Declaration of Emergency Situation in the Administrative Territory of the Republic of Estonia
Passed 12.03.2020 No. 76
Based on clause 8 of § 87 of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and § 13, subsection 1 of § 19, subsection 1 of § 21 and § 23 of the Emergency Act:
1. The Government of the Republic:
1) declares an emergency situation in connection with the pandemic spread
of the corona virus causing the COVID-19 disease throughout the world, the
identification of the spread of the virus in Estonia, the likelihood of the
expansion of the spread of the virus, the resulting risk of mass contraction
of the virus and the need to implement the governance arrangements provided
for in Division 2 of Chapter 4 of the Emergency Act and enable the measures
provided for in the same Chapter, where necessary. The emergency caused by
the spread of the virus cannot be resolved without applying the governance
arrangements provided for in the Emergency Act;
2) designates the administrative territory of the Republic of Estonia as the
emergency situation zone;
3) puts the Prime Minister in charge of the emergency situation.
2. The emergency situation will last until 1 May 2020, unless the Government of the Republic decides otherwise.
3. Possessors of mass media and electronic communications undertakings are required to publish the Order immediately, as-is and free of charge.
4. The Order enters into force upon signature.
Jüri Ratas
Prime Minister
Taimar Peterkop
State Secretary