Grid Code
Passed 26.06.2003 No. 184
RT I 2003, 49, 347
Entry into force 01.07.2003
Amended by the following legal instruments (show)
Passed | Published | Entry into force |
10.05.2007 | RT I 2007, 37, 255 | 25.05.2007 |
15.04.2010 | RT I 2010, 16, 89 | 25.04.2010 |
01.07.2010 | RT I 2010, 48, 295 | 19.07.2010 |
23.08.2010 | RT I 2010, 60, 407 | 01.01.2011 |
20.12.2012 | RT I, 29.12.2012, 20 | 01.01.2013 |
17.11.2014 | RT I, 19.11.2014, 2 | 22.11.2014 |
02.04.2015 | RT I, 08.04.2015, 1 | 01.07.2015 |
06.08.2015 | RT I, 11.08.2015, 1 | 14.08.2015 |
11.02.2016 | RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 | 19.02.2016 |
14.02.2019 | RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 | 27.04.2019 |
This Regulation is established on the basis of subsection 42 (2) of the Electricity Market Act.
§ 1. Scope of application
(1) This Regulation lays down:
1) technical requirements applicable to power-generating installations by virtue of the security of supply of the electricity system;
2) simplified conditions for connection to the network of power-generating installations whose capacity is below 15 kW and which use a renewable source for generation.
(2) This Regulation is applicable to existing power-generating modules which fall under paragraph 2 of Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (OJ L 112, 27.04.2016, pp. 1–68) and:
1) which do not meet the conditions set out in subparagraph (a) of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631;
2) with respect to which no request has been filed with the transmission system operator concerning the application to the power-generating module of the requirements provided in Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631.
[RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 2. Definitions
(1) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(11) For the purposes of this Regulation, “wind turbine” means production system, which converts kinetic wind energy into electric energy.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(2) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(3) For the purposes of this Regulation, “excitation system ceiling voltage” means the maximum DC voltage which the excitation system is able to provide from its terminals under the defined conditions.
(4) For the purposes of this Regulation, “generator” means equipment, which converts kinetic energy into electric energy.
(5) For the purposes of this Regulation, “generator circuit-breaker” means the circuit-breaker, which operates at the level of generator voltage or generator-transformer high voltage.
(6) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(7) For the purposes of this Regulation, “overspeed protection” means protection, which stops the wind turbine in case of too strong wind.
(8) [Repealed – RT I, 29.12.2012, 20 – entry into force 01.01.2013]
(81) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(9) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(10) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(11) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(12) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(13) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(14) For the purposes of this Regulation, “rated active power” means the rated active electrical power of a power plant generator or the sum of the rated active electrical powers of generators.
(15) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(151) For the purposes of this Regulation, ‘solar power plant’ means a power plant that converts solar radiation into electricity.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(16) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(17) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(171) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(18) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(181) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(19) For the purposes of this Regulation, “wind farm” means a power plant consisting of several wind turbines and the devices connecting wind turbines to each other and to the connection point, and the buildings and structures.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(20) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(21) The power engineering definitions used in this Regulation and not specified in subsections (1) to (20) of this section shall be interpreted in accordance with the common practices of electrical power engineering.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(211) For the purposes of this Regulation, ‘European product certificate’ means a document certifying that the power-generating installation complies with the relevant European certification requirements.
[RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
Division 1 General Requirements
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 3. Requirements for supply security
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 4. Presentation of reliability indicators in network contracts
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 2 Planning and Management of Security of Supply of the System
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 5. Planning and management of the electrical power balance of the system
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 6. Planning of system stability
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 7. Application of measures providing security of supply
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 8. Operation of system protection automation to prevent system blackout
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 9. Restoration of the system
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 3 System Disturbances and their Consequences
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 10. Tripping of one element (N-1)
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 11. Tripping of two elements (N-2)
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 12. Tripping of more than two elements (N-X)
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 13. System reliability criteria
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 4 Production Supplies Required for Meeting the Consumption Demand
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 - entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 131. System adequacy
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 132. Production supplies required for meeting the consumption demand
(1) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(2) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(3) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(4) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(5) For performing an assessment of the adequacy of the electricity system, by 1 February of each year the electricity producers present to the system operator the information listed in the regulation enacted under subsection 3 of § 42 of the Electricity Market Act concerning the next fifteen years.
[RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
(6) [Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 1 Connection of Generating Installations to the System
§ 14. General requirements
(1) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(2) Connection of a power plant with rated power of over 1 MW to the system shall be approved by the system operator. The data specified in Annex 2 shall be submitted to the system operator.
(3) A bi-directional active and reactive energy meter with a remote reading device shall be installed for commercial measurement of electrical energy.
(4) The reactive power required for the operation of an asynchronous generator shall be balanced on site on the basis of the principle that the reactive power supplied to the network and consumed from the network shall be minimal. The permitted deviation of reactive power is +/-10% of the rated active power.
