (WRC-97), Res. 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.388A May be used by high altitude platform stations as base stations to provide IMT-2000 Res. 221 (WRC-2000). The use of high altitude platform stations does not preclude the use of these bands by any station in the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in RR (Add) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (maapealne rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)25 CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)01 128/1999/EC 2120–2160 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212, Res. 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5 388A May be used by high altitude platform stations as base stations to provide IMT-2000 Res. 221 (WRC-2000). The use of high altitude platform stations does not preclude the use of these bands by any station in the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in RR (Add) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (maapealne rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)25 CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)01 128/1999/EC 2160–2170 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212 (WRC-97), Res. 224 (WRC- 2000) (Mod.) S5.392A Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the space research (SE) service on a primary basis until 01.01.2005 S5 388A May be used by high altitude platform stations as base stations to provide IMT-2000 Res. 221 (WRC-2000). The use of high altitude platform stations does not preclude the use of these bands by any station in the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in RR (Add) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (maapealne rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)25 CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)01 128/1999/EC 2170–2200 MHz FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.388 On a worldwide basis for IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 212 (WRC-97), Res. 224 (WRC-2000) (Mod.) S5.389A Mobile-satellite service shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A and Res. 716 S5.392A Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the space research (SE) service on a primary basis until 01.01.2005 S5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE S-PCS (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)74  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Reserveeritud UMTS süsteemile (kosmoseside rakendus) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 128/1999/EC 2200–2290 MHz FIXED SPACE RESEARCH (SE) (SS) SPACE OPERATION (SE) (SS) EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (SE) (SS) MOBILE S5.391 Mobile service shall not introduce high-density mobile systems (Rec. ITU-R SA.1154) and take into accound any other type of mobile system described in this Rec. S5.392 SS transmissions between non-geostationary satellites, in space research, space operations and Earth exploration-satellite services shall not impose any constraints on SE, ES or other SS transmissions and between geostationary and non-geostationary satellites LIIKUV SIDE     PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus 2290–2300 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (SE) PAIKNE SIDE     2300–2400 MHz FIXED MOBILE Amateur Radiolocation PAIKNE SIDE Raadiolokatsioon Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Amatöör-raadioside 2310–2400 MHz TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 2400–2450 MHz FIXED MOBILE Amateur Radiolocation S5.150 2400–2500 MHz (centre frequency 2450 MHz) for ISM applications S5.282 Amateur-satellite service not causing harmful interference to other services PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   LIIKUV SIDE Raadiolokatsioon     Amatöör-raadioside Amatöör-kosmoseside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 2400–2483.5 MHz RLAN CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)07 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 2400–2483.5 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)05 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 2400–2483,5 MHz Liikumisandurid ja valveseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)08 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 2400–2500 MHz (kesksagedus 2450 MHz)   2450–2483.5 MHz FIXED MOBILE Radiolocation S5.150 2400–2500 MHz (centre frequency 2450 MHz) for ISM applications LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE SIDE Raadiolokatsioon Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed 2400–2483,5 MHz RLAN CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)07 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 2400–2483.5 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)05 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 2400–2483,5 MHz Liikumisandurid ja valveseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)08 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 2400–2500 MHz (kesksagedus 2450 MHz)   2483.5–2500 MHz FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) Radiolocation S5.150 2400–2500 MHz (centre frequency 2450 MHz) for ISM applications S5.371 Additional allocation: also allocated to the radiodetermination-satellite service on a secondary basis S5.398 Radiodetermination-satellite services do not require any special measures for protection S5.399 Harmful interference shall not be caused to, or protection shall not be claimed from, stations of the radiolocation service by stations of radiodetermination satellite service S5.402 Radiodetermination-satellite services and mobile-satellite shall be coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S 5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV SIDE     LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) S-PCS (Globalstar) (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 TSMm(2001)71  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 2400–2500 MHz (kesksagedus 2450 MHz)   2500–2520 MHz FIXED S5.409 Avoid developing tropospheric scatter systems S5.410 Tropospheric scatter systems are subject to No. S9.21 S5.411 Tropospheric scatter radio-relay link avoid directing the antenna towards geostationary satellite orbit MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5. 384A The bands 1710–1885 MHz and 2500–2690 are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 223 (WRC-2000). Does not establish priority in the RR. (Add) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.403 Also may be used for the mobile-satellite (SE), except aeronautical mobile-satellite, service for operation limited to national boundaries S5.414 From 01.01.2005 mobile-satellite service and subject to coordination under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S 5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.225) (WRC-2000) (Add) PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Perspektiivis planeeritud UMTS süsteemi laiendus S5. 384A 2520–2655 MHz FIXED S5.409 Avoid developing tropospheric scatter systems S5.410 Tropospheric scatter systems are subject to No. S9.21 S5.411 Tropospheric scatter radio-relay link avoid directing the antenna towards geostationary satellite orbit MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.351A The bands 1710–1885 MHz and 2500–2690 are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000 in accordance with Res.223 (WRC-2000). Does not establish priority in the RR. (Add) BROADCASTING-SATELLITE S5.413 Radio astronomy shall be protected from broadcasting-satellite service S5.416 Broadcasting-satellite service is limited to national and regional systems for community reception S5.339 The band 2640–2655 MHz is also allocated to the space research (passive), earth exploration-satellite (passive) services on a secondary basis S5.384A The bands 1710–1885 MHz and 2500–2690 are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 223 (WRC-2000). Does not establish priority in the RR. (Add) S5.403 The band 2520–2535 MHz may also be used for the mobile-satellite (SE), except aeronautical mobile-satellite, service for operation limited to national boundaries S5 418BUse of the band 2630–2655 MHz by non-geostationary-satellite systems for which complete APP S4 coordinationinformation, or notification information, has been receivedafter 02.07.2000 is subject to the application of the provision of S9.12 Res. 539 (WRC-2000) (Add) S5 418C Use of the band 2630–2655 MHz by non-geostationary-satellite systems for which complete APP S4 coordination information, or notification information, has been received after 02.07.2000 is subject to the application of the provision of S9.13 (non-geostationary-satellite systems in the broadcasting satellite-service (sound) S22.2 does not apply. Res. 539 (WRC-2000) (Add) PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex D) – kanalijaotus LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Perspektiivis planeeritud UMTS süsteemi laiendus S5.384A 2655–2670 MHz FIXED S5.409 Avoid developing tropospheric scatter systems S5.410 Tropospheric scatter systems are subject to No.S9.21 S5.411 Tropospheric scatter radio-relay link avoid directing the antenna towards geostationary satellite orbit MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.384A The bands 1710–1885 MHz and 2500–2690 are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 223 (WRC-2000). Does not establish priority in the RR (Add). BROADCASTING-SATELLITE S5.413 Radio astronomy shall be protected from broadcasting-satellite service S5.416 Broadcasting-satellite service is limited to national and regional systems for community reception Earth Exploration-Satellite (passive) Radio Astronomy Space Research (passive) S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.420 May also be used for the mobile-satellite (ES), except aeronautical mobile-satellite, service for operation limited to national boundaries, coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 (Annex D) – kanalijaotus LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Perspektiivis planeeritud UMTS süsteemi laiendus S5.384A Maa-uuringute kosmoseside (passiivne) Kosmose-uuringud (passiivne)     2670–2690 MHz FIXED S5.409 Avoid developing tropospheric scatter systems S5.410 Tropospheric scatter systems are subject to No. S9.21 S5.411 Tropospheric scatter radio-relay link avoid directing the antenna towards geostationary satellite orbit MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5 384A The bands 1710–1885 MHz and 2500–2690 are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000 in accordance with Res. 223 (WRC-2000). Does not establish priority in the RR (Add) MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) Earth Exploration-Satellite (passive) Radio Astronomy Space Research (passive) S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.419 Allocation to mobile-satellite service will be effective from 01.01.2005 S5.420 May also until 01.01.2005 be used for the mobile-satellite (ES), except aeronautical mobile-satellite, service for operation limited to national boundaries, coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S 5.351A For use of the bands 1525–1544 MHz, 1545–1559 MHz, 1610–1626.5 MHz, 1626.5–1645.5 MHz, 1646.5–1660.5 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz, 2170–2200 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 2500–2520 MHz and 2670–2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-97) and (Res.351A) (WRC-2000) (Add) PAIKNE SIDE     LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Perspektiivis planeeritud UMTS süsteemi laiendus S5.384A 2690–2700 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited S5.422 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis, limited to equipment in operation by 01.01.1985 (Mod.) KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     2700–2900 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.337 Aeronautical radionavigation is restricted to ground-based radars and associated airborne transponders Radiolocation S5.423 Ground-based radars for meteorological purposes on a basis of equality with stations of the aeronautical radionavigation service also authorised LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Seireradarid 2900–3100 MHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.426 Aeronautical radionavigation service limited to ground-based radars Radiolocation S5.425 Shipborne interrogator-transponder system (SIT) are confined to 2930–2950 MHz S5.427 Response from radar transponders shall not be confused with response from radar beacons and cause interference to ship or aeronautical radars in the radionavigation service RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadiolokatsioon Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Seireradarid 3100–3300 MHz RADIOLOCATION Earth Exploration-Satellite (active) Space Research (active) S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   3300–3400 MHz RADIOLOCATION S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   3400–3600 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (SE) Mobile Radiolocation PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) Raadiolokatsioon     PAIKNE SIDE Telefonivõrgu juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud Du (100 MHz); maksimaalne kanalisamm 3,5 MHz Kanalimahu maakondlik jaotus: FWA I – 2*14 MHz, FWA II – 2*14 MHz, FWA III – 2*14 MHz, FWA IV – 2*14 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC/REC 14-03 (Annex B) – kanalijaotus III OSA. RAADIOSAGEDUSALA 3600 MHZ–275 GHZ Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu konventsiooni ja põhikirja täiendavate raadioeeskirjadega määratud raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim ja -otstarve Raadiosagedusala kasutusrežiim ja -otstarve Eestis Raadiosagedusala kasutusviis Eestis Lisaandmed 3600–4200 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (SE) Mobile PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC/REC 12-08 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) Maajaamad   4200–4400 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.438 Aeronautical radionavigation is limited to radio altimeters on board aircraft and for the associated transponders on the ground, however passive sensing and space research may be authorised on a secondary basis S5.440 Standard frequency and time signal-satellite service may use 4202 MHz (±2 MHz) (SE) LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Kõrgusemõõtjad   4400–4500 MHz FIXED MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE     4500–4800 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (SE) S5.441 Use by fixed-satellite service shall be in accordance with App. S30B MOBILE (Mod.) PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   4800–4990 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.442 Allocation for mobile services in the bands 4825–4835 MHz and 4950–4990 MHz is restricted to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services Radio Astronomy S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.339 The band 4950–4990 MHz is also allocated to the space research (passive), earth exploration-satellite (passive) services on a secondary basis PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 KAMm(2001)16  – üldised nõuded kaitsejõududele ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusaladele Raadioastronoomia     4990–5000 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY Space Research (passive) S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     5000–5150 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.367 Additional allocation: also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service on a primary basis S5.444 5030–5150 MHz to be used for microwave landing system for precision approach and landing (Mod.) S5.444A Additional allocation: the band 5091–5150 MHz also allocated to the fixed-satellite service on a primary basis, coordination under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.443A The band 5000–5010 MHz is allocated to the radionavigation-satellite service (ES) on a primary basis Res. 603 (WRC-2000) (Add) S5.443B Additional allocation 5010–5030 MHz to radionavigation-satellite service (SE), (SS). The aggregate power flux density produced at the Earth surface in 5030–5150 MHz by all the space stations within any radio-navigation satellite service system (SE) operating in the band 5010–5030 MHz