State Secrets And Classified Information Of Foreign States Act
Passed 25.01.2007
RT I 2007, 16, 77
Entry into force 01.01.2008
Amended by the following legal instruments (show)
Passed | Published | Entry into force |
14.06.2007 | RT I 2007, 44, 316 | 14.07.2007 |
04.12.2007 | RT I 2007, 68, 420 | 29.12.2007 |
19.06.2008 | RT I 2008, 35, 213 | 01.01.2009 |
17.12.2008 | RT I 2009, 4, 24 | 01.03.2009 |
17.12.2008 | RT I 2009, 5, 35 | 01.07.2009 |
15.06.2009 | RT I 2009, 39, 262 | 24.07.2009 |
26.11.2009 | RT I 2009, 62, 405 | 01.01.2010 |
22.04.2010 | RT I 2010, 22, 108 | 01.01.2011, entry into force on the date determined in the Decision of the Council of the European Union regarding the abrogation of the derogation established in respect of the Republic of Estonia on the basis provided for in Article 140 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Council Decision 2010/416/EU of 13 July 2010 (OJ L 196, 28.07.2010, p. 24 - 26). |
21.10.2010 | RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 | 18.11.2010 |
27.01.2011 | RT I, 17.02.2011, 2 | 01.01.2012 |
15.06.2011 | RT I, 08.07.2011, 8 | 22.07.2011 |
07.12.2011 | RT I, 22.12.2011, 2 | 01.01.2012 |
29.01.2014 | RT I, 18.02.2014, 1 | 01.08.2014 The word 'defence forces' has been replaced by the word 'Defence Forces' in the corresponding case throughout the Act |
19.02.2014 | RT I, 13.03.2014, 4 | 01.07.2014 |
12.06.2014 | RT I, 21.06.2014, 11 | 01.07.2014 |
§ 1. Purpose of Act
The purpose of this act is to ensure the security and foreign relations of the Republic of Estonia, protecting state secrets and classified information of foreign states from disclosure and becoming accessible to persons who have not been granted access to such information.
§ 2. Scope of application of Act
(1) This Act provides the definition of information which is classified as a state secret, grounds for the expiry of a classification notice for state secrets and classified information of foreign states, and the bases for classification and the changing of related terms; the grounds for the protection of state secrets, the classified information of foreign states and classified media and liability incurring from the violation of this Act.
(2) Provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act apply to the administrative procedures prescribed in this Act, taking account of the specifications provided for in this Act.
§ 3. Definitions
In this Act, the following definitions are used:
1) “state secret” means information provided for solely in this Act or legislation issued hereunder which requires protection from disclosure in the interests of the national security or foreign relations of the Republic of Estonia with the exception of classified information of foreign states;
2) “classified information of foreign states” means information originating from a foreign state, the European Union, NATO or an organisation or institution established under an international agreement (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘originator of classified information of a foreign state’) which is released to Estonia on the basis of international agreements, and that has been classified as secret by its originator and information created for the purposes of performance of an international agreement by the Republic of Estonia that is to be classified, as provided by the international agreement;
3) “classified medium” means any object which contains a state secret or classified information of foreign states;
4) “possessor of a state secret” means an agency, constitutional institution or legal or natural person who possesses a state secret or classified information of foreign states;
5) “need for access” means the need to process a state secret or classified foreign information if such a need arises from employment or service duties, study or research, or public procurement or international procurement, and also the right to be privy to a state secret or classified foreign information on any other grounds, specified in this Act;
6) “need to know” means the need to access a specific state secret or classified information of foreign states;
7) “right for access” means an individual’s right to process state secrets or classified information of foreign states by virtue of office or a decision of a head of an institution, a Personnel Security Clearance or a Certificate thereof, witness protection measures applicable or an order of an investigative body, Prosecutor’s Office or court;
8) “processing” means drawing up, marking, collecting, maintaining, preserving, transporting, reproducing, forwarding, destroying or making excerpts of information or medium or being privy to therewith or any other proceedings undertaken with information or medium, regardless of the nature of the proceedings or equipment taken therefore;
9) “processing system” means any information system, including any technical equipment which is used for the electronic processing of information;
10) “INFOSEC” means the ensuring of the availability, confidentiality and integrity of state secrets or classified information of foreign states in the automated systems processing state secrets or classified information of foreign states;
11) “accreditation of processing system” means the evaluation of a processing system against INFOSEC requirements;
12) “natural person outside the service” means a natural person who is not a civil servant, employee of an institution under the administration of a state agency or of Eesti Pank;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
13) “National Security Authority” means a structural unit of the Ministry of Defence, designated under the Statutes of the Ministry of Defence, assigned to organise and supervise the protection of classified information of foreign states;
14) “security area” means an area where state secrets classified as ‘confidential’, ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’ or classified information of foreign states and medium containing such information is processed.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
§ 4. Authorisation of Secretary General
The Minister may authorise the Secretary General of the Ministry to conduct any operations and pass decisions that could be conducted and passed by the Minister as a head of an institution under this Act, and also the decisions specified in clause 13 (3) 3) and subsection 27 (5) of this Act.