(5) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(6) For real-time measurement of the produced or consumed electricity at the power plant the producer shall install a bi-directional active and reactive energy meter with a load curve recorder and a remote reading device.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 15. Requirements applied to the generating installations of power plants with rated active power up to 1 MW
(1) The electrical design documentation of a power plant which is to be connected to the network and whose rated capacity exceeds 15 kW is presented for endorsement to the network operator. The network operator decides on the matter within 30 days from receiving the corresponding application. If circumstances require detailed scrutiny, the decision is made within 60 days from receiving the application.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(2) The following relay protection shall be installed to power plant generators:
1) overload protection;
2) overcurrent protection;
3) overvoltage and undervoltage protection;
4) frequency protection (required at the rated active power of over 200 kW);
5) voltage unbalance protection;
6) anti-motoring and rotation overspeed protection (required at the rated active power of over 200 kW).
(3) The set points of relay protection shall be approved by the network operator to whose network the power plan will be connected.
(4) The generator shall be switched to the network with a synchronizing device, which prevents inrush. The generator can be switched to the network with an inrush if the current ratio does not exceed the values calculated by the following formulae:
1) in case of a turbogenerator
2) in case of a hydrogenerator
3) the meaning of the symbols of the values in the formulae presented in clauses 1) and 2) is the following:
Maximum value of the periodic component of asynchronous closing current calculated by the formula:
IN | Rated current of the generator |
Xd" | Direct-axis sub-transient reactance of the generator |
XSUM | Total reactance of the power system in the connection point, determined by the network operator |
UN | Rated phase voltage |
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 - jõust. 25.05.2007]
(5) If voltage is lost in the electrical network and the power plant trips from the network, the generators of the power plant may be switched back on after 5 minutes as of the recovery of network voltage. The generator may switch to the network automatically if the automation guarantees switching on without inrush.
(6) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(7) If the rated active power of a power plant exceeds 200kW, the producer shall send the results of the measurements of (gross) active and reactive power produced in the power plant and voltage in real time to the control centre of the service area of the network operator. For that purpose, the producer shall install the measuring devices on the generating installations in accordance with the connection contract.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(8) If the rated active power of the power plant exceeds 200kW, the network operator relays to the control centre of its service area in real time the results of the measurements of the (net) active and reactive power and of the voltage supplied to the network. For that purpose, the network operator installs metering devices that comply with the connection contract. In the case of wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants, the network operator also relays these data to the system operator.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
§ 16. Requirements to power plants with rated active power from 1 to 10 MW
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(1) In order to connect a power plant to the network, the project of the electrical part of the power plant to be connected shall be submitted to the network operator for approval. If the power plant is connected to the distribution network, the distribution network operator shall coordinate the project with the system operator.
(2) The generators of a power plant must be supplied with the following relay protection:
1) overload protection;
2) overcurrent protection;
3) overvoltage and undervoltage protection;
4) frequency protection;
5) voltage unbalance protection;
6) anti-motoring and rotation overspeed protection.
(3) At a power plant with synchronous generators an automatic disconnection by frequency drop shall be installed, which enables to guarantee independent operation of the power plant.
(4) The network operator shall install a backup protection and a backup automatic disconnection to a point from the connection point towards the network.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(5) The set points of relay protection and automation shall be approved by the network operator, to whose network the power plant will be connected. The connectee shall submit the set points of relay protection and automation to the network operator before connecting a power plant to the network.
(6) Automatic excitation control and excitation boost shall be installed to a synchronous generator.
(7) The generator shall be switched to the network with a synchronizing device, which prevents inrush. The generator can be switched to the network with an inrush if the current ratio does not exceed the values calculated by the following formulae.
1) in case of a turbogenerator
2) in case of a hydrogenerator
3) the meaning of the symbols of the values in the formulae presented in clauses 1) and 2) is the following:
Maximum value of the periodic component of asynchronous closing current calculated by the formula:
IN | Rated current of the generator |
Xd" | Direct-axis sub-transient reactance of the generator |
XSUM | Total reactance of the power system in the connection point, determined by the network operator |
UN | Rated phase voltage |
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 - jõust. 25.05.2007]
(8) A soft starting device shall be installed to asynchronous generators unless otherwise prescribed in the connection offer.
(9) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(10) The producer shall send the results of the measurements of (gross) active and reactive power produced in the power plant and voltage in real time to the control centre of the service area of the network operator and to the system operator. For that purpose, the producer shall install the measuring devices on the generating installations in accordance with the connection contract.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(11) The network operator shall send the results of the measurements of the supplied (net) active and reactive power and voltage in real time to the control centre of its service area and to the system operator. For that purpose, the network operator shall install the measuring devices in accordance with the connection contract.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(12) The network operator shall submit the results of commercial measurement of the previous month concerning the production of the power plants in its service area to the system operator by the 5th date of every month. For that purpose, the measuring devices shall be installed in the power plant in accordance with the connection contract.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(13) A power plant shall be able to participate in primary control. The dead band of the speed controllers of the turbines must not exceed ± 0.1 Hz.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 17. Requirements applied to the power plants with rated active power of over 5 MW
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(1) As a rule, a power plant is connected to the transmission network. The connectee shall submit the project of the electrical part of the power plant to the network operator for approval. If a power plant is connected to a distribution network, the distribution network operator shall coordinate the connection offer and the project of the electrical part of the power plant with the system operator.