shall not exceed –124.5 dB in 150 kHz band and produced in the 4990–5000 MHz band by all the space stations within any RNSS (SE) system operating in the 5010–5030 MHz band shall not exceed the provisional value of –171 dB in 10 MHz band at any radio astronomy observation site for more than 2% of the time Res. 604 (WRC-2000) (Add) LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Lennuraadionavigatsioon   5150–5250 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.447A Fixed-satellite service (ES) limited to feeder-links of non-geostationary-satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service, coordination under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.446 The band 5150–5216 MHz is also allocated to radiotermination-satellite service (SE) on a secondary basis S5.447 Additional allocation: in Estonia, Finland and Sweden also allocated to mobile service in a primary basis (Mod.) S5.447B Additional allocation: the band 5150–5216 MHz also allocated to the fixed satellite service (SE) on a primary basis, limited to feeder-links of non-geostationary-satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service, coordination under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A LIIKUV SIDE     LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Lennu-raadionavigatsioon   Lähitoimeseadmed 5150–5350 MHz HIPERLAN CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)23 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex3) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 5250–5255 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION SPACE RESEARCH S5.447D Space research services on a primary basis are limited to active spaceborne sensors, other space research services on a secondary basis S5.448A Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) shall not contain development and deployment radionavigation service RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed 5250–5350 MHz HIPERLAN CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)23 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex3) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 5255–5350 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION SPACE RESEARCH (active) S5.448A Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) shall not constrain development and deployment radionavigation service RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed 5255–5350 MHz HIPERLAN CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)23 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex3) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 5350–5460 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.449 Aeronautical radionavigation service is limited to airborne radars and associated airborne beacons Radiolocation S5.448B Earth exploration-satellite service (active) shall not cause harmful interference to, or constrain the use and development of, the aeronautical radionavigation service LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadiolokatsioon Lennuraadionavigatsioon   Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 5460–5470 MHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.449 Aeronautical radionavigation service is limited to airborne radars and associated airborne beacons Radiolocation RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadiolokatsioon Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   5470–5650 MHz MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION Radiolocation S5.452 In the band 5600–5650 MHz ground-based radars for meteorological purposes are authorised on a basis of equality with stations of the maritime radionavigation service MERE- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadiolokatsioon Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed 5470–5725 MHz HIPERLAN CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)23 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex3) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 5650–5725 MHz RADIOLOCATION Amateur Space Research (deep space) S5.282 In the band 5650–5670 MHz amateur-satellite service not causing harmful interference to other services S5.454 Different category of service: in Russia and Latvia the band 5670–5725 MHz is also allocated to the space research service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.455 Additional allocation: in Russia the band 5670–5850 MHz is also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Amatöör-kosmoseside 5650–5670 MHz Lähitoimeseadmed 5470–5725 MHz HIPERLAN CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)23 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex3) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 5725–5830 MHz FIXED SATELLITE (ES) RADIOLOCATION Amateur S5.150 5725–5875 MHz (centre frequency 5800 MHz) for ISM applications S5.455 Additional allocation: in Russia and Latvia the band 5670–5850 MHz is also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 5725–5875 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)06 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 5795–5805 MHz RTTT CEPT/ERC/DEC(92)02 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex5) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 5725–5875 MHz (kesksagedus 5800 MHz)   5830–5850 MHz FIXED SATELLITE (ES) RADIOLOCATION Amateur Amateur-satellite (SE) S5.150 5725–5875 MHz (centre frequency 5800 MHz) for ISM applications S5.455 Additional allocation: in Russia and Latvia the band 5670–5850 MHz is also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Amatöör-kosmoseside Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 5725–5875 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)06 TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 5725–5875 MHz (kesksagedus 5800 MHz)   5850–5925 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE S5.150 5725–5875 MHz (centre frequency 5800 MHz) for ISM applications PAIKNE SIDE     PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     Lähitoimeseadmed 5725–5875 MHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)06 TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 5725–5875 MHz (kesksagedus 5800 MHz)   5925–6700 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference in the band 6650–6675.2 MHz S5.440 Standard frequency and time signal-satellite service may use 6427 MHz (±2 MHz) (SE) S5.458 In the 6425–7075 MHz passive microwave sensor measurements are carried out over the oceans PAIKNE SIDE 5925–6425 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 14-01 – kanalijaotus 6425–6700 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 14-02 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) Maajaamad   6700–7075 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (ES) (SE) S5.441 Use in the band 6725–7025 MHz by fixed-satellite service shall be in accordance with App. S30B (Mod.) MOBILE S5.458 In the 6425–7075 MHz passive microwave sensor measurements are carried out over the oceans S5.458A Spectral line observations of the radio astronomy service in the band 6650–6675.2 MHz shall be protected from harmful interference S5.458B Space-to-earth allocation to the fixed-satellite service is limited to feeder-links for non-geostationary satellite systems of the mobile-satellite service, coordination under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.458C While making submissions in the band 7025–7075 MHz for geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service administrations shall consult with those that have notified and brought into use non-geostationary systems PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC/REC 14-02 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) (SE)     7075–7250 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.458 Passive microwave sensor measurements are carried out over the oceans S5.459 Additional allocation: in Russia the bands 7100–7155 MHz and 7190–7235 MHz are also allocated to the space operation service (ES) on a primary basis S5.460 Additional allocation: the band 7145–7235 MHz is also allocated to the space research service (ES) on a primary basis, use of the band 7145–7190 MHz restricted to deep space, no emissions to deep space shall be effected in the band 7190–7235 MHz PAIKNE SIDE 7075–7125 MHz Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 14-02 – kanalijaotus 7125–7250 MHz Paiksed raadioliinid ITU-R F.385 – kanalijaotus 7250–7300 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE S5.461 Additional allocation: also allocated to mobile-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.385 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     7300–7450 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.461 Additional allocation: the band 7250–7375 MHz also allocated to mobile-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.385 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     7450–7550 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (SE) METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.461A Meteorological satellite service (SE) is limited to geostationary systems PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.385 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     7550–7750 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.385 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     LIIKUV SIDE kuni 1.01.2005 TV liikuvad ülekandejaamad Kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel kuni 01.01.2005 7750–7850 MHz FIXED METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE (SE) S5.461B Meteorological-satellite service (SE) is limited to non-geostationary systems MOBILE except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.386 – kanalijaotus 7850–7900 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.386 – kanalijaotus 7900–8025 MHz FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE S5.461 Additional allocation: also allocated to mobile-satellite service (ES) on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.386 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     8025–8175 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (SE) FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE S5.462A Earth exploration-satellite service using geostationary satellites shall be subjects to study under Res.124 S5.463 Aircraft stations are not permitted to transmit PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.386 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     8175–8215 MHz Earth Exploration-Satellite (SE) FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (ES) METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE S5.462A Earth exploration-satellite service using geostationary satellites shall be subjects to study under Res.124 S5.463 Aircraft stations are not permitted to transmit PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.386 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     8215–8400 MHz Earth Exploration-Satellite (SE) FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE S5.462A Earth exploration-satellite service using geostationary satellites shall be subjects to study under Res.124 S5.463 Aircraft stations are not permitted to transmit PAIKNE SIDE 8275–8500 MHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 Paiksed raadioliinid ITU-R F.386 (Annex3) – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     8400–8500 MHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile SPACE RESEARCH (SE) S5.465 Space research in the band 8400–8450 MHz is limited to deep space PAIKNE SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 Paiksed raadioliinid ITU-R F.386 (Annex3) – kanalijaotus 8500–8550 MHz RADIOLOCATION S5.469 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the land mobile and radionavigation services on a primary basis (Mod.) RAADIOLOKATSIOON     8550–8650 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION SPACE RESEARCH (active) S5.469 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the land mobile and radionavigation services on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.469A Stations in the earth exploration-satellite (SE) and space research (active) service shall not cause interference to the stations in the radiolocation service RAADIOLOKATSIOON     8650–8750 MHz RADIOLOCATION S5.469 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the land mobile and radionavigation services on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     8750–8850 MHz RADIOLOCATION AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.470 Aeronautical radionavitation is limited to airborne Doppler navigation aids on a centre frequency of 8800 MHz RAADIOLOKATSIOON LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Doppleri efektil põhinevad radarid (tuulenihke suuna ja kiiruse mõõteradarid)   Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 8850–9000 MHz RADIOLOCATION MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION S5.472 Maritime radionavigation is limited to shore-based radars S5.473 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the radionavigation on a primary basis (Mod.) RAADIOLOKATSIOON MERE- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   9000–9200 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.337 Aeronautical radionavigation is restricted to ground-based radars and associated airborne transponders Radiolocation LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadiolokatsioon Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   9200–9300 MHz RADIOLOCATION MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION S5.472 Maritime radionavigation in the band 9200–9225 MHz is limited to shore-based radars S5.473 Additional allocation: in Russia also allocated to the radionavigation on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.474 SART may be used, having due regard to the appropriate ITU-R Recommendation RAADIOLOKATSIOON MERE- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Täppislähenemisradarid   SART TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   9300–9500 MHz RADIONAVIGATION S5.476 In the band 9300–9320 MHz in the radionavigation service the use of shipborne radars, other than those existing on 01.01.1976, is not permitted until 01.01.2001 Radiolocation S5.427 Response from radar transponders shall not be confused with response from radar beacons and cause interference to ship or aeronautical radars in the radionavigation service S5.474 SART may be used, having due regard to the appropriate ITU-R Recommendation S5.475 Aeronautical radionavigation service is limited to airborne weather radars and ground-based radars, in the band 9300–9320 MHz ground-based radar beacons are permitted which do not cause harmful interference to the maritime radionavigation service RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadiolokatsioon Täppislähenemisradarid   SART TSMm(2000) 119  – nõuded raadiosidele Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   9500–9800 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION SPACE RESEARCH (active) S5.476A Stations in earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) service shall not cause harmful interference to stations in radiolocation and radionavigation services RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   9800–10000 MHz RADIOLOCATION Fixed S5.477 In Sweden allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis (Mod.) S5.479 The band 9975–10025 MHz also allocated to the meteorological-satellite service on a secondary basis for use by weather radars RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   10–10.45 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIOLOCATION Amateur S5.479 The band 9975–10025 MHz also allocated to the meteorological-satellite service on a secondary basis for use by weather radars RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel PAIKNE SIDE 10,15–10,30 GHz Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus 10,15–10,30 GHz Juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus 10.45–10.5 GHz RADIOLOCATION Amateur Amateur-Satellite S5.481 Additional allocation to the fixed and mobile services in Sweden on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Amatöör-kosmoseside Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 10.5–10.55 GHz FIXED MOBILE Radiolocation PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus Juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus 10.55–10.6 GHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Radiolocation PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus Juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus 10.6–10.68 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) Radiolocation S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.482 Fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services shall be limited to a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power 40 dBW and the power delivered to the antenna shall not exceed – 3 dBW, not applicable in Latvia and Russia PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus Juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 – kanalijaotus MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     10.68–10.7 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited, except for Latvia and Russia S5.483 Additional allocation: in Latvia and Russia also allocated to fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis, limited to equipment in operation by 01.01.1985 KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     10.7–11.7 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) (ES) S5.441 Use of the band 10.7–10.95 GHz (SE) by geostationary systems in the fixed-satellite service shall be in accordance with App. S30B, by non-geostationary systems with Res. 130 S5.484 Fixed-satellite service (ES) is limited to feeder links for broadcasting-satellite service MOBILE except aeronautical mobile PAIKNE SIDE   ITU-R F.387 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) (ES) LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside   CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)08 Maajaamad   VSAT terminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) TSMm(2001)77 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. SNG (suunal kosmos–Maa)   Omnitrac terminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)15 TSMm(2000)100 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast Arcanet kohverterminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)17 TSMm(2000)100 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 10,70–12,75 GHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) SIT terminalid CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)03 TSMm(2001)72  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 11.7–12.5 GHz FIXED BROADCASTING BROADCASTING-SATELLITE Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.487 Other services shall not cause harmful interference to or claim protection from broadcasting-satellite stations operating in accordance with App. S30 S5.487A Additional allocation: also allocated to fixed-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis, limited to non-geostationary systems subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary-satellite systems. Non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed satellite service shall not claim protection from non-geostationary-satellite networks in the broadcasting satellite service. Unacceptable interference from non geostationary satellite systems in the fixed satellite service shall be eliminated S5.492 Assignments to BSS plan in App. S30 may also be used for transmission in FSS (SE) PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) Liikuv side, v.a liikuv lennuside   CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)08 10,70–12,75 GHz (suunal kosmos–Maa) SIT terminalid CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)03 TSMm(2001)72  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) Ringhääling (satelliit) (perspektiivselt planeeritud) RR App. S30 12.5–12.75 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary satellite systems in the fixed satellite service PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) (ES) Maajaamad   VSAT terminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)05 TSMm(2001)77 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. SNG (suunal kosmos–Maa)   Omnitrac terminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)15 TSMm(2000)100 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast Arcanet kohverterminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)17 TSMm(2000)100  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 10,70–12,75 GHz SIT terminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)03 TSMm(2001)72  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 12.75–13.25 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.441 Use by geostationary systems in the fixed-satellite service shall be in accordance with App. S30B, by non-geostationary systems with Res. 130 MOBILE Space Research (deep space) (SE) PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-02 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     13.25–13.4 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.497 Aeronautical radionavigation is limited to Doppler navigation aids SPACE RESEARCH (active) S5.498A Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services shall not cause harmful interference to aeronautical radionavigation service LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     13.4–13.75 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION SPACE RESEARCH Standard Frequency and Time Signal-Satellite (ES) S5.501A Space research service on a primary basis is limited to active space-borne sensors, other uses on a secondary basis S5.501B Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services shall not cause harmful interference to the radiolocation service RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   13.75–14 GHz RADIOLOCATION FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 Standard Frequency and Time Signal-Satellite (ES) Space Research S5.502 From any earth station the emission in the fixed-satellite service shall be 68 dBW4.5 m, average e.i.r.p. radiated by stations in the radiolocation or radionavigation services towards geostationary-satellite orbits <59 dBW. The provisions of S5.43A does not apply (Res.733) (WRC-2000). S5.503 Existing geostationary space stations in space research service on an equal basis with stations in fixed-satellite service, new geostationary space stations in space research service will operate on a secondary basis S5.503A Existing non-geostationary space stations will operate on a secondary basis in relation to fixed-satellite service RAADIOLOKATSIOON PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     14–14.25 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 RADIONAVIGATION S5.504 Radionavigation service shall provide sufficient protection to space stations of the fixed-satellite service Mobile-Satellite (ES) except aeronautical mobile-satellite Space Research PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) Liikuv kosmoseside (ES), v.a liikuv lennu-kosmoseside Maajaamad   14,00–14,50 GHz VSAT (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)05 CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 TSMm(2001)77 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 14,00–14,50 GHz SNG (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 Arcanet kohverterminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)17 TSMm(2000)100  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast Omnitrac terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)15 TSMm(2000)100  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     14.25–14.3 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 RADIONAVIGATION S5.504 Radionavigation service shall provide sufficient protection to space stations of the fixed-satellite service Mobile-Satellite (ES) except aeronautical mobile-satellite Space Research PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) Liikuv kosmoseside (ES), v.a liikuv lennu-kosmoseside 14,00–14,50 GHz VSAT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 TSMm(2001)77 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 14,00–14,50 GHz SNG (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     14.3–14.4 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Mobile-Satellite (ES) except aeronautical mobile-satellite Radionavigation-Satellite PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Liikuv kosmoseside (ES), v.a liikuv lennu-kosmoseside 14,00–14,50 GHz VSAT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 TSMm(2001)77  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 14,00–14,50 GHz SNG (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 14.4–14.47 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Mobile-Satellite (ES) except aeronautical mobile-satellite Space Research (SE) PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Liikuv kosmoseside (ES), v.a liikuv lennu-kosmoseside 14,00–14,50 GHz VSAT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 TSMm(2001)77  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 14,00–14,50 GHz SNG (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 14.47–14.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Mobile-Satellite (ES) except aeronautical mobile-satellite Radio Astronomy S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside Liikuv kosmoseside (ES), v.a liikuv lennu-kosmoseside 14,00–14,50 GHz VSAT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 TSMm(2001)77  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast. 14,00–14,50 GHz SNG (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 14.5–14.8 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.510 Fixed-satellite (ES) is limited to feeder links for broadcasting-satellite service MOBILE Space Research PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid ITU-R F.636 – kanalijaotus LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     14.8–15.35 GHz FIXED MOBILE Space Research S5.339 The band 15.20–15.35 GHz is also allocated to the space research (passive), earth exploration-satellite (passive) services on a secondary basis PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid ITU-R F.636 – kanalijaotus 14,854–14,864 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 KAMm(2001)16  – üldised nõuded kaitsejõududele ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusaladele 14,914–14,921 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 15,274–15,284 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 15,334–15,341 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 15.35–15.4 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     15.4–15.43 GHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.511D Systems in fixed-satellite service for which complete information for advanced publication was received before 21.11.1997 may operate, pfd limit on the Earth’s surface is –146 dB (W/m2/MHz) LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     15.43–15.63 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.511A The band is also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis. Fixed-satellite service is limited to feeder links of non- geostationary systems in mobile-satellite service, coordinated under Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A Minimum coordination distances shall be in accordance with ITU-R S.1341. The aggregate power flux-density radiated in the 15.35–15.4 GHz band shall not exceed –156 dB (W/m2) in a 50 MHz bandwidth into any radio astronomy observatory site for more than 2% of the time AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.511C Maximum e.i.r.p. and minimum coordination distance for protection of aeronautical radionavigation service shall be in accordance with Rec. ITU-R S.1340 LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     15.63–15.7 GHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.511D Systems in fixed-satellite service for which complete information for advanced publication was received before 21.11.1997 may operate, pfd limit on Earth’s surface is – 146 dB (W/m2/MHz), in band 15.63–15.65 GHz shall not cause harmful interference to aeronautical radionavigation service LENNU- RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     15.7–16.6 GHz RADIOLOCATION S5.512 Additional allocation: in Finland also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     16.6–17.1 GHz RADIOLOCATION Space Research (deep space) (ES) S5.512 Additional allocation: in Finland also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     17.1–17.2 GHz RADIOLOCATION S5.512 Additional allocation: in Finland also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed 17,1–17,3 GHz HIPERLAN CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex3) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 17.2–17.3 GHz Earth Exploration-Satellite (active) RADIOLOCATION Space Research (active) S5.512 Additional allocation: in Finland also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis S5.513A Spaceborne active sensors shall not cause harmful interference to the radiolocation and other services allocated on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed 17,1–17,3 GHz HIPERLAN CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex3) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 17.3–17.7 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.516 Fixed-satellite service use by geostationary-satellite systems is limited to feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service. Use of the bands 17,3–18,1 MHz for non-geostationary-satellite systems is subject to application of the S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary-satellite systems. Non-geostationary-satellite systems shall be operated in a way that any unacceptable interference shall be rapidly eliminated Radiolocation S5.514 Additional allocation: in Finland and Sweden also allocated to fixed and mobile services on a secondary basis PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     Raadiolokatsioon     17.7–18.1 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite (SE) service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary satellite systems S5.516 Fixed-satellite (ES) service use by geostationary-satellite systems is limited to feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service. Use of the bands 17,3–18,1 MHz for non-geostationary-satellite systems is subject to application of the S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary-satellite systems. Non-geostationary-satellite systems shall be operated in a way that any unacceptable interference shall be rapidly eliminated MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-03 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) (ES)   CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)07 18.1–18.4 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite (SE) service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary-satellite services S5.520 Fixed-satellite (ES) service is limited to feeder links for the geostationary-satellite systems in the broadcasting-satellite service MOBILE S5.519 Additional allocation: band 18.1–18.3 GHz also allocated to the meteorological-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-03 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) (ES)   CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)07 18.4–18.6 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/REC 12-03 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)   CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)07 18.6–18.8 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) S5.222B The use of the band is limited to geostationary systems and systems with an orbit apogee greater than 20 000 km MOBILE except aeronautical mobile EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) Space Research (passive) S5.522A The emissions of the fixed service and the fixed satellite service in the band are limited to: the power of each RF carrier frequency delivered to the input of each antenna of a station in the fixed service shall not exceed – 3 dBW (S 21.5A). The power flux-density across the 200 MHz band produced at the surface of the Earth by emissions from a space station under assumed free-space propagation conditions shall not exceed – 95 dB (W/m2), except the less than 5% of time, when the limit may be exceeded up to 3 dB (S21.16.2). PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC/REC 12-03 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)   CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)07 LIIKUV SIDE, v.a liikuv lennuside MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) Kosmose-uuringud (passiivne)     18.8–19.3 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) S5.523A Fixed-satellite service networks are subject to Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A, non-geostationary satellite networks shall not cause un-acceptable interference to geostationary fixed-satellite service MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC/REC 12-03 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)   CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)07 19.3–19.7 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) (ES) S5.523B Fixed-satellite service in band 19.3–19.6 GHz is limited to feeder links for non-geostationary satellite orbit systems in the mobile-satellite service S5.523C Coordination in band 19.3–19.6 GHz between feeder links of non-geostationary mobile-satellite and fixed-satellite services is subject to No. S22.2 S5.523D Geostationary fixed-satellite service systems and feeder links for non-geostationary-satellite service systems in mobile-satellite service is subject to Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.523E Coordination in band 19.6–19.7 GHz between feeder links of non-geostationary mobile-satellite and fixed-satellite services is subject to No. S22.2, if information was received before 21.11.1997 MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC/REC 12-03 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)   CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)07 19.7–20.1 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary services Mobile-Satellite (SE) PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) Liikuv kosmoseside (SE) 19,70–20,20 GHz SUT terminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)04 TSMm(2001)73  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 20.1–20.2 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary satellite services MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) S5.525 Carriers most susceptible to interference in the mobile-satellite service shall be located in the higher part of the band 19.7–20.2 GHz S5.526 Networks in fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite services may include links between earth stations S5.527 No S4.10 does not apply to the mobile-satellite service S5.528 Allocation to mobile-satellite service is intended for use by narrow spot-beam antennas and other advanced technology at the space stations PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) 19,70–20,20 GHz SUT terminalid (suunal kosmos–Maa) CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)04 TSMm(2001)73  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 20.2–21.2 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) Standard Frequency and Time Signal-Satellite (SE) PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   21.2–21.4 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) PAIKNE SIDE Teisaldatavad paiksed baasjaamaga raadiovõrgud CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 LIIKUV SIDE     21.4–22 GHz FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING-SATELLITE S5.530 Broadcasting-Satellite shall come into effect on 01.04.2007, subject to Res. 525 PAIKNE SIDE     RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) HDTV (perspektiivselt planeeritud)   22–22.21 GHz FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.149 Assignment in band 22.01–22.21 GHz to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex A) ja ITU-R F.637 – kanalijaotus 22.21–22.5 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.532 Earth exploration-satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services shall not impose constraints upon the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex A) ja ITU-R F.637 – kanalijaotus MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     22.5–22.55 GHz FIXED MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex A) ja ITU-R F.637 – kanalijaotus 22.55–23 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 22.81–22.86 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex A) ja ITU-R F.637 – kanalijaotus 23–23.55 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 23.07–23.12 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex A) ja ITU-R F.637 – kanalijaotus 23.55–23.6 GHz FIXED MOBILE PAIKNE SIDE   CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex A) ja ITU-R F.637 – kanalijaotus 23.6–24 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     24–24.05 GHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE S5.150 24–24.25 GHz (centre frequency 24.125 GHz) for ISM applications AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 24,00–24,25 GHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex1) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 24–24.25 GHz (kesksagedus 24.125 GHz)   24.05–24.25 GHz RADIOLOCATION Amateur Earth Exploration-Satellite (active) S5.150 24–24.25 GHz (centre frequency 24.125 GHz) for ISM applications RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 24,00–24,25 GHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex1) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 24–24.25 GHz (kesksagedus 24.125 GHz)   24.25–24.45 GHz FIXED PAIKNE SIDE     24.45–24.65 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE PAIKNE SIDE 24,5–25,5 GHz Du (+1008 MHz), maksimaalne kanalisamm 28 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex B) – kanalijaotus 24.65–24.75 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE Paiksed raadiovõrgud (k.a juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud) Kanalimahu maakondlik jaotus: I – 112 MHz, II – 112 MHz, III – 112 MHz, IV – 112 MHz, V – 112 MHz, VI – 112 MHz Alates 01.01.2003 24.75–25.25 GHz FIXED     25.25–25.5 GHz FIXED MOBILE INTER-SATELLITE S5.536 Inter-satellite service is limited to space research and Earth exploration-satellite applications, transmissions of data originating from industrial and medical activities in space Standard Frequency and Time Signal-Satellite (ES) 25.5–27 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE S5.536A Earth exploration-satellite earth-stations shall not claim protection from fixed and mobile stations operated by neighbouring administrations, taking into account Rec. ITU-R SA. 1278 S5.536B In Sweden, Estonia and Finland earth stations in the earth-exploration service shall not claim protection from stations in fixed and mobile service FIXED MOBILE INTER-SATELLITE S5.536 Inter-satellite service is limited to space research and Earth exploration-satellite applications, transmissions of data originating from industrial and medical activities in space Standard Frequency and Time Signal-Satellite (ES) PAIKNE SIDE 25,5–26,5 GHz Du (–1008 MHz); maksimaalne kanalisamm 28 MHz Paiksed raadiovõrgud (k.a juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud) Kanalimahu maakondlik jaotus: I – 112 MHz, II – 112 MHz, III – 112 MHz, CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex B) – kanalijaotus IV – 112 MHz, V – 112 MHz, VI – 112 MHz Alates 01.01.2003 LIIKUV SIDE     27–27.5 GHz FIXED MOBILE INTER-SATELLITE S5.536 Inter-satellite service is limited to space research and Earth exploration-satellite applications, transmissions of data originating from industrial and medical activities in space PAIKNE SIDE     27.5–28.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 S5.539 Fixed-satellite service (ES) may be used for feeder links of the broadcasting-satellite service MOBILE S5.538 Additional allocation: band 27.500–27.501 GHz also allocated to fixed-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis for beacon transmission intended for uplink power control S5.540 Additional allocation: band 27.501–29.999 GHz also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (SE) on a secondary basis for beacon stations intended for uplink power control PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) (SE) /S5.538/ Paikne kosmoseside (SE) /S5.540/ HDTV (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)09 PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus Juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus 28.5–29.1 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service in band 27.5–28.6 GHz is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 S5.523A Fixed-satellite service networks in band 28.6–29.1 GHz are subject to Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A, non-geostationary satellite networks shall not cause unacceptable interference to geostationary fixed-satellite service S5.539 Fixed-satellite service (ES) may be used for feeder links of the broadcasting-satellite service MOBILE Earth Exploration-Satellite (ES) S5.541 Earth exploration-satellite service is limited to the transfer of data between stations, not to collect of information S5.540 Additional allocation: also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (SE) on a secondary basis for beacon stations intended for uplink power control PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) Paikne kosmoseside (SE) /S5.540/ HDTV (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)09 PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus Juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud   CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus 29.1–29.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.523C Coordination in band 29.1–29.4 GHz between feeder links of non-geostationary mobile-satellite and fixed-satellite services is subject to No. S22.2 S5.523E Coordination in band 29.4–29.5 GHz between feeder links of non-geostationary mobile-satellite and fixed-satellite services is subject to No. S22.2, if information was received before 21.11.1997 S5.535A Fixed-satellite service is limited to geostationary satellite systems and feeder links to non-geostationary satellite systems in mobile-satellite service, subject to Res. 46 (WRC-97)/S9.11A S5.539 Fixed-satellite service (ES) may be used for feeder links of the broadcasting-satellite service MOBILE Earth Exploration-Satellite (ES) S5.541 Earth exploration-satellite service is limited to the transfer of data between stations, not to collect of information S5.540 Additional allocation: also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (SE) on a secondary basis for beacon stations intended for uplink power control PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) Paikne kosmoseside (SE) /S5.540/ HDTV (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)09 PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus Juurdepääsu raadiovõrgud   CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 (Annex C) – kanalijaotus 29.5–29.9 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 S5.539 Fixed-satellite service (ES) may be used for feeder links of the broadcasting-satellite service Earth Exploration-Satellite (ES) S5.541 Earth exploration-satellite service is limited to the transfer of data between stations, not to collect of information Mobile-Satellite (ES) S5.540 Additional allocation: also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (SE) on a secondary basis for beacon stations intended for uplink power control PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) Liikuv kosmoseside (ES) Paikne kosmoseside (SE) /S5.540/ 29,50–30,00 GHz SIT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)03 TSMm(2001)72  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 29,50–30,00 GHz SUT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)04 TSMm(2001)73  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast HDTV (perspektiivselt planeeritud)   29.9–30 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.484A Fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of S9.12 S5.539 Fixed-satellite service (ES) may be used for feeder links of the broadcasting-satellite service MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) Earth Exploration-Satellite (ES) S5.541 Earth exploration-satellite service is limited to the transfer of data between stations, not to collect of information S5.525 Carriers most susceptible to interference in the mobile-satellite service shall be located in the higher part of the band 29.5–30 GHz S5.526 Networks in fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite services may include links between earth stations S5.527 No S4.10 does not apply to the mobile-satellite service S5.538 Additional allocation: band 29.999–30.000 GHz also allocated to fixed-satellite service (SE) on a primary basis for beacon transmission intended for uplink power control S5.540 Additional allocation: band 27.501–29.999 GHz also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (SE) on a secondary basis for beacon stations intended for uplink power control S5.543 Band 29.95-30 GHz may be used for space-to-space links in the earth exploration-satellite service for telemetry, tracking, and control purposes on a secondary basis PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) (SE) /S5.538/ Paikne kosmoseside (SE) /S5.540/ LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) 29,50–30,00 GHz SIT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)03 TSMm(2001)72  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast 29,50–30,00 GHz SUT terminalid (suunal Maa–kosmos) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)04 TSMm(2001)73  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – terminalid vabastatud tehn. loast HDTV (perspektiivselt planeeritud)   30–31 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) Standard Frequency and Time Signal-Satellite (SE) PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     31–31.3 GHz FIXED MOBILE Standard Frequency and Time Signal-Satellite (SE) Space Research S5.544 Space research service pfd limits are in Art. S21, Table S21-4 S5.149 Assignment to other services in frequency band 31.2–31.3 MHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.545 Different category of service: in Russia allocated to space research service is on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE     31.3–31.5 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     31.5–31.8 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.546 Different category of service: in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Russia allocated to fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE     MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     31.8–32 GHz FIXED S5.547A Administrations should take practical measures to minimize potentional interference between stations in the fixed service and airborne stations in the radionavigation service taking into account the operational needs of the airborne radar systems RADIONAVIGATION SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (SE) S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.548 In designing systems for the space research service (deep space) prevent harmful interference bearing in mind safety aspects of radionavigation service PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 01-02 – kanalijaotus RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     32–32.3 GHz FIXED S5.547A Administrations should take practical measures to minimize potentional interference between stations in the fixed service and airborne stations in the radionavigation service taking into account the operational needs of the airborne radar systems INTER-SATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (SE) S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.548 In designing systems for the inter-satellite and radionavigation services, and space research service (deep space) prevent harmful interference bearing in mind safety aspects of radionavigation service PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 01-02 – kanalijaotus RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     32.3–33 GHz FIXED S5.547A Administrations should take practical measures to minimise potentional interference between stations in the fixed service and airborne stations in the radionavigation service taking into account the operational needs of the airborne radar systems INTER-SATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.548 In designing systems for the inter-satellite and radionavigation services, prevent harmful interference bearing in mind safety aspects of radionavigation service PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 01-02 – kanalijaotus RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     