Division 1 State Secret Levels and Types
§ 5. Classification of state secrets
State secrets are protected at the following levels of classification, listed in increasing importance of classification, starting from the lowest level:
1) ‘restricted’ level;
2) ‘confidential’ level;
3) ‘secret’ level;
4) ’top secret’ level.
§ 6. State Secrets Related to Foreign Relations
The following is treated as state secret related to foreign relations:
1) items of information concerning international relations, created by a foreign relations institution, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
2) items of information concerning the transport of strategic goods, the services related to strategic goods and end-use of strategic goods collected and prepared by the Strategic Goods Commission operating at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of thirty years;
[RT I, 22.12.2011, 2 - entry into force 01.01.2012]
3) items of information created by a foreign relations institution which, once communicated, would considerably damage foreign relations of the Republic of Estonia, with the exception of information specified in subsection 1) of this section. Such information shall be classified at the ‘restricted’ level for a maximum period of fifty years.
§ 7. State Secrets Related to National Defence
The following are treated as state secrets related to national defence:
1) items of information concerning the preparation, management and operations of national defence, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
2) items of information concerning the preparation and operation of mobilisation, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of thirty years;
3) items of information concerning mobilisation stockpile, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia or which is subject to disclosure under an international agreement. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifteen years;
4) items of information concerning military weapons and munitions of war of the National Defence Forces and the National Defence League, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia or which is subject to disclosure under an international agreement. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of thirty years;
5) [Repealed – RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
51) information collected from the radar information and surveillance systems of the Defence Forces. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of ten years;
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
6) items of information concerning inventions and studies conducted for public defence purposes and their outcome, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of thirty years;
[RT I 2009, 4, 24 - entry into force 01.03.2009]
7) items of information collected and synthesised by a structural unit of the Defence Forces which deals with intelligence and counter-intelligence, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
8) items of information concerning the composition, functions and distribution of the budget of a structural unit of the Defence Forces exercising the authority specified in clauses 37 (1) 1), 2) and 5) and subsection 37 (2) of the Defence Force Services Organisation Act, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of twenty-five years;
[RT I, 18.02.2014, 1 - entry into force 01.08.2014]
9) [Repealed - RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
10) items of information concerning the collection of covert information by a structural unit of the Defence Forces, specified in clauses 37 (1) 1) and 2) and subsection 37 (2) of the Defence Force Services Organisation Act, which deals with intelligence and counter-intelligence, including the information concerning the methods for the collection of information and regarding the objects to be observed, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
11) items of information concerning international co-operation concerning intelligence and counter-intelligence, conducted by the Defence Forces, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
12) items of information concerning the military geography area of the Defence Forces and the Defence League, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years.