(2) The generators of a power plant must be supplied with the following relay protection:
1) external fault protection;
2) internal fault protection;
3) rotor earth fault and stator earth fault protection;
4) phase current unbalance protection;
5) stator or rotor overload protection;
6) frequency increase and frequency drop protection;
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
7) asynchronous operation protection;
8) failure protection for generator breaker, if the breaker has been installed.
(3) In power plants that have synchronous generators, automatic low-frequency disconnection equipment is installed, which makes it possible to ensure independent operation of the power plant.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(4) If a power plant with rated active power of less than 30 MW is connected to the network, a backup protection and a backup automatic disconnection shall be installed to a point from the connection point towards the network.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(5) Depending on the connection point, the set points of relay protection and automation shall be approved by the distribution network operator or by the transmission network operator. The connectee shall submit the relay protection and automation set points to the network operator before connecting the generating installations to the network.
(6) An automatic excitation control and excitation boost shall be installed to a synchronous generator.
(7) The generator shall be switched to the network with a synchronizing device, which prevents inrush.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
1) in case of a turbogenerator
2) in case of a hydrogenerator
3) the meaning of the symbols of the values in the formulae presented in clauses 1) and 2) is the following:
Maximum value of the periodic component of asynchronous closing current calculated by the formula:
IN | Rated current of the generator |
Xd" | Direct-axis sub-transient reactance of the generator |
XSUM | Total reactance of the power system in the connection point, determined by the network operator |
UN | Rated phase voltage |
(8) For measurement of the produced or consumed electricity at the power plant a bi-directional active and reactive energy meter with a load curve recorder and a remote reading device shall be installed.
(9) The measurement results of active and reactive power supplied to the network and voltage shall be sent to the system operator in real time. For that purpose, the relevant devices shall be installed in the power plant in accordance with the connection contract.
(10) The signals indicating the positions of the high-capacity circuit breakers of generators and of solar power plants must be relayed to the system operator in real time. For this purpose, the relevant devices are installed on the generating equipment in accordance with the connection contract.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(101) A power plant shall be able to participate in primary control. The dead band of the speed controllers of the turbines must not exceed ± 0.1 Hz.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(102) In addition to primary control, the power plants shall be able to participate in secondary control.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(11) The technical requirements for the generating installations of a power plant are presented in Division 2 of this Chapter.
§ 18. Supplementary requirements applicable to wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(1) The following requirements apply to connection to the network of wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants:
1) the connection to the distribution network of a power plant whose rated active capacity exceeds 200 kW is to be approved by the transmission network operator. The transmission network operator decides on the matter within 30 days from receiving the corresponding application;
2) a power plant whose rated active capacity exceeds 10 MW is connected to the transmission network.
(2) The producer installs wind overspeed protection on wind turbines and wind farms. The producer must install the following relay protection on wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants:
1) overload protection;
2) overcurrent protection;
3) overvoltage and undervoltage protection;
4) frequency protection.
(3) After the operation of voltage or frequency protection has been triggered, the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant may be switched on again when the voltage or frequency in the electricity network has remained within permissible limits during at least 10 minutes.
(4) In the case of a wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant whose rated active power exceeds 1 MW, the network operator must install, network-side from the connection point, backup protective devices and a backup automatic disconnection device.
(5) The set points of relay protection and automatic equipment must be submitted for approval to the network operator to whose network the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant is to be connected.
(6) The automatic devices of the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant must ensure the switching off of that wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant when the dead-ended feeder connecting the turbine, farm or plant with the system is switched off by relay protection.
(7) In the case of changes in windspeed, it must be possible to control the speed of variation of the power of the wind turbine or wind farm to be connected to the transmission network. In the case of a solar power plant to be connected to the transmission network, it must be possible to control the speed of variation of the power of the solar power plant in the case of fluctuations in solar radiation. Control conditions are to be agreed between the transmission network operator and the producer.
(8) The following requirements are applicable in relation to controlling the active power of a wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant whose rated active power exceeds 200 kW:
1) the deviation of the value of active power must not exceed the setpoint prescribed by the transmission network operator by more than ± 5%;
2) the limit of active power shall be controlled by a single signal. The signal may be relayed by remote control from the control centre of the network operator, or by locally using the frequency of the network, the position of the high-capacity circuit breaker or other relevant means;
3) control algorithms and set points are changed by remote control;
4) in the case of fast reduction in the generation of active power, it must be possible to reduce, within two seconds from the corresponding control signal’s reaching the control system of the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant, the output of active power from that turbine, farm or plant from their rated active capacity down to 20% of that capacity. In order to achieve a fast reduction of the active power generated by a wind farm, it is permitted to switch off a wind turbine or a group of wind turbines.
