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Training programme in GMO handling, requirements to obtain a certificate, procedure for issuing a certificate and frequency of in-service training

Issuer:Minister of Agriculture
In force from:02.02.2012
In force until:31.12.2020
Translation published:22.12.2014

Training programme in GMO handling, requirements to obtain a certificate, procedure for issuing a certificate and frequency of in-service training

Passed 26.01.2012 No. 9

This Regulation is established pursuant to §28² (3) of the Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms Act.

§ 1.  Organisation of training in GMO handling

 (1) Training in GMO handling (hereinafter training) is organised by a training establishment pursuant to the Adult Education Act and the requirements of this Regulation.

 (2) Before organisation of training, the training establishment shall prepare a detailed list of the subjects to be dealt with under the training programme with a list of lecturers by subjects and shall submit it to the Agricultural Board for opinion.

 (3) Before organisation of training, the training establishment shall notify the Agricultural Board in writing of the time of training.

 (4) Agricultural Board shall publish information about the time of training on its website.

§ 2.  Training programme

 (1) Duration of training shall be at least eight calculated hours.

 (2) Training programme shall include the following subjects:
 1) overview of the biology of GM crops;
 2) distribution of GM crops in Estonia, the European Union and elsewhere in the world;
 3) procedure for granting growing and marketing authorisation for a new GM crop or a new GM crop line;
 4) overview of the GM crops which have been granted growing and marketing authorisation;
 5) checking the concentration of GM crops in the harvest of non-GM crops;
 6) maximum permitted concentration level of GM crops in the harvest of non-GM crops and checking the concentration level;
 7) overview of the GMO-related legal acts;
 8) requirements for starting GM crop handling;
 9) GM crop track and measures to restrict it;
 10) requirements for GM crop growing;
 11) requirements for GM crop growing distance, incl. conclusion of agreements to derogate from growing distance requirements;
 12) requirements for cleaning the equipment used for GM crop handling;
 13) requirements for GM crop transport and storage;
 14) notification of possessors and owners of the fields and apiaries within the boundaries of the growing distance;
 15) GMO handlers’ responsibility;
 16) possible risks and benefits related to GMO handling;
 17) requirements for the labelling of GM crops intended for marketing.

§ 3.  Requirements for issuing a certificate proving the taken training in GMO handling

  To obtain a certificate proving the taken training in GMO handling (hereinafter certificate) the person responsible for GMO handling or a worker of the holding which handles GMOs shall pass a training in GMO handling.

§ 4.  Procedure for issuing a certificate

 (1) Training establishment shall issue on site a certificate to persons who have passed the training or shall send it by post during five working days after the end of training at the latest.

 (2) Certificate shall include the following data:
 1) name and identification code of the person trained;
 2) name of the training establishment;
 3) number of the certificate and the date of issue;
 4) certificate term of validity.

§ 5.  Organisation of in-service training

 (1) If necessary, the Agricultural Board organises at least once every five years an in-service training for a person possessing a valid certificate proving the taken training in GM crop handling.

 (2) In-service training shall include at least the following subjects:
 1) new development trends of GM crop handling;
 2) new GM crops authorised for growing in the European Union;
 3) new information about a GM crop being handled;
 4) non-compliances established during the surveillance of GM crop handling and the problems related to meeting the GM crop handling requirements.

 (3) Once a person has passed the in-service training, the date of in-service training shall be indicated by the training establishment on the certificate proving the taken training.

Helir-Valdor Seeder

Ants Noot
Secretary General