§ 8. State Secrets Related to Maintenance of Law and Order
The following are treated as state secrets related to the maintenance of law and order:
1) items of information collected by surveillance agencies when conducting surveillance activities and the methods, tactics and technical equipment used for collection thereof, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years. Classification shall expire upon use of such information in a criminal file or communication thereof to the person with regard to whom the surveillance activities were conducted, or the person whose private or family life was violated by the activities;
2) items of information concerning the persons and undercover agents recruited for secret co-operation by surveillance agencies. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of seventy-five years. Classification shall expire if twenty years have passed since the death of a person specified in this clause but not earlier than fifty years since classification of the information;
3) items of information concerning police agents of surveillance agencies. Such information shall be classified at the ‘restricted’ level for a maximum period of seventy-five years. Classification shall expire upon use of such information in a criminal file. Classification of information not included in a criminal file shall expire if twenty years have passed since the death of a person specified in this clause but not earlier than fifty years since classification of the information;
4) items of information concerning the structure, composition and functions of the witness protection sub-unit of the Police and Border Guard Board, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
[RT I 2009, 62, 405 - entry into force 01.01.2010]
5) items of information concerning the assets and distribution of the budget of the witness protection sub-unit of the Police and Border Guard Board, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of thirty years;
[RT I 2009, 62, 405 - entry into force 01.01.2010]
6) items of information concerning the methods and tactics of the application of witness protection measures, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
7) items of information concerning witness protection measures, applied with regard of a specific person, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the safety of the protected person. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of seventy-five years. Classification shall expire if twenty years have passed since the death of a person specified in this clause but not earlier than fifty years since classification of the information;
8) items of information concerning the national action plan for response in a state of emergency or in war-time, as described in the national crisis management plan, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years. Classification shall expire upon the public use of such information in an emergency situation or a state of war;
9) items of information concerning guarded objects subject to a serious danger and the measures for protection applicable to their safety for the purposes of the Emergency Act, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘restricted’ level for a maximum period of twenty years.
[RT I 2009, 39, 262 - entry into force 24.07.2009]
10) [Repealed - RT I 2009, 39, 405 - entry into force 24.07.2009]
§ 9. State Secrets Related to Security Authorities
The following are treated as state secrets related to security authorities:
1) items of information concerning the international co-operation of the security authorities, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
2) items of information concerning the assets used by the security authorities and distribution of the security authorities’ budget, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at ‘top secret’ or lower level for the maximum period of fifty years, except information concerning the buildings and premises used by a security authority that shall be classified until the expiry of the possession of a building or a premise;
3) items of information concerning actions of a security authority in an emergency situation, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of twenty years. Classification shall expire upon the use of such information in an emergency situation;
4) items of information concerning the collection of covert information by a security authority, including information concerning the methods for the collection of information, except the information specified in clause 8 1) of this Act, the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years. Classification shall expire upon use of such information in a criminal file or communication thereof to the person with regard to whom the surveillance activities were conducted, or the person whose private or family life was violated by the activities;
5) items of information collected and synthesised by a security authority when discharging its functions, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
6) items of information concerning the composition, functions and distribution of the budget of structural units of a security authority, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
7) items of information concerning the persons and undercover agents recruited for secret co-operation by a security authority, except the information specified in clause 8 2) of this Act. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ level for a maximum period of seventy-five years. Classification shall expire if twenty years have passed since the death of a person specified in this clause but not earlier than fifty years since classification of the information;
8) items of information concerning the person who has submitted a personal confession concerning service in a security or intelligence organisation or co-operation therewith to the Security Police pursuant to the procedure provided for in clause 5 (2) 1) of the Procedure for Registration and Disclosure of Persons who Have Served in or Co-operated with Intelligence or Counter-intelligence Organisations of Security Organisations or Military Forces of States which Have Occupied Estonia Act, unless the person who was in the service of the security or intelligence organisation or co-operated therewith committed, in connection with such service or co-operation, an offence that pursuant to the currently valid law of the Republic of Estonia is punishable as a criminal offence in the first degree or committed crimes against humanity or war crimes and the committing of the crime by the person has been proved by a court with a judgment which has entered into force, or unless the person who was in the service of the security or intelligence organisation or co-operated therewith is the President of the Republic, a member of the Riigikogu or the Government of the Republic, or a justice of the Supreme Court. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ level for fifty years. Classification shall expire if twenty years have passed since the death of a person specified in this clause but not earlier than fifty years since the classification of the information;