(9) The following requirements are applicable in relation to controlling the reactive power of a wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant:
1) the reactive power required for the operation of the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant is to be produced on-site. The reactive power supplied to or consumed from the network must be minimal. The permitted deviation of reactive power output is ± 10% of the rated active power of the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant;
2) in the case of network disturbances it must be possible for the dispatch operator of the electricity network to control the output of reactive power from the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant whose rated active power exceeds 200 kW within the entire range of the reserve of reactive power that is technically possible;
3) the adjustment of the output of reactive power must take place in accordance with reactive power and voltage on the high-voltage or low-voltage side of the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant. In the latter case, current compensation must be used;
4) the output of reactive power is to be controlled by a single signal;
5) control set points and algorithms are to be changed by remote control.
6) if reactive power is controlled by the network operator, that operator is to pay the producer for reactive energy supplied to or consumed from the network on the basis of the applicable price list.
(10) If the rated active power of the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant exceeds 200 kW, the measurement results of the active and reactive power and of the voltage supplied to the network must be relayed to the control centre of the service area of the network operator in real time. For this, the appropriate measuring devices must be installed on the wind turbine, wind farm or solar power plant in accordance with the connection contract.
(11) The following special requirements apply to wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants:
1) the remote control system must make it possible to switch the power plant on to and off from the transmission network and to relay to the control centre of that network in real time the position and fault signals and the results of measurement of active and reactive power, current and voltage;
2) from the wind turbine or wind farm connected to the transmission network, data on windspeed measurement and data describing the status of the wind farm or wind turbine and the reason for the switching off of the wind farm must be relayed to the control centre of the transmission network in real time. For this, the devices specified in the connection contract must be installed on the wind turbine or in the wind farm;
3) from the solar power plant connected to the transmission network, data on light intensity measurement in watts per square metre (W/m2) and data describing the status of the power plant and the reason for the switching off of the plant must be relayed to the control centre of the transmission network in real time. For this, the devices specified in the connection contract must be installed in solar power plant.
(12) If the wind farm or solar power plant is being built stage by stage, its conformity to the requirements may also be verified on a stage-by-stage basis, provided this is technically possible.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
§ 19. Obligations of the network operator when connecting the generating installations of a power plant to the network
(1) The network operator shall send to the system operator the following remote measurement results concerning the power plants connected to their network:
1) the sum, in real time, of the active and reactive power supplied by power plants whose rated active power is 200 kW to 1 MW. The data concerning wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants are presented separately.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
2) in real time, the active and reactive power supplied to the network by a power plant whose rated active power exceeds 1 MW;
3) the meters’ hourly remote reading data.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(2) The distribution network operator shall inform the system operator of the generating installations to be connected to the network and submit the technical data specified in Annex 2 required for the simulation of the system.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
Division 2 Requirements Applied to Generating Installations
§ 20. General Requirements
(1) The requirements specified in this division apply to all power plants unless otherwise provided for in this Regulation.
[RT I, 19.11.2014, 2 – entry into force 22.11.2014]
(2) If a power plant participates in controlling frequency or preserving emergency reserve, the conditions for controlling the generating installations of the power plant, the reserves to be preserved and the terms and conditions for payment for the services shall be laid down in the relevant contract.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 21. Requirements applied to generators and voltage regulators
(1) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(2) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(3) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(4) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(5) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(6) In case of static excitation the value of the ceiling voltage must be at least twofold and in case of brushless excitation at least 1.6 times of the rated value of excitation voltage of the generator. Upon determining the ceiling voltage other requirements applied to voltage control shall also be taken into account.
(7) An excitation system must enable application of the ceiling voltage during 10 seconds. Upon designing an excitation system, it must be taken into account that the requirements to ceiling voltage shall be satisfied also during close network faults. In addition to automatic control, an excitation system shall enable to control the excitation current manually.
(8) A vibration damper shall be installed on the generator to improve the damping of oscillations of extremely low frequency (0.2-1.0 Hz) between the generator and the power system, and which can be switched off. It must be possible to limit the output signal of the damper and the settings of the limitation shall be adjustable.
(9) In addition to the voltage regulator and vibration damper the control system includes also protecting limiters and devices stabilising the reactive current.
(10) The limiters of the rotor and stator currents have an inverse time characteristic which enables generator overloading.
(11) In the normal state the voltage control shall be automatic. Different control means may be applied depending on the reactive power output or the power factor. The use of the control system shall be approved by the transmission network operator.
