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Involvement of the Defence League in ensuring security in emergency situation zone

In force from:16.04.2020
In force until:17.05.2020
Translation published:11.04.2020

Involvement of the Defence League in ensuring security in emergency situation zone

Passed 09.04.2020 No. 106

Under § 34 (3) of the Emergency Act and in accordance with the Government of the Republic Order No. 76 “Declaration of an emergency situation in the administrative territory of the Republic of Estonia” of 12 March 2020, the Government of the Republic Regulation No. 15 “Temporary restoration of border checks and border control at the internal border” of 15 March 2020 and the Government of the Republic Order No. 78 “Temporary restriction on crossing the state border due to the spread of the coronavirus causing the COVID-19 disease” of 15 March 2020:

1. Up to 150 active members of the Defence League and active members in peacetime posts of military rank in the Defence League (hereinafter member of the Defence League) per day shall be involved in preventing and combating illegal crossing of the state border and temporary border line within the framework of ensuring security, including for the purpose of carrying out the Government of the Republic Order No. 78 “Temporary restriction on crossing the state border due to the spread of the coronavirus causing the COVID-19 disease” of 15 March 2020.
2. In carrying out the duties set out in clause 1, a member of the Defence League may apply direct coercion on the bases and pursuant to the procedure provided for in the Law Enforcement Act.
3. For carrying out the duties set out in clause 1, members of the Defence League shall be used in the jurisdictions of the South, West, North and East Prefectures of the Police and Border Guard Board.
4. In carrying out the duties set out in clause 1, the commander of the involved members of the Defence League is subordinate to the Prefect of the South, West, North or East Prefecture of the Police and Border Guard Board, respectively.
5. This Order takes effect on 16 April 2020.
6. This Order shall remain in effect until the need for the involvement of the Defence League ceases to exist but for no longer than until the end of the emergency situation.

Jüri Ratas
Prime Minister

Taimar Peterkop
Secretary of State
