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Temporary Restriction on Crossing of State Border by Citizens of Russian Federation

In force from:19.09.2022
In force until:
Translation published:27.09.2022

Temporary Restriction on Crossing of State Border by Citizens of Russian Federation

Passed 08.09.2022 No. 247

Under clause 1 of subsection 1 of § 17 of the State Borders Act:

1. Due to the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, the crossing of the external border by citizens of the Russian Federation holding a valid short-stay visa for the purpose of entering Estonia is to be temporarily restricted.

2. For the purpose of entering Estonia, the state border is allowed to be crossed by a citizen of the Russian Federation:
 1) who is visiting their direct descendant or ascendant or their spouse who is residing in Estonia and who is an Estonian citizen or holds an Estonian long-term residence permit;
 2) who is visiting an Estonian citizen or a person holding an Estonian long-term residence permit residing in Estonia with whom they are raising a common underage child;
 3) who is an employee of a diplomatic mission or a consular post located in the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, or a family member thereof;
 4) who is briefly visiting a diplomatic mission or a consular post located in the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation for the purpose of providing technical or professional support;
 5) who is directly involved in international carriage of goods and passengers, including a crew member and a ship’s crew member servicing an international means of transport and a person performing repairs or warranty or maintenance work on such a means of transport;
 6) who is a person with a right of free movement under European Union law;
 7) who is in immediate transit through the territory of Estonia for reaching their country of residence;
 8) who holds a valid short-stay visa issued by Estonia and whose short-term employment is registered;
 9) who holds a valid short-stay visa issued by Estonia for study purposes; or
 10) whose arrival in Estonia is necessary for humanitarian reasons.

3. This Order takes effect on 19 September 2022.