(12) The requirements specified in this section are not applicable to wind turbines and wind farms.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 22. Requirements applicable to generators in case of frequency changes
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(1) If frequency varies between 49-51 Hz, the following requirements shall be applied to the generator:
1) the generator must operate continuously at maximum admissible power within the network voltage range between 90-105% of normal voltage and at any frequency between 49-51 Hz;
2) at the frequency 50.3-51 Hz the admissible operation time is up to 10 hours per year and with the duration of 30 minutes maximum per case;
3) if the operation frequency is over 50.3 Hz, a certain power decrease is permitted, if the maximum active power of the generator can be restored when the frequency drops below this value. The system operator shall evaluate the drop.
(2) If frequency varies between 49-47.5 Hz, the generator under disturbance conditions must operate for 30 minutes within the voltage range between 95% of the minimum normal voltage and 105% of the maximum normal voltage. The output power must not decrease if the frequency drops to 49 Hz, and can decrease 15% when the frequency drops to 47.5 Hz. Application of additional measures is recommended to avoid the decrease of power output.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(3) If frequency is varies between 51-52 Hz, the generator under disturbance conditions must operate for 5 seconds in the network within the voltage range between 95% of the minimum normal voltage and 105% of the maximum normal voltage. The output power may decrease, if stable operation at full power can be restored when the frequency drops below 50.3 Hz.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(4) If frequency varies between 51-53 Hz, the generator isolated from the system must operate at significantly decreased power output within the voltage range between 95% of the minimum normal voltage and 105% of the maximum normal voltage for 3 minutes. The system operator shall evaluate the drop.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(5) If frequency drops under 47.5 Hz, the generator may be disconnected from the network. In this case, the generator must switch over to auxiliary load. The generator shall be disconnected with as long a time-delay as the equipment enables. The generator must be able to operate on auxiliary load for at least one hour. The requirement concerning operating on auxiliary load is not applicable to wind turbines, wind farms and asynchronous generators.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(6) Upon designing the control system it shall be taken into account that the equipment must not switch off as a result of fast frequency variations due to faults or commutations in the high-voltage network.
(7) If frequency exceeds 55 Hz, the power plant must be disconnected from the system.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(8) Within the frequency ranges, where stable operation of the generating installations without disconnecting from the system is required, the requirements for primary and secondary control shall be satisfied in accordance with § 26 unless otherwise specified in this section.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 23. Requirements applicable to generators in case of voltage changes
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(1) If network voltage varies and forms 95-105% of the normal voltage, the following requirements shall be applied to the generator:
1) the equipment must withstand continuous full load within the frequency range of 49-50.3 Hz and network voltage range of 90-105% of the normal voltage;
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
2) if the operation frequency is over 50.3 Hz, a certain power decrease is permitted, if the maximum active power can be restored when the frequency drops below this value. The system operator shall evaluate the reduction. The operation time within the frequency range of 50.3-51 Hz is 10 hours a year and one disturbance must not last more than 30 minutes.
(2) If a network disturbance occurs within the frequency range of 49.7-50.3 Hz, the generator must operate within the voltage range of 85-90% of the normal voltage for one hour. In this case the output power may decrease up to 10% of the full power.
(3) If the network voltage is 105-110% of the normal voltage, the generator must operate within the frequency range of 49.7-50.3 Hz for one hour. In this case the output power may decrease up to 10 % of the full power.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(4) The following requirements shall be applied in case of close network faults:
1) a turbogenerator must withstand mechanically the high-voltage-side one-, two- and three-phase faults of the set transformer with and without earth;
2) the fault of the 330 kV line going out from the power plant shall be eliminated in 0.1 second. In exceptional cases the time for the elimination may extend to 0.37 seconds. If faults occur in 200kV and 11kV networks, they shall be eliminated in 0.6 seconds and in exceptional cases in 1 second. Such faults must not cause damages to power plant equipment.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(5) [Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(6) If the point of connection to the power network is located on the low-voltage side of the transformer connecting the power plant with the system, the generator and its auxiliary devices must withstand the following voltage variations caused by power network faults without switching off from the network:
1) sudden drop of the generator voltage to 25% of the rated voltage for up to 0.25 seconds;
[RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
2) linear increase of voltage after voltage drop to up to 95% of rated voltage within 0.5 seconds;
3) keeping generator voltage steadily on the level, which is at least 95% of the rated voltage of the generator. In this case the power output may decrease up to 10% of the rated power.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(61) If the point of connection to the power network is located on the high-voltage side of the transformer connecting the power plant with the system, the generator and its auxiliary devices must withstand the following voltage variations caused by power network faults without switching off from the network:
1) sudden drop of voltage in the connection point to 0 % of the rated voltage for up to 0.25 seconds;
[RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
2) linear increase of the voltage after voltage drop from 25% to 90% of the rated voltage within 0.5 seconds;
3) keeping voltage of the connection point steadily on the level, which is at least 90% of the rated voltage of the generator. In this case the power output may decrease up to 10% of the rated power.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(62) Voltage protection may be designed on the basis of several criteria, if a power plant must withstand other types of disturbances occurring in the generator or in the network.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(7) A generator or a power plant must be disconnected from the system in case the synchronism is lost and can be disconnected if the voltage variations or their duration exceed the design value. A generator and its auxiliary devices must withstand voltage variations, which do not prevent safe switching over to auxiliary load after disconnection from the network.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(8) An excitation system is installed on the generator and a power factor prescribed, which makes it possible for the generator to supply, during 10 seconds, reactive power at the rate equal to its rated active power at the rated capacity and at a voltage constituting 70% of its rated voltage. This requirement is not applicable to wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(9) The transformation ratio of the set transformer of the generator or the transformer connecting the power plant with the system and the auxiliary transformer of the power plant, its adjustability and voltage range and the excitation system of the generator shall be designed and adjusted on the principle that the generator should be able to:
1) generate constantly reactive power, which on the generator voltage level is determined by the power curve of the generator or the power plant;
2) consume continuously reactive power within normal voltage range of the system, which on the generator voltage level is determined by the power curve of generator or the currents admissible for wind farm equipment.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(10) Provided that the stability is maintained, the generator must be able to consume reactive power continuously in the amount determined by the power curve of the generator and by the maximum admissible continuous operating voltage of the equipment laid down in the conditions of connection.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 24. Requirements applied to the power control devices
(1) The power plant must have speed controllers of turbines and the relevant control systems.
