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List of statistical actions of Eesti Pank under the official statistical programme


List of statistical actions of Eesti Pank under the official statistical programme - content
Issuer:Governor of Eesti Pank
In force from:23.01.2017
In force until:14.01.2018
Translation published:20.03.2017

List of statistical actions of Eesti Pank under the official statistical programme

Passed 17.01.2017 No. 2

The Decree is based on Clause 16 (1) 2) of the Official Statistics Act.

§ 1.  Approval of the list of statistical actions of Eesti Pank

  To approve the “List of statistical actions of Eesti Pank in 2017–2021 under the official statistical programme” (attached).

§ 2.  Repeal of Decree

  To repeal Eesti Pank Governor’s Decree No 2 of 19 January 2016 “List of statistical actions of Eesti Pank under the official statistical programme” (RT I, 22.01.2016, 4).

Ardo Hansson

Appendix List of statistical actions of Eesti Pank under the official statistical programme 2017–2021

Appendix 1 Output indicators of statistical action “Balance of payments flash estimate”

Appendix 2 Output indicators of statistical action “Quarterly balance of payments current account and national rest-of-the-world non-financial account”

Appendix 3 Output indicators of statistical action “Quarterly balance of payments financial account, international investment position and external debt statement”

Appendix 4 Output indicators of statistical action “Quarterly national financial accounts”

Appendix 5 Output indicators of statistical action “International reserves and foreign currency liquidity under the IMF special data dissemination standard (SDDS)”

Appendix 6 Output indicators of statistical action “Annual statistics on the economic indicators of foreign affiliates (FATS)”

Appendix 7 Output indicators of statistical action “International travel statistics”

Appendix 8 Output indicators of statistical action “Service provision and quality management for the Centralised Securities Database of the European Central Bank (ECB)”

Appendix 9 Output indicators of statistical action “Service provision and quality management for the Securities Holdings Statistics Database of the European Central Bank (ECB)”

Appendix 10 Register-based continuation of the time series of the statistical action “Estonian Household Finance and Consumption Survey”

Appendix 11 Output indicators of statistical action “Effective exchange rate indices of competitiveness”

Appendix 12 Output indicators of statistical action “MFI balance sheet statistics”

Appendix 13 Output indicators of statistical action “MFI interest rate statistics”

Appendix 14 Output indicators of statistical action “Insurance corporation statistics”

Appendix 15 Output indicators of statistical action “Pension fund statistics”

Appendix 16 Output indicators of statistical action “Investment fund statistics”

Appendix 17 Output indicators of statistical action “OFI statistics”

Appendix 18 Output indicators of statistical action “Payments statistics”

Appendix 19 Output indicators of statistical action “Financial supervision statistics”

Appendix 20 Output indicators of statistical action “Structural financial indicator statistics”

Appendix 21 Output indicators of statistical action “Securities issuance statistics”

Appendix 22 Output indicators of statistical action “Service provision and quality management of the ECB Register of Institutions and Affiliates Database (RIAD)”

Appendix 23 Output indicators of statistical action “Estonian credit institutions statistics”

Appendix 24 Output indicators of statistical action “Aggregated balance sheet statement and income statement of savings and loan associations”

Appendix 25 Output indicators of statistical action “Estonian leasing companies statistics”

Appendix 26 Output indicators of statistical action “Estonian payments statistics”

Appendix 27 Output indicators of statistical action “Estonian settlement systems statistics”

Appendix 28 Output indicators of statistical action “Estonian MFI statistics”