33–33.4 GHz FIXED S5.547A Administrations should take practical measures to minimise potentional interference between stations in the fixed service and airborne stations in the radionavigation service taking into account the operational needs of the airborne radar systems RADIONAVIGATION S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 01-02 – kanalijaotus RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     33.4–34.2 GHz RADIOLOCATION RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed Liiklusradarid TSMm(2001)52  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 34.2–34.7 GHz RADIOLOCATION SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (ES) RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed Liiklusradarid TSMm(2001)52  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 34.7–35.2 GHz RADIOLOCATION Space Research S5.550 Different category of service: in Russia allocated to space research service on a primary basis RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed Liiklusradarid TSMm(2001)52  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 35.2–35.5 GHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS RADIOLOCATION RAADIOMETEOROLOOGIA RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Liiklusradarid TSMm(2001)52  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 35.5–36 GHz METEOROLOGICAL AIDS EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION SPACE RESEARCH (active) S5.551A Active spaceborne sensors in earth exploration-satellite and space research service shall not cause harmful interference to other services allocated on a primary basis RAADIOMETEOROLOOGIA RAADIOLOKATSIOON     Lähitoimeseadmed Liiklusradarid TSMm(2001)52  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 36–37 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 36.43–36.5 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 1 KAMm(2001)16  – üldised nõuded kaitsejõududele ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusaladele MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     37–37.5 GHz FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (SE) S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE 37,086–37,170 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC T/R 12-01 – kanalijaotus 37.5–38 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (SE) Earth Exploration-Satellite (SE) S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.551AA In the bands 37.5–40 GHz and 42–42.5 GHz non-GSO fixed satellite service systems should employ power control or other methods of downlink fade compensation of the order of 10 dB, such that the satellite transmissions are at power levels required to meet the desired link performance while reducing the level of interference to the fixed service. (Res. 84) (WRC-2000) PAIKNE SIDE Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)02 CEPT/ERC T/R 12-01 – kanalijaotus PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     38–39.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE Earth Exploration-Satellite (SE) S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.551AA In the bands 37.5–40 GHz and 42–42.5GHz non-GSO fixed satellite service systems should employ power control or other methods of downlink fade compensation of the order of 10 dB, such that the satellite transmissions are at power levels required to meet the desired link performance while reducing the level of interference to the fixed service. (Res.84) (WRC-2000) PAIKNE SIDE 38,346–38,430 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2 Paiksed raadioliinid CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)02 CEPT/ERC T/R 12-01 – kanalijaotus 39.5–40 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) Earth Exploration-Satellite (SE) S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000), (Res. 79) (WRC-2000) and (Res.84) (WRC-2000). S5.551AA In the bands 37.5–40 GHz and 42–42.5GHz non-GSO fixed satellite service systems should employ power control or other methods of downlink fade compensation of the order of 10 dB, such that the satellite transmissions are at power levels required to meet the desired link performance while reducing the level of interference to the fixed service. (Res.84) (WRC-2000) PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE)   CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)02 40–40.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (ES) SPACE RESEARCH (ES) Earth Exploration-Satellite (SE) PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE)   CEPT/ERC/DEC (00)02 40.5–41 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE BROADCASTING BROADCASTING-SATELLITE Mobile S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000), (Res. 79) (WRC-2000) and (Res.84) (WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE MWS CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)15 RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) RINGHÄÄLING     41–42 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE BROADCASTING BROADCASTING-SATELLITE S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000), (Res. 79) (WRC-2000) and (Res.84) (WRC-2000). S5.551G The aggregate power flux-density in the 42.5–43.5 GHz band produced by all space stations in any non-GSO FSS (SE) or BSS (SE) system operating in the 41.5–42.5 GHz band shall not exceed-167dB (W/m2) in any 1 MHz band at the site of radio astronomy station for more than 2% of the time. The power flux-density in the band 42.5–43.5 GHz produced by GSO FSS (SE) or BSS (SE) station operating in the band 42.0–42.5 shall not exceed – 167 dB (W/m2) in any 1 MHz band at the site of a radio astronomy station. (Res.128) (Rev.WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE MWS CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)15 RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) RINGHÄÄLING     42–42.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE BROADCASTING BROADCASTING-SATELLITE S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.551G The aggregate power flux-density in the 42.5–43.5 GHz band produced by all space stations in any non-GSO FSS (SE) or BSS (SE) system operating in the 41.5–42.5 GHz band shall not exceed-167dB (W/m2) in any 1 MHz band at the site of radio astronomy station for more than 2% of the time. The power flux-density in the band 42.5–43.5 GHz produced by GSO FSS (SE) or BSS (SE) station operating in the band 42.0–42.5 shall not exceed – 167 dB (W/m2) in any 1 MHz band at the site of a radio astronomy station. (Res.128) (Rev.WRC-2000). S5.551AA In the bands 37.5–40 GHz and 42–42.5 GHz non-GSO fixed satellite service systems should employ power control or other methods of downlink fade compensation of the order of 10 dB, such that the satellite transmissions are at power levels required to meet the desired link performance while reducing the level of interference to the fixed service. Res 84 (WRC-2000) PAIKNE SIDE MWS CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)15 RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) RINGHÄÄLING     42.5–43.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.547 High-density applications in the fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE MWS CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)15 PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES)     43.5–47 GHz MOBILE S5.553 Stations in land mobile service shall not cause harmful interference to the space radiocommunication services MOBILE-SATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE S5.554 Satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with mobile-satellite or radionavigation-satellite service RAADIONAVIGATSIOON LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE 43,5–45,5 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   47–47.2 GHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 47.2–50.2 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) S5.552 To take all practicable steps to reserve band 47.2–49.2 GHz for feeder links for broadcasting-satellite service operating in band 40.5–42.5 GHz MOBILE S5.149 Assignment to other services shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.340 In band 48.94–49.04 GHz all emissions from airborne stations are prohibited S5.552A Fixed service in band 47.2–47.5 GHz and 47.9–48.2 GHz is designated for use by high altitude platform stations, subject to Res. 122 S5.555 Additional allocation: band 48.94–49.04 GHz also allocated to radio astronomy service on a primary basis PAIKNE SIDE 47,2–48,5 GHz Teisaldatavad paiksed baasjaamaga raadiovõrgud CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     50.2–50.4 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited (shall not impose undue constraints on the use of adjacent bands by the primary allocated services in those bands) KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     50.4–51.4 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE Mobile-Satellite (ES) PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   51.4–52.6 GHz FIXED MOBILE S5.547 For use by high-density applications in fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.556 Radio astronomy observations may be carried out under national arrangements PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 12-11 – kanalijaotus 52.6–54.25 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited S5.556 Radio astronomy observations may be carried out under national arrangements KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     54.25–55.78 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) INTER-SATELLITE S5.556A Inter-satellite service is limited to geostationary-satellite orbits SPACE RESEARCH (passive) MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     55.78–56.9 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED S5.557A In the bands 55.78–56.26 GHz the maximum power density delivered by a transmitter to the antenna of a fixed service station is limited to 26 dB (W/MHz) INTER-SATELLITE S5.556A Inter-satellite service is limited to geostationary-satellite orbits MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.547 For use by high-density applications in fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 12-12 – kanalijaotus MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     56.9–57 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED INTER-SATELLITE S5.558A Inter-satellite service is limited to links between satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit and to transmission from non-geostationary satellites in high-Earth orbit to those in low-Earth orbit MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.547 For use by high-density applications in fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 12-12 – kanalijaotus LIIKUV SIDE MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     57–58.2 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED INTER-SATELLITE S5.556A Inter-satellite service is limited to geostationary-satellite orbits MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.547 For use by high-density applications in fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 12-09 – kanalijaotus MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     58.2–59 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.547 For use by high-density applications in fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.556 Radio astronomy observations may be carried out under national arrangements PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud) CEPT/ERC/REC 12-09 – kanalijaotus MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     59–59.3 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED INTER-SATELLITE S5.556A Inter-satellite service is limited to geostationary-satellite orbits MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service RADIOLOCATION S5.559 Airborne radars in radiolocation service may be operated to not causing harmful interference to inter-satellite service SPACE RESEARCH (passive) PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOLOKATSIOON Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     59.3–64 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service RADIOLOCATION S5.559 Airborne radars in the radiolocation service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service S5.138 61–61.5 GHz (centre frequency 61.25 GHz) for ISM applications PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOLOKATSIOON 59,3–61 GHz Riikliku kasutuse tüüp 2   Lähitoimeseadmed 61,0–61,5 GHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex1) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 63–64 GHz RTTT CEPT/ERC/DEC(92)02 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex5) TSMm(2001)32 – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 61–61.5 GHz (kesksagedus 61.25 GHz)   64–65 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE except aeronautical mobile S5.547 For use by high-density applications in fixed service (Res.75) (WRC-2000) and (Res. 79) (WRC-2000). S5.556 Radio astronomy observations may be carried out under national arrangements PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud)   65–66 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE except aeronautical mobile SPACE RESEARCH S5.547 For use by high-density applications in fixed service PAIKNE SIDE HDFS (perspektiivselt planeeritud)   66–71 GHz INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.553 Stations in land mobile service shall not cause harmful interference to the space radiocommunication services S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service MOBILE-SATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE S5.554 Satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with mobile-satellite or radionavigation-satellite service RAADIONAVIGATSIOON LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     71–74 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     74–75.