(2) In the situations described in subsections 4 and 5 of § 22 and subsections 1–3 of § 23, the power plant must switch safely over to a mode in which it supplies power to devices within the plant. In this case, the generator supplies only the auxiliary devices of the power plant and the plant must operate at least for one hour. The requirement laid down in this subsection is not applicable to wind turbines, wind farms, solar power plants and asynchronous generators.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(3) Disconnection from the system means splitting the system into smaller separately operating parts. Disconnected power plants enable to control the power in accordance with the orders of the system operator in order to restore the power system unity by resynchronisation.
§ 25. Verification of conformity of generating installations to the requirements
(1) The producer shall verify regularly the conformity of the generating installations of the power plant to the requirements established by this Regulation, starting from the commissioning to the end of their utilisation period. The producer shall determine the frequency of verifications proceeding from the technical state of the system and notify the system operator thereof.
(2) Tests concerning the power network and generating installations shall be made for the commissioning of the generating installation and for verifying its compliance to requirements. The measurement results of tests concerning the generating installation shall be capable of assuring proven traceability. The tests concerning the network shall be agreed with the system operator. Upon agreement with the system operator the tests may be partially substituted by imitation on a calculation model. The tests shall last up to 12 months, unless agreed otherwise by the producer and system operator. The period may be extended, if testing could not be carried out for reasons beyond the control of the parties to the agreement.
[RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
(21) During an emergency or disturbance state of the electrical power system the controllability of the generating installation shall be in conformity with the control characteristics.
[RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
(3) The aim of the tests and measurements concerning the power network is:
1) to check the generator operation in case of transient voltage dip caused by fault in the situations mentioned in § 23;
2) to ascertain the circumstances of transition to mode in which the generator supplies power to devices within the plant. This requirement is not applicable to wind turbines, wind farms, solar power plants and asynchronous generators;
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
3) to determine how the network operates at auxiliary consumption during one hour;
4) to check the conformity of the controllability of the generating installation to the control characteristics.
(4) The aim of the tests and measurements concerning the generating installation is:
1) to determine the load curve on the PQ chart;
2) to check for steep changes in generator voltage;
3) to check the state of the vibration damper;
4) to determine overload circumstances.
(5) The dynamic characteristics of the steady state shall be determined by measuring. For that purpose, the set point of the voltage regulator of the generator disconnected from the network and operating without load shall be changed so that the voltage of generator bus-bars would change by 10%.
(6) The voltage shall be increased and decreased steeply causing the change of the generator output voltage from 95% to 105% and from 105% to 95%of the rated voltage. In both cases the change of the generator output voltage shall comply with the following requirements:
1) the generator output voltage must not be oscillating;
2) if voltage is increased to 90% within the abovementioned range, the time of voltage increase in case of static exciter shall be 0.2–0.3 seconds and in case of brushless exciter 0.2–0.5 seconds;
3) the upper limit of no-load overspeed shall be below 15% of the range.
(7) If voltage is decreased in the range from 90% to 0%, the time for voltage decrease shall be 0.2–0.8 seconds in case of brushless exciter.
(8) The requirements specified in subsections 5–7 of this section are not applicable to wind turbines, wind farms, solar power plants and asynchronous generators.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(9) In the case of a power-generating installation whose capacity is up to 15 kW, conformity to the requirements is verified on the basis of the relevant European product certificates and the as-built drawings of the power plant.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
§ 26. Power control characteristics
(1) When setting the start-up time of the generating installations of power plants participating in load control, what must be taken into consideration is that the start-up period from outage to full-load operation should be as short as possible. The start-up periods for generating installations, from reception of the corresponding instruction from the system operator, are the following:
1) for the generating installations of thermal power plants, up to 12 hours from the cold state;
2) for gas-turbine units, up to 10 minutes;
3) for wind turbines, wind farms and solar power plants, up to 15 minutes provided weather conditions are such as to make it possible to start the installation.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
4) for generating installations of a power plant that exclusively uses residual heat generated in the production processes of a chemical business (utilizer boilers), up to 48 hours.
