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Order of the person in charge of emergency situation concerning restrictions imposed on institutions accessible to the public

Issuer:Prime Minister
In force from:16.03.2020
In force until:26.03.2020
Translation published:17.03.2020

Order of the person in charge of emergency situation concerning restrictions imposed on institutions accessible to the public

Passed 14.03.2020 No. 29
RT III, 14.03.2020, 4
Entry into force 14.03.2020

Amended by the following legal instruments (show)

PassedPublishedEntry into force
16.03.2020RT III, 16.03.2020, 316.03.2020

Due to the emergency situation declared by the Government of the Republic Order No. 76 “Declaration of an emergency situation in the administrative territory of the Republic of Estonia” of 12 March 2020, the person in charge of emergency situation decides:

1. Under § 31 (1) and (3) of the Emergency Act, a restriction on the freedom of movement and a prohibition on stay are imposed in public sports halls, gyms, saunas, spas, sports clubs, swimming pools, water parks, day centres, casinos and slot machines halls and children’s playrooms.
[RT III, 16.03.2020, 3 – entry into force 16.03.2020]
2. The restriction provided for in clause 1 does not apply to the employees of said institutions.
3. The restriction provided for in clause 1 does not apply to institutions which provide social and health services and soup kitchen services. The restriction does also not apply to institutions which provide food aid, welfare services, services for disabled children and adults as well as health and rehabilitation services.
31. The restriction provided for in clause 1 does not apply to athletes participating in preparations for the Olympic Games, their coaches and support staff in planned training sessions at the Audentes Sports Centre and Pärnu Rowing Centre Kalev according to the list approved by the Estonian Olympic Committee.
[RT III, 16.03.2020, 3 – entry into force 16.03.2020]
4. Said measures shall apply until this Order is changed and the need for these measures shall be assessed no later than after every two weeks.
5. Broadcasters and electronic communications undertakings shall publish the Order promptly in unaltered form and free of charge.
6. The Order takes effect upon signing.

This Order establishes specific measures for the protection of the life and health of people and overriding public interest, said measures being essential for preventing the spread of the virus. The reasons and considerations are set out in the explanatory memorandum to the Order, which will be published on the website of the Government of the Republic.
Failure to duly comply with measures of emergency situation will prompt the application of the administrative coercive measures set out in § 28 (2) or (3) of the Law Enforcement Act. According to § 47 of the Emergency Act, the amount of penalty payment is 2000 euros.
This Order can be appealed against pursuant to the procedure provided for in the Code of Administrative Court Procedure.