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE BROADCASTING BROADCASTING-SATELLITE Space Research (SE) S5.561 In the band 74–76 GHz, stations in the fixed, mobile and broadcasting services shall not cause harmful interference to stations of the fixed-satellite service operating in accordance with the decisions of the appropriate frequency assignment planning conference for the broadcasting-satellite service. PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) RINGHÄÄLING RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) LIIKUV SIDE Kosmose-uuringud (SE)     75.5–76 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE BROADCASTING BROADCASTING-SATELLITE Space Research (SE) S5.561 In the band 74–76 GHz, stations in the fixed, mobile and broadcasting services shall not cause harmful interference to stations of the fixed-satellite service operating in accordance with the decisions of the appropriate frequency assignment planning conference for the broadcasting-satellite service. S5.559A The band 75.5–76 GHz is also allocated to the amateur and amateur-satellite services on a primary basis until 2006. AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE (kuni 01.01.2006) AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE (kuni 01.01.2006)   TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) RINGHÄÄLING RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) Kosmose-uuringud (SE)     76–77.5 GHz RADIO ASTRONOMY RADIOLOCATION Amateur Amateur-Satellite Space Research (SE) S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 76–86 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIOASTRONOOMIA Kosmose-uuringud (SE)     Amatöör-raadioside Amatöör-kosmoseside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 76–77 GHz RTTT CEPT/ERC/DEC(92)02 CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex5) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast 77.5–78 GHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE Radio astronomy Space research (SE) S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 76–86 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Raadioastronoomia Kosmose-uuringud (SE)     78–79 GHz RADIOLOCATION Amateur Amateur-satellite Radio astronomy Space research (SE) S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 76–86 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.560 In band 78–79 GHz radars located on space stations may be operated on a primary basis in the earth exploration-satellite and in the space research services RAADIOLOKATSIOON Maa-uuringute kosmoseside Raadio astronoomia Kosmose-uuringud (SE)     Amatöör-raadioside Amatöör-kosmoseside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 79–81 GHz RADIOLOCATION RADIO ASTRONOMY Amateur Amateur-Satellite Space Research (SE) S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 76–86 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIOASTRONOOMIA Kosmose-uuringud (SE)     Amatöör-raadioside Amatöör-kosmoseside   TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 81–84 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) RADIO ASTRONOMY Space Research (SE) S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 76–86 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.560A The 81–81.5 GHz band is also allocated to the amateur and amateur-satellite services on a secondary basis PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA Kosmose-uuringud (SE)     Amatöör-raadioside Amatöör-kosmoseside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 84–86 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 76–86 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     86–92 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD RAADIOASTRONOOMIA MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     92–94 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY RADIOLOCATION S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 92–94 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAAIOASTRONOOMIA     94–94.1 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) RADIOLOCATION SPACE RESEARCH (active) Radio astronomy S5.562 Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services are limited to spaceborne cloud radars S5.562A Space agencies operating the transmitters and the radio astronomy stations should mutually plan their operations to avoid the damage of radio astronomy receivers caused by the transmissions from space stations of the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) that are directed into the main beam of a radio astronomy antenna RAADIOLOKATSIOON MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (aktiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (aktiivne) Raadioastronoomia     94.1–95 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY RADIOLOCATION S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 94.1–100 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA RAADIOLOKATSIOON     95–100 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE RADIOLOCATION RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 94.1–100 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.554 Satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with mobile-satellite or radionavigation-satellite service PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIONAVIGATSIOON KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     100–102 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.341 By some countries band 101–120 GHz used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.340 All emissions are prohibited in the band 100–102 GHz KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     102–105 GHz FIXED RADIO ASTRONOMY MOBILE S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 102–109.5 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     105–109.5 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.562B Use of this allocation is limited to space-based radio astronomy only. S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 102–109.5 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     109.5–111.8 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.340 All emissions are prohibited in the band 109.5–111.8 GHz KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD RAADIOASTRONOOMIA MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     111.8–114.25 FIXED MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.562B Use of this allocation is limited to space-based radio astronomy only. S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 111.8–114.25 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     114.25–116 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited S5.341 By some countries used for search of extra terrestrial emissions KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     116–119.98 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) INTER-SATELLITE S5.562C Use of the band 116–122.25 GHz by the inter-satellite service is limited to satellites in the geostaionary-satellite orbit. The single -entry power flux-density produced by a station in the inter-satellite service, for all conditions and methods of modulation, at all altitudes from 0 to 1000 km above the Earth surface and the vicinity of all geostationary orbital positions occupied by passive sensors shall not exceed –148 dB (W/(m2*MHz)) for all angles of arrival SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extra terrestrial emissions MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     119.98–120.02 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED INTER-SATELLITE S5.562C Use of the band 116–122.25 GHz by the inter-satellite service is limited to satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit. The single -entry power flux-density produced by a station in the inter-satellite service, for all conditions and methods of modulation, at all altitudes from 0 to 1000 km above the Earth surface and the vicinity of all geostationary orbital positions occupied by passive sensors shall not exceed –148 dB (W/(m2*MHz)) for all angles of arrival SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extra terrestrial emissions PAIKNE SIDE MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     120.02–122.25 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) INTER-SATELLITE S5.562C Use of the band 116–122.25 GHz by the inter-satellite service is limited to satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit. The single-entry power flux-density produced by a station in the inter-satellite service, for all conditions and methods of modulation, at all altitudes from 0 to 1000 km above the Earth surface and the vicinity of all geostationary orbital positions occupied by passive sensors shall not exceed –148 dB (W/(m2*MHz)) for all angles of arrival SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.138 122–123 GHz (centre frequency 122.5 GHz) for ISM applications MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     Lähitoimeseadmed 122–123 GHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex1) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 122–123 GHz (kesksagedus 122.5 GHz)   122.25–123 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service Amateur S5.138 122–123 GHz (centre frequency 122.5 GHz) for ISM applications PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE     Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26 – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 122–123 GHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex1) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102 – vabastatud tehn. loast 123–126 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE Radio astronomy S5.554 Satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with mobile-satellite or radionavigation-satellite service PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) RAADIONAVIGATSIOON KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadioastronoomia     126–130 GHz FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE Radio astronomy S5.554 Satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with mobile-satellite or radionavigation-satellite service S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 128.33–128.59 GHz and 129.23–129.49 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) RAADIONAVIGATSIOON KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON Raadioastronoomia     130–134 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active) S5.562E The allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) is limited to the band 133.5–134 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 130–134 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.562A Space agencies operating the transmitters and the radio astronomy stations should plan their operations to avoid the damage of radio astronomy recievers caused by the transmissions from space stations of the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) that are directed into the main beam of a radio astronomy antenna MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (aktiivne) PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     134–136 GHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE Radio astronomy AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Raadioastronoomia     136–141 RADIO ASTRONOMY RADIOLOCATION Amateur Amateur-satellite S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 136–148.5 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     Amatöör-raadioside Amatöör-kosmoseside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel 141–148.5 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY RADIOLOCATION S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 136–148.5 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     148.5–151.5 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD RAADIOASTRONOOMIA MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     151.5–155.5 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY RADIOLOCATION S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 151.5–158.5 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA RAADIOLOKATSIOON     155.5–158.5 GHz FIXED MOBILE EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) S5.562F The allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services shall terminate on 01.01.2018 SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.562B Use of this allocation is limited to space-based radio astronomy only RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 151.5–158.5 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.562G The date of entry into force of the allocation to the fixed and mobile services shall be 01.01.2018 PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) (kuni 01.01.2018) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne) (kuni 01.01.2018) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     158.5–164 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (SE) PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE)     164–167 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD RAADIOASTRONOOMIA MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     167–168 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE     168–170 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 168.59–168.93 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE     170–174.5 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 171.11–171.45 GHz, 172.31–172.65 GHz and 173.52–173.85 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE     174.5–174.8 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE     174.8–182 GHz INTER-SATELLITE S5.562H Use of the band 174.8–182 GHz and 185–190 GHz by the inter-satellite service is limited to satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit. The single-entry power flux-density produced by a station in the inter-satellite service, for all conditions and methods of modulation, at all altitudes from 0 to 1000 km above the Earth surface and the vicinity of all geostationary orbital positions occupied by passive sensors shall not exceed –144 dB (W/(m2*MHz)) for all angles of arrival EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) SPACE RESEARCH (passive) MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     182–185 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     185–190 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) INTER-SATELLITE S5.562H Use of the band 174.8–182 GHz and 185–190 GHz by the inter-satellite service is limited to satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit. The single-entry power flux-density produced by a station in the inter-satellite service, for all conditions and methods of modulation, at all altitudes from 0 to 1000 km above the Earth surface and the vicinity of all geostationary orbital positions occupied by passive sensors shall not exceed –144 dB (W/(m2*MHz)) for all angles of arrival SPACE RESEARCH (passive) MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     190–191.8 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     191.8–200 GHz FIXED INTER-SATELLITE MOBILE S5.558 Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service MOBILE-SATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE S5.341 By some countries band 197–220 GHz used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.554 Satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with mobile-satellite or radionavigation-satellite service S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 195.75–196.15 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE RAADIONAVIGATSIOON KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     200–202 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.340 All emissions prohibited S5.563A In the bands 200–209 GHz, 235–238 GHz, 250–252 GHz and 265–275 GHz, ground-based passive atmospheric sensing is carried out to monitor atmospheric constituents KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     202–209 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S.5.340 All emissions prohibited S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions S5.563A In the bands 200–209 GHz, 235–238 GHz, 250–252 GHz and 265–275 GHz, ground-based passive atmospheric sensing is carried out to monitor atmospheric constituents KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     209–217 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 209–226 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service (spectral line observation) from harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     217–226 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.562B Use of this allocation is limited to space-based radio astronomy only. S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 209–226 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.341 By some countries used for search of extraterrestrial emissions PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     226–231.5GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     231.5–232 GHz FIXED MOBILE Radiolocation PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE Raadiolokatsioon     232–235 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE Radiolocation PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE Raadiolokatsioon     235–238 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.563A In the bands 200–209 GHz, 235–238 GHz, 250–252 GHz and 265–275 GHz, ground-based passive atmospheric sensing is carried out to monitor atmospheric constuents S5.563B The band 237.9–238 GHz is also allocated to the Earth exploration-satellite service (acrtive) and the space research service (active) for spaceborne radars only PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     238–240 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (SE) MOBILE RADIOLOCATION RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (SE) LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIONAVIGATSIOON KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     240–241 GHz FIXED MOBILE RADIOLOCATION PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOLOKATSIOON     241–248 GHz RADIOLOCATION RADIO ASTRONOMY Amateur Amateur-Satellite S5.138 244–246 GHz (centre frequency 245GHz) for ISM applications S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 241–250 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference RAADIOLOKATSIOON RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     Amatöör-kosmoseside Amatöör-raadioside   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Lähitoimeseadmed 244–246 GHz Mittespetsiifilised lähitoimeseadmed CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 (Annex1) TSMm(2001)32  – üldised nõuded TSMm(2000)102  – vabastatud tehn. loast TTM aparatuur 244–246 GHz (kesksagedus 245 GHz)   248–250 GHz AMATEUR AMATEUR-SATELLITE Radio astronomy S5.149 Assignment to other services in band 241–250 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE   TSMm(2000)26  – nõuded amatöörraadiojaamade kasutamisel Raadioastronoomia     250–252 GHz EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.340 All emissions prohibited S5.563A In the bands 200–209 GHz, 235–238 GHz, 250–252 GHz and 265–275 GHz, ground-based passive atmospheric sensing is carried out to monitor atmospheric constituents KÕIK KIIRGUSED KEELATUD MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE (passiivne) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA KOSMOSE-UURINGUD (passiivne)     252–265 GHz FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (ES) RADIO ASTRONOMY RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION-SATELLITE S5.149 Assignment to other services in bands 252–275 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.554 Satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with mobile-satellite or radionavigation-satellite service PAIKNE SIDE LIIKUV SIDE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) RAADIOASTRONOOMIA RAADIONAVIGATSIOON KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON     265–275 GHz FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (ES) MOBILE RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 Assignment to other services in bands 252–275 GHz shall be made bearing in mind protection of the radio astronomy service from harmful interference S5.563A In the bands 200–209 GHz, 235–238 GHz, 250–252 GHz and 265–275 GHz, ground-based passive atmospheric sensing is carried out to monitor atmospheric constituents PAIKNE SIDE PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE (ES) LIIKUV SIDE RAADIOASTRONOOMIA     275–1000 GHz (Not allocated) S5.565 The band may be used for experimentation and development of various active and passive services       1 Juhised raadiosageduste plaani kasutamiseks 1. Eesti raadiosageduste plaani esimene veerg kajastab, kuidas reglementeerivad raadiosageduste kasutamist esimeses regioonis Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu Konventsiooni ja Põhikirja täiendavad raadioeeskirjad (edaspidi raadioeeskirjad), arvestades ka Ülemaailmse Raadiokonverentsi (WRC 2000) lõppaktidega. Veerus on toodud ära vaadeldava raadiosagedusala piirid, kasutusotstarve ja kasutusrežiim, samuti Eestit ja Eesti naaberriike puudutavad raadioeeskirjade artiklid, mis mõjutavad vaadeldava raadiosagedusala kasutamist Eestis. 