[RT I, 19.11.2014, 2 – entry into force 22.11.2014]
(2) The minimum continuous output power shall be as little as possible. The data on the minimum output power of a power plant block are the following:
1) solid fuel fired power plant – 40% of the rated power;
2) hydroelectric power plants and gas turbines – 10% of the rated power;
3) wind turbines and wind farms – less than 10% of the rated power.
(3) If appropriate, the data specified in subsection (2) of this section may be used for determining the minimum output power of other types of equipment.
(4) In the normal state power shall be controlled in accordance with the agreement and the action plan prepared by the system operator as follows:
1) the prescribed value of output power shall be given manually by a pre-setting, which shall be adjusted by a frequency-sensible controller or with turbine controller. The output power must comply with the requirements of § 27 of this Regulation;
2) if a power plant is used for frequency control, it shall be specified in a separate contract.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 261. Primary and secondary control of active power of generating installation
(1) If a power plant is used for primary and secondary control of active power, the system operator shall conclude a corresponding contract with the producer. Subsections (2) – (9) of this section shall serve as a basis for establishing the technical conditions in the contract.
[RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
(2) A power plant shall be able to participate in primary control. The dead band of the speed controllers of the turbines shall be adjustable between ± 0–500 mHz with the deviation of ± 10 mHz.
(3) The dead band of the turbines participating in primary control must not exceed ± 10 mHz; in case of non-participation in primary control the dead band level must not exceed ± 100 mHz. It must be possible to switch primary control on and off both from the transmission network and in the power plant.
(4) The following requirements shall be met for the operation of the equipment:
1) in the normal and alert state the output power of the generator shall be changed to the prescribed extent and within the specified limits either manually or by an automatic control system;
2) the set point of the primary regulator (frequency regulator) shall be 50 Hz;
3) it shall be possible to disengage the dead band;
4) it shall be possible to adjust the regulator droop between 2–8%;
5) the frequency measuring accuracy shall be at least ± 0.01 Hz.
(5) The primary control range (primary reserve) of the generating installation shall be at least ± 5% of the rated power;
(6) The generating installation shall obtain the required primary reserve power within 30 seconds, whereas 50% of it within 10 seconds, and be able to maintain the primary reserve power for at least 15 minutes.
(7) A power plant shall transfer from the normal state into alert state, if the frequency variation speed exceeds 0.5 Hz in a second or if the frequency differs ± 0.5 Hz from the prescribed frequency.
(8) In the alert state power shall be controlled as follows:
1) all the generating installations of over 1 MW shall participate in primary control. The function of primary control shall be started automatically by a frequency relay or any other frequency-sensitive device;
2) the primary reserve shall be at least ± 12.5% of the rated power; in the case of wind turbines and solar power plants, the primary reserve shall be at least − 12.5% of their rated power;
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
3) [Repealed - RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
(9) The range of secondary control shall be at least ± 5% of the rated power and it shall be possible to realise it within 2 minutes.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 27. Power control in normal state of the system
(1) The load in condensing power plants shall be controlled at the rate provided for load changing in subsections (2) and (3) of this section. The power of other equipment may be controlled on the basis of the provisions in subsections (3) and (4).
(2) The active power of the generators of an oil fired or gas fired power plant is controlled at a rate of at least 8% of the rated power per minute. At this rate the power must be controllable within the limits of 30% in the range of 40-100% of the rated power of the equipment. If the equipment enables it, the output power can be changed at the maximum rate even in case it is below 40% or over 90% of the rated power.
(3) The active power of the equipment of solid fuel fired plants is controlled at the rate of at least 4% of rated power per minute. At this rate the power must be controllable within the limits of 30% in the range of 60-100% of the rated power of the equipment. In certain cases, the change may be below 20%. If the equipment enables it, the power can be changed at the maximum rate even in case it is below 60% or over 90% of the rated power.
(4) The active output power of wind turbines and wind farms is controlled at the rate of at least 8% of the rated power per minute, if the wind conditions enable it. At this rate the power must be controllable within the limits of 30% in the range of 20-100% of the rated power of the equipment.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 28. Power control in case of system disturbances
(1) In case of a system disturbance, a heat device operating on solid fuel must enable change of output power within the limits of up to 5% of rated capacity in the range of 50-90% of the rated power of the equipment. Half of the abovementioned power must be obtained in 10 seconds, if the equipment does not have a superheater, or in 30 seconds in case one superheater has been installed. If the device has more than one superheater, a delay is accepted due to time constant caused by the additional superheater.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
(2) In case of a network disturbance the turbines with bleeding must enable the maximum condensation power during 15 minutes by directing thermal power to the condenser.