9) items of information concerning the co-ordination of the activities of security authorities, their co-operation with the Defence Forces and information concerning the Security Committee of the Government of the Republic, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
10) items of information concerning fictitious persons and bodies impersonated by security authorities and shadow information used, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
11) information available from document registers of security authorities. Such information shall be classified at the ‘secret’ level for a maximum period of twenty-five years or at a higher level and for a longer term if the register concerned contains information with the appropriate classification level and term.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
§ 10. State Secrets Related to Infrastructure and Protection of Information
The following are treated as state secrets related to infrastructure and protection of information:
1) items of information concerning security, alarm, communication and information systems of the Office of the President of the Republic, State Chancellery, a security authority, the Ministry of Defence, the Defence Forces, the Defence League, the Board of Defence Resources, Eesti Pank, the Ministry of the Interior, the Police and Border Guard Board and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the foreign representations and missions, except information specified in clause 2) of this section and information, the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘confidential’ or lower level for a maximum period of thirty years;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
2) items of information concerning the INFOSEC, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of fifty years;
3) items of information concerning buildings and premises used by a structural unit of the Defence Forces which deals with intelligence and counter-intelligence exercising the authority specified in clauses 37 (1) 1), 2) and 5) of the Defence Forces Organisation Act , except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘confidential’ or lower level until the expiry of the possession of a building or premises;
[RT I, 18.02.2014, 1 - entry into force 01.08.2014]
4) items of information concerning weapons and munitions warehouses of the Defence Forces and the Defence League, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘confidential’ or lower level until the expiry of the possession of a weapons or munitions warehouse;
5) items of information concerning evacuation of the classified media of a possessor of a classified information, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘top secret’ or lower level for a maximum period of twenty years;
6) items of information concerning the security and alarm systems within a secure area of a possessor of the classified information, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘confidential’ or lower level for a maximum period of thirty years.
7) information concerning the carriage of cash by Eesti Pank, except for information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘confidential’ or lower level for a maximum period of ten years.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
8) information concerning organisation of and the requirements for uninterrupted communication, except information the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia. Such information shall be classified at the ‘restricted’ level for a maximum period of twenty-five years.
[RT I, 17.02.2011, 2 - entry into force 01.01.2012]
§ 11. Sub-classes of Information Regarded as State Secrets and Establishment of its Classification Terms and Levels
(1) Sub-classes of information specified as state secret in § 6, clauses 7 1)-8) and 10)-12), clauses 8 1), 2) and 4)-10), clauses 9 1)-6) and 9)-10) and § 10 of this Act and the terms and level of classification of such information shall be established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic. The classification term of the sub-classes of classified information may be linked to the occurrence of a particular event, taking into consideration the maximum term of classification specified in this Act.
(2) The classification level and term of the information, specified in clause 7 6) of this Act, shall be established separately for each invention and study by the Minister of Defence. The Ministry of Defence shall communicate the Patent Office information on the topics of the technical field that may be important for national defence purpose and therefore be a subject for classification. Such information shall be classified at the ’restricted’ level, as appropriate, or as information intended for internal use only.
[RT I 2009, 4, 24 - entry into force 01.03.2009]
(3) Information specified in § 6, clauses 7 1)-4), 6), 7) and 10)-12), clauses 8 1) and 4)-10), clauses 9 1)-6) and 9)-10) and § 10 of this Act, the disclosure of which would not damage the security of the Republic of Estonia, shall be treated as information intended for internal use if restriction of access to such information is required under an agreement with a private person, foreign state or international organization, or if disclosure of such information would damage the foreign relations of the state or discharge of the functions of a possessor of classified information arising from law.
Division 2 Expiry of Classification of State Secrets, Modification of Classification Bases and Term
§ 12. Expiry of Classification of State Secret
The classification of a state secret shall expire after expiry of the term of classification, upon occurrence of a specified event or premature declassification of information classified as a state secret.
§ 13. Premature Declassification of