2. Eesti raadiosageduste plaani teine, kolmas ja neljas veerg kajastavad raadiosageduste kasutamist Eestis. 3. Neljandas veerus on esitatud lisaandmed raadiosagedusala kasutusviisi kohta Eestis ja viitab CEPT Elektroonika Sidekomitee (ECC), Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu (ITU) asjakohastele otsustele ja soovitustele, rahvusvahelistele kokkulepetele ja Euroopa Liidu direktiividele. Samuti viidatakse vastavasisulistele määrustele. 4. Suurte tähtedega on tabelis tähistatud primaarset sageduskasutuse režiimi omav raadiosagedusala kasutusotstarve. 5. Väikeste tähtedega on tabelis tähistatud sekundaarset sageduskasutuse režiimi omav raadiosagedusala kasutusotstarve. 6. Märge «vabastatud tehnilisest loast» tähendab, et nimetatud seadmed on «Telekommunikatsiooniseaduse» § 18 lõike 7 alusel vabastatud tehnilisest loast. 7. Märge «üldised nõuded» viitab teede- ja sideministri poolt «Telekommunikatsiooniseaduse» § 65 lõike 1 punkti 3 ja lõike 3 alusel kehtestatud kasutamise üldistele nõuetele. 8. Märge «kehtiva tehnilise loaga määratud tingimustel» viitab sageduskasutuse muutmisele. Teede- ja sideministri 11. detsembri 2001. a määruse nr 110 lisa 2 RAADIOSAGEDUSTE PLAANIS ESINEVATE RAADIOSAGEDUSALADE KASUTUSOTSTARVETE EESTI- JA INGLISKEELSED VASTED: AMATÖÖR-RAADIOSIDE AMATEUR AMATÖÖR-KOSMOSESIDE AMATEUR-SATELLITE KOSMOSE RAADIOMETEOROLOOGIA METEOROLOGICAL-SATELLITE KOSMOSE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE KOSMOSE-UURINGUD SPACE RESEARCH LENNUSIDE AERONAUTICAL LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE MOBILE SATELLITE LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (ES) MOBILE SATELLITE (ES) LIIKUV KOSMOSESIDE (SE) MOBILE SATELLITE (SE) LIIKUV LENNU-KOSMOSESIDE AERONAUTICAL MOBILE-SATELLITE LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (OR) AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (OR) LIIKUV LENNUSIDE (R) AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) LIIKUV MAASIDE LAND MOBILE LIIKUV MERESIDE MARITIME MOBILE LIIKUV SIDE MOBILE LENNU-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION MAA-UURINGUTE KOSMOSESIDE EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE MERE-RAADIONAVIGATSIOON MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION PAIKNE KOSMOSESIDE FIXED SATELLITE PAIKNE SIDE FIXED RAADIOASTRONOOMIA RADIO ASTRONOMY RAADIOLOKATSIOON RADIOLOCATION RAADIOMETEOROLOOGIA METEOROLOGICAL AIDS RAADIONAVIGATSIOON RADIONAVIGATION RINGHÄÄLING BROADCASTING RINGHÄÄLING (SATELLIIT) BROADCASTING-SATELLITE STANDARDSAGEDUSE JA AJA SIGNAAL STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL STANDARDSAGEDUSE JA AJA SIGNAAL SATELLIIDILT STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL-SATELLITE RAADIOSAGEDUSTE PLAANIS KASUTATUD TÄHISTE JA LÜHENDITE SELGITUSED: Lühend Tähendus ACAS Kokkupõrke vältimise süsteem (Automatic Collision Avoidance system) AGA Õhk–Maa–Õhk side (Air–Ground–Air operation) AIS Universaalne laevade identifitseerimissüsteem (Automatic Identification and Surveillance system) AM Amplituudmodulatsioon (Amplitude modulation) App. Raadioeeskirjade lisa (Appendix) Art. Raadioeeskirjade artikkel (Article) BSS Ringhääling (satelliit) (Broadcasting-satellite service) CEPT Euroopa Posti ja Telekommunikatsioonide Administratsioonide Konverents (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) CEPT PR27 Ühiskasutusega sagedusalas 27 MHz töötav raadiosidesüsteem (Citizen’s band radio equipment in the 27 MHz band) CEPT/ERC/T/R (CEPT/ECC/T/R) CEPT Elektroonika Sidekomitee tehniline soovitus CEPT/ERC/DEC (CEPT/ECC/DEC) CEPT Elektroonika Sidekomitee otsus CEPT/ERC/REC (CEPT/ECC/REC) CEPT Elektroonika Sidekomitee soovitus CT1 (esimene põlvkond) Juhtmeta telefonisüsteem (Cordless Telephone first generation) CT2 (teine põlvkond) Juhtmeta telefonisüsteem (Cordless Telephone second generation) DCS-1800 Mobiiltelefonisüsteem (Digital Cellular System) DEC Otsus (Decision) DECT Raadiotelefonisüsteem (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) DGPS Diferentsiaalne sidesüsteem asukoha määramiseks (Differential Global Positioning System) DME Vahemaa mõõtmise süsteem (Distance measuring equipment) DMO Otseühenduskanal (Direct Mode Operation) Du Dupleks raadiosageduskanal DVB-T Maapealne digitaaltelevisioon (Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting) e.i.r.p. Isotroopne kiirgusvõimsus (Equivalent isotropically radiated power) EPIRB Avariipoid (Emergency Position-Indicating Radiobeacon) ERMES Üldkasutatav isikuotsingu süsteem (European Radio Message System) ES Kosmoseside maajaama saatesagedus (Earth-to-space) FM Sagedusmodulatsioon (Frequency modulation) FSS Paikne kosmoseside (Fixed-satellite service) FWA Juurdepääsu raadiovõrk (Fixed Wireless Access) GMDSS Ülemaailmne merehäda ja ohutuse süsteem (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) GPS Kosmosesidesüsteem asukoha määramiseks (Global Positioning System) GSM Mobiiltelefonisüsteem (Global System for Mobile Communication) GSO Geostatsionaarne orbiit (Geostationary orbit) HDFS Suuremahuline paikse side rakendus (High-Density Fixed Service) HDTV Kõrgkvaliteediline televisioon (High Definition Television) HF Kõrgsagedus 3–30 MHz (High Frequency) HIPERLAN Raadio-kohtvõrk (High Performance Radio Local Area Network) Hz Hertz, sageduse mõõtühik (1 kHz = 1000 Hz; 1 Mhz = 1 000 000 Hz; 1 GHz = 1 000 000 000 Hz) ILS Instrumentaalmaandumissüsteem (Instrument Landing System) IMT-2000 Ülemaailmne mobiilsidesüsteem (International Mobile Telecommunications 2000) IMO Rahvusvaheline Mereorganisatsioon (International Maritime Organization) ITU Rahvusvaheline Telekommunikatsiooni Liit (International Telecommunication Union) ITU-R F.XXX Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu Raadioside sektori (International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector) soovitus KAMm(xxxx)yy Kaitseministri xxxx-aasta määrus nr yy MSI Mere-ohutusinformatsioon (Maritime Safety Information) MWS Juhtmeta multimeediajaotussüsteem (Multimedia Wireless Systems) NAVTEX Mere-ohutussüsteem (Narrow-Band Direct-Printing telegraphy) NBDP Kitsaribaline tähttrükkimine (Narrow-Band Direct-Printing) OR Lennuside väljaspool lennutrasse (Off-Route) Pfd Võimsusvootihedus (Power flux density) PMR446 Ühiskasutusega sagedusalas 446 MHz töötav raadiosidesüsteem (Professional Mobile Radio 446) R Lennuside lennutrassidel (Route) RAS Telefonivõrgu juurdepääsuvõrk (Radio Access System) RLAN Raadio-kohtvõrk (Radio Local Area Network) Rec. Soovitus (Recommendation) Res. Resolutsioon (Resolution) RTTT Maanteesidesüsteem (Road Transport and Traffic Telematics) Rx Baasjaama vastuvõtusagedus RR Raadioeeskirjad (Radio Regulations) SART Radarivastajasüsteem (Search and Rescue Transponders) SE Kosmoseside maajaama vastuvõtusagedus (Space-to-Earth) Si Simpleks raadiosageduskanal SIT SIT terminal (Satellite Interactive Terminal) SNG Kosmosesidesüsteem uudiste ajutiseks edastamiseks (Satellite News Gathering) SRD Lähitoimeseadmed (Short Range Device) SS Satelliitidevaheline side (Satellite-to-satellite) SSB Ühe külgriba modulatsioon (Single Side Band) S-PCS Isikliku kasutusega kosmosesidesüsteem (Satellite Personal Communications Services) SUT SUT terminal (Satellite User Terminal) T-DAB Maapealne digitaalraadioringhääling (Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting) TETRA Liikuva maaside süsteem (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) TFTS Mobiilne telefonisüsteem lennukitel (Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System) TSMm(xxxx)yy Teede- ja sideministri xxxx-aasta määrus nr yy ISM (TTM) Eriotstarbelised raadiosagedusseadmed tööstuses, teaduses, meditsiinis (Industrial, Scientific and Medical applications), olmes või muus valdkonnas kasutamiseks ettenähtud seadmed, mille töö põhineb elektromagnetlainete kasutamisel muul eesmärgil kui raadioside pidamine TV Televisioon Tx Baasjaama saatesagedus UMTS Ülemaailmne mobiilsidesüsteem (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) – ERC definitsioon IMT-2000 jaoks VHF Ülikõrgsagedus 30–300 MHz (Very High Frequency) VVm(xxxx)yy Vabariigi Valitsuse xxxx-aasta määrus nr yy VOR VHF-ringsuunaline raadiomajakas (VHF omnidirectional radio range) WRC (WARC) Ülemaailmne raadioside konverents (World (Administrative) Radio Conference) (WRC-2000) WRC-2000 otsus, mis jõustub 01.01.2002 VSAT Väikesemõõtmelised kosmosesidesüsteemide rakendused (Very Small Aperture Terminal) Teede- ja sideministri 11. detsembri 2001. a määruse nr 110 lisa 3 CEPT ELEKTROONIKA SIDEKOMITEE OTSUSED JA SOOVITUSED CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)01 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency bands 6765–6795 kHz and 13.553–13.567 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)02 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 26.957–27.283 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)03 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 40.660–40.700 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)04 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency bands 868.0–868.6 MHz, 868.7–869.2 MHz, 869.4–869.65 MHz, 869.7–870.0 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)05 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 2400–2483.5 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)06 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 5725–5875 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)07 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) operating in the frequency band 2400–2483.5 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)08 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Movement Detection and Alert operating in the frequency band 2400–2483.5 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)09 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Alarms operating in the frequency bands 868.60–868.7 MHz, 869.25–869.3 MHz, 869.65–869.7 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)10 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Model control operating in the frequencies 26.995, 27.045, 27.095, 27.145 and 27.195 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)11 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Flying Model control operating in the frequency band 34.995–35.225 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)12 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Model control operating in the frequencies 40.665, 40.675, 40.685 and 40.695 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)13 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency bands 9–59.750 kHz, 59.750–60.250 kHz, 60.250–70 kHz, 70–119 kHz, 119–135 kHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)14 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency bands 6765–6795 kHz, 13.553–13.567 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)15 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency band 7400–8800 kHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)16 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency band 26.957–27.283 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)17 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants operating in the frequency band 402–405 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)18 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Wireless Audio Applications operating in the frequency band 863–865 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)19 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequency bands to be designated for the Direct Mode Operation (DMO) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems for the Emergency Services CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)20 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequency bands to be designated for Air–Ground–Air operation (AGA) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems for the Emergency Services CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)21 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequency band to be designated for the Direct Mode Operation (DMO) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)22 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of SpaceChecker S-SMS Mobile User Terminals CEPT/ERC/DEC(01)25 ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Thuraya mobile user terminals CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)01 ERC Decision of 28 March 2000 extending ERC/DEC/(97)07 on the frequency bands for the introduction of terrestrial Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)02 ERC Decision of 27 March 2000 on the use of the band 37.5–40.5 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the fixed-satellite service (space to Earth) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)03 ERC Decision of 27 March 2000 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Satellite Interactive Terminals (SITs) operating within the Frequency Bands 10.70–12.75 GHz space-to-Earth and 29.50–30.00 GHz Earth-to-Space CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)04 ERC Decision of 27 March 2000 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Satellite User Terminals (SUTs) operating within the Frequency Bands 19.70–20.20 GHz space-to-Earth and 29.50–30.00 GHz Earth-to-space CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)05 ERC Decision of 27 March 2000 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) operating in the frequency bands 14.0–14.25 GHz Earth-to-space and 12.5–12.75 GHz space-to-Earth CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)07 ERC Decision of 19 October 2000 on the shared use of the band 17.7–19.7 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)08 ERC Decision of 19 October 2000 on the use of the band 10.7–12.5 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the broadcasting-satellite and fixed-satellite Service (space-to-Earth) CEPT/ERC/DEC(00)09 ERC Decision of 19 October 2000 on the use of the band 27.5–29.5 GHz by the fixed service and uncoordinated Earth stations of the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)06 ERC Decision of 10 March 1999 on the harmonised introduction of satellite personal communication systems operating in the bands below 1 GHz (S-PCS<1GHz) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)15 ERC Decision of 1 June 1999 on the designation of the harmonised frequency band 40.5 to 43.5 GHz for the introduction of Multimedia Wireless Systems (MWS) including Multipoint Video Distribution Systems (MVDS) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)17 ERC Decision of 1 June 1999 on the Automatic Identification and Surveillance system (AIS) channels in the maritime VHF band CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)20 ERC Decision of 29 November 1999 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-M4 terminals for land mobile applications CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)23 ERC Decision of 29 November 1999 on the harmonised frequency bands to be designated for the introduction of High Performance Radio Local Area Networks (HIPERLANs) CEPT/ERC/DEC(99)25 ERC Decision of 29 November 1999 on the harmonised utilisation of spectrum for terrestrial Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) operating within the bands 1900–1980 MHz, 2010–2025 MHz and 2110–2170 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)11 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for CEPT PR 27 radio equipment and on the implementation of the technical standard for this equipment CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)12 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-D terminals for land mobile applications CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)13 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-C terminals for land mobile applications CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)14 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-M terminals for land mobile applications CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)15 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Omnitracs terminals for the Euteltracs system CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)17 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of ARCANET Suitcase terminals CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)18 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of EMS-PRODAT terminals for land mobile applications CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)19 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of EMS-MSSAT terminals for land mobile applications CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)20 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of GSM mobile terminals CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)21 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of DCS 1800 (also known as GSM 1800) mobile terminals CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)22 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of DECT equipment, except fixed parts which provide for public access CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)23 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of ERMES paging receivers CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)25 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for PMR 446 CEPT/ERC/DEC(98)29 ERC Decision of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-phone terminals (also known as Inmarsat mini-M) for land mobile applications CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)02 ERC Decision of 21 March 1997 on the extended frequency bands to be used for the GSM Digital Pan-European Communication System CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)03 ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on the Harmonised Use of Spectrum for Satellite Personal Communication Services (S-PCS) operating within the bands 1610–1626.5 MHz, 2483.5–2500 MHz, 1980–2010 MHz and 2170–2200 MHz CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)06 ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for Social Alarm Systems CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)07 ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on the frequency bands for the introduction of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) CEPT/ERC/DEC(97)08 ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on management of the Schiever Plan for the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)01 ERC Decision of 7 March 1996 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for the introduction of the Digital Land Mobile System for the Emergency Services CEPT/ERC/DEC(96)04 ERC Decision of 7 March 1996 on the frequency bands for the introduction of the Trans European Trunked Radio System (TETRA) CEPT/ERC/DEC(95)03 ERC Decision of 1 December 1995 on the frequency bands to be designated for the introduction of DCS 1800 CEPT/ERC/DEC(94)01 ERC Decision of 24 October 1994 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the GSM digital pan-European communications system CEPT/ERC/DEC(94)02 ERC Decision of 24 October 1994 on the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the European Radio Messaging System (ERMES) CEPT/ERC/DEC(94)03 ERC Decision of 24 October 1994 on the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications system CEPT/ERC/DEC(92)01 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System CEPT/ERC/DEC(92)02 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of Road Transport Telematic Systems CEPT/ERC/REC(00)04 Harmonised frequencies and free circulation and use for Meteor Scatter Applications CEPT/ERC/REC(01)02 Preferred channel arrangement for digital fixed service systems operating in the frequency band 31.8–33.4 GHz CEPT/ERC/REC 12-02 Harmonised radio frequency channel arrangements for analogue and digital terrestrial fixed systems operating in the band 12.75 GHz to 13.25 GHz CEPT/ERC/REC 12-03 Harmonised radio frequency channel arrangements for digital terrestrial fixed systems operating in the band 17.7 GHz to 19.7 GHz CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 Harmonised radio frequency channel arrangements for digital terrestrial fixed systems operating in the band 10.0–10.68 GHz CEPT/ERC/REC 12-08 Harmonised radio frequency channel arrangements and block allocations for low, medium and high capacity systems in the band 3600 MHz to 4200 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 12-09 Radio frequency channel arrangement for fixed service systems operating in the band 57.0–59.0 GHz which do not require frequency planning CEPT/ERC/REC 12-11 Radio frequency channel arrangement for fixed service sytstems operating in the band 51.4–52.6 GHz CEPT/ERC/REC 12-12 Radio frequency channel arrangement for fixed service systems operating in the band 55.78–57.0 GHz CEPT/ERC/REC 13-03 The use of the band 14.0–14.5 GHz for Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) and Satellite News Gathering (SNG) CEPT/ERC/REC 13-04 Preferred frequency bands for fixed wireless access in the frequency range between 3 and 29.5 GHz CEPT/ERC/REC 14-01 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for high capacity analogue and digital radio-relay systems operating in the band 5925 MHz – 6425 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 14-02 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity analogue or high capacity digital radio-relay systems operating in the band 6425 MHz – 7125 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 14-03 Harmonised radio frequency channel arrangements for low and medium capacity systems in the band 3400 MHz to 3600 MHz CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 Frequency ranges for the use of temporary terrestrial ENG/OB video links during events in other CEPT member countries CEPT/ERC/REC 62-01 Use of the band 135.7–137.8 kHz by the Amateur Service CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 Relating to the use of Short Range Devices (SRD) CEPT/ERC T/R 12-01 Harmonized radio frequency channel arrangements for analogue and digital terrestrial fixed systems operating in the band 37–39.5 GHz CEPT/ERC T/R 13-01 Preferred channel arrangements for fixed services in the range 1–3 GHz CEPT/ERC T/R 13-02 Preferred channel arrangements for fixed services in the range 22.0–29.5 GHz CEPT/ERC T/R 25-08 Coordination of frequencies in the Land Mobile Service in the range 29.7 et 960 MHz CEPT/ERC T/R 32-02 Frequencies to be used by on-board communication stations ITU SOOVITUSED ITU-R F.385 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 7 GHz band ITU-R F.386 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity analogue or digital radio-relay systems operating in the 8 GHz band ITU-R F.387 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 11 GHz band ITU-R F.636 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 15 GHz band ITU-R F.637 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 23 GHz band EUROOPA LIIDU DIREKTIIVID 87/372/EEC On the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated introduction of public pan-European cellular digital land-based mobile communications in the Community 90/544/EEC On the frequency bands designated for the coordinated introduction of pan-European land-based public radio paging in the Community 91/287/EEC On the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of digital European cordless telecommunications (DECT) into the Community 128/1999/EC Decision No 128/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 1998 on the coordinated introduction of a third-generation mobile and wireless communications system (UMTS) in the Community RAHVUSVAHELISED LEPINGUD Genf 1975 Final Acts of the Regional Administrative LF/MF Broadcasting Conference (Regions 1 and 3) Genf 1984 Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the planning of VHF Sound Broadcasting (Region 1 and part of Region 3) Genf 1985 Plans for Maritime Radionavigation Services in the European Maritime Area and for MF Maritime Mobile and Aeronautical Radionavigation Services Wiesbaden 1995 Final Acts of the CEPT T-DAB Planning Meeting Stockholm 1961 Final Acts of the European VHF/UHF Broadcasting Conference Chester 1997 The Chester 1997 Multilateral Coordination Agreement relating to Technical Criteria, Coordination Principles and Procedures for the introduction of Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting ITU RAADIOEESKIRJADE LISAD RR App. S17 ITU «Radio Regulations 2» Appendix S17 «Frequencies and channeling arrangements in the high-frequency bands for the maritime mobile service», Geneva 1998 RR App. S18 ITU «Radio Regulations 2» Appendix S18 «Table of transmitting frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band», Geneva 1998 RR App. S25 ITU «Radio Regulations 2» Appendix S25 «Provisions and associated frequency allotment Plan for coast radiotelephone stations operating in the exclusive maritime mobile bands between 4000–27 500 kHz», Geneva 1998 RR App. S26 ITU «Radio Regulations 2» Appendix S26 «Provisions and associated Frequency Allotment Plan for the aeronautical mobile (OR) service in the bands allocated exclusively to that service between 3025 kHz and 18 030 kHz», Geneva 1998 RR App. S27 ITU «Radio Regulations 2» Appendix S27 «Frequency allotment Plan for the aeronautical mobile (R) service and related information», Geneva 1998 RR App. S30 ITU «Radio Regulations 2» Appendix S30 «Provisions for all services and associated Plans for the broadcasting-satellite service in the frequency bands 11,7–12,2 GHz (in Region 3), 11,7–12,5 GHz (in Region 1) and 12,2–12,7 GHz (in Region 2)», Geneva 1998 ITU RAADIOEESKIRJADE RESOLUTSIOON RR Res.517 ITU ««Radio Regulations 3» Resolution 517 «Transition from double-sideband to single-sideband or other spectrum – efficient modulation techniques in the high-frequency bands between 5900 kHz and 26 100 kHz allocated to the broadcasting service», Geneva 1998 Teede- ja sideministri 11. detsembri 2001. a määruse nr 110 lisa 4 TEEDE- JA SIDEMINISTRI MÄÄRUSED TSMm(2001)32 Teede- ja sideministri 30. märtsi 2001. a määrus nr 32 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded lähitoimeseadmete klassile» TSMm(2001)52 Teede- ja sideministri 21. mai 2001. a määrus nr 52 «Liiklusradarite klassi kuuluvate raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded» TSMm(2001)71 Teede- ja sideministri 25. juuni 2001. a määrus nr 71 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded 1,6/2,4 GHz raadiosagedusalas töötava isikliku kasutusega kosmoseside terminalide klassile» TSMm(2001)72 Teede- ja sideministri 25. juuni 2001. a määrus nr 72 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded 10/29 GHz raadiosagedusalas töötavate SIT-terminalide klassile» TSMm(2001)73 Teede- ja sideministri 25. juuni 2001. a määrus nr 73 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded 19/29 GHz raadiosagedusalas töötavate SUT-terminalide klassile» TSMm(2001)74 Teede- ja sideministri 25. juuni 2001. a määrus nr 74 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded raadiosagedusalas 1,9/2,1 GHz töötava isikliku kasutusega kosmoseside terminalide klassile» TSMm(2001)77 Teede- ja sideministri 25. juuni 2001. a määrus nr 77 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded 11/12/14 GHz raadiosagedusalas (Ku-raadiosagedusala) töötavate antenni läbimõõduga kuni 3,8 m VSAT kosmoseside terminalide klassile» TSMm(2001)78 Teede- ja sideministri 26. juuni 2001. a määrus nr 78 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded üldkasutatava telefonivõrgu raadiovõrgu RAS1000 terminaliseadmete klassile» TSMm(2001)89 Teede- ja sideministri 7. augusti 2001. a määrus nr 89 «Nõuded loomade jälgimiseks kasutatavatele raadiosaateseadmetele» TSMm(2001)92 Teede- ja sideministri 24. augusti 2001. a määrus nr 92 «Nõuded meteoroloogiliste raadiosondide kasutamisele» TSMm(2000)26 Teede- ja sideministri 28. aprilli 2000. a määrus nr 26 «Amatöörraadiojaamadele tööloa andmise, nende registreerimise, paigaldamise ja kasutamise kord» TSMm(2000)93 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 93 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded alla 1 GHz raadiosagedusalas töötavate isikliku kasutusega kosmoseside terminalide klassile» TSMm(2000)94 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 94 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded GSM mobiiltelefonide klassile» TSMm(2000)95 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 95 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded CEPT PR 27 raadioseadmete klassile» TSMm(2000)96 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 96 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded 1,5/1,6 GHz raadiosagedusalas madala andmeedastuskiirusega töötavate liikuvate kosmoseside terminalide klassile» TSMm(2000)97 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 97 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded 1,5/1,6 GHz raadiosagedusalas töötavate liikuvate kosmoseside terminalide klassile» TSMm(2000)98 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 98 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded PMR 446 raadioseadmete klassile» TSMm(2000)99 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 99 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded juhtmeta telefonide DECT klassile» TSMm(2000)100 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 100 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded 11/12/14 GHz (Ku-raadiosagedusala) raadiosagedusalas töötavate liikuvate kosmoseside terminalide klassile» TSMm(2000)102 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 102 «Loetelu nõuetele vastavatest teatud klassi kuuluvatest raadiosaateseadmetest, mille paigaldamiseks või kasutamiseks ei nõuta tehnilist luba» TSMm(2000)103 Teede- ja sideministri 23. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 103 «Raadiosaateseadmete kasutamise üldised nõuded juhtmeta telefonide CT1 ja CT2 klassile» TSMm(2000)119 Teede- ja sideministri 20. detsembri 2000. a määrus nr 119 «Nõuded raadiosidele» KAITSEMINISTRI MÄÄRUS KAMm(2001)16 Kaitseministri 22. mai 2001. a määrus nr 16 «Kaitsejõudude ainukasutuseks määratud raadiosagedusalade kasutamise tehnilised nõuded ja kasutamise kord» VABARIIGI VALITSUSE MÄÄRUS VVm(2000)392 Vabariigi Valitsuse 30. novembri 2000. a määrus nr 392 «Raadiosageduskanali, lühinumbri või numeratsioonivahemiku kasutamine avalikes huvides»