(3) If the use of the reserve agreed earlier does not restore the normal state of the power system, the system operator has the right to demand that the producers adjust their production to the consumption of the production area.
(4) The control of the power of the generating installations not specified in subsections (1) - (3) of this section shall, in case of system disturbances, meet the requirements specified in § 27.
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 29. Activities of a system operator in an interconnected system
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 30. System operation control in an interconnected system
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 31. Power and energy reserves
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 32. Submission of connection application and entry into connection contract
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 321. Special rules for connecting cogeneration installations of up to 5 MWel capacity to the network
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 322. Special rules for connection to the network of power plants whose capacity is up to 200 kWel
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 33. Connection fees and charges for the amendment of the consumption or production conditions
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 34. Location and description of connection points
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 35. Provision of network connection
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 36. Change of voltage system
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 37. Modification of consumption conditions
[Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
§ 38. Connection fee
[Repealed – RT I 2007, 37, 255 – entry into force 25.05.2007]
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 39. Requirements applied to measuring devices in case of electricity consumption at the voltage below 1000 V
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 40. Requirements applied to metering devices in case of electricity consumption at the voltage above 1000 V
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 41. Requirements applied to producer’s metering devices
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 42. Special rules for metering
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 43. Replacement of metering system
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Chapter 7 [Repealed – RT I 2010, 16, 89 – entry into force 25.04.2010]
§ 44. – § 45. [Repealed – RT I 2010, 16, 89 – entry into force 25.04.2010]
Chapter 71 Data Exchange between Market Participants
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 451. Data exchange
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 452. EIC code
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 453. Technical particulars of the metering point
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 454. Metering data
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 455. Submission of data to the data exchange platform
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 456. Receiving of data from the data exchange platform
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 457. Data exchange related to open supply
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 1 Organisation of Balance Management
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 46. Structure of balance responsibility
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 47. Balance provider’s means of communication
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 48. Obligations of the balance provider
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 49. Reporting by balance provider
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 50. Balance planning
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 2 Balance Settlement
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 51. General provisions of balance settlement
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 52. Balance settlement
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 53. Reporting concerning balance settlement
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 54. Reporting by balance provider after trading period
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 55. Reporting by system operator after trading period
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 56. Measured supplies
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 57. Verification of information concerning balance settlement and correction of mistakes
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 58. Combined application of metering and standard load schedules
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 581. Set-offs of the quantities of electricity consumed under the rules of universal service
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 582. Correction period and the presentation of invoices
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 583. Set-offs of rectified quantities of electricity consumption between the network operator and the consumer’s seller
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 59. Interruption of open supply chain
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 60. Procedure for payment for balancing electricity
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 3 Guarantees Provided by Balance Provider
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 61. Guarantees
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 62. Management of guarantees
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 1 Changing the Participant Linked to the Consumption Point
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 621. List on open suppliers
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 622. Changing open supplier without terminating supply contract
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 623. Changing the consumer
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 624. Changing the balance provider
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 625. Changing the network operator
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
§ 626. Sale of electricity in case of interruption of open supply contract
[Repealed – RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 – entry into force 27.04.2019]
Division 2 Data Exchange between Market Participants
[Repealed - RT I, 29.12.2012, 20 - entry into force 01.01.2013]
§ 627. Exchange of data related to open supply
[Repealed – RT I, 29.12.2012, 20 – entry into force 01.01.2013]
§ 628. Data exchange form
[Repealed – RT I, 29.12.2012, 20 – entry into force 01.01.2013]
§ 63. Entry into force of Regulation
(2) The requirements provided in Chapter 3 of this Regulation are applied to power plants which started operation or which were renovated before 1 July 2003 if the system operator and the producer reach a corresponding agreement. Renovation of a power plant means reconstruction of the plant such that this results in significant changes in the operation of that plant. The result is assessed by the system operator.
[RT I, 16.02.2016, 8 – entry into force 19.02.2016]
(3) The additional requirements provided in this Regulation shall be applied to power plants put into operation or renovated after 1 July 2003, by taking into account the Grid Code applicable at the time of concluding the connection contract, subject to agreement with the producer.
[RT I 2010, 48, 295 – entry into force 19.07.2010]
(4) [Repealed – RT I, 19.11.2014, 2 – entry into force 22.11.2014, applicable retroactively starting 20 July 2010]
(5) For consumption metered until 31 December 2012, the metering data of locally read metering devices mentioned in clause 3 of subsection 2 of § 456 are available from the data exchange platform as monthly figures.
[RT I, 29.12.2012, 20 – entry into force 01.01.2013]
(6) Subsection 6 of § 456 is applied starting 1 April 2013.
[RT I, 29.12.2012, 20 – entry into force 01.01.2013]
Annex 1
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
Annex 2
[RT I 2007, 37, 255 - entry into force 25.05.2007]
Annex 3
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]
Annex 4
[Repealed - RT I, 21.02.2019, 1 - entry into force 27.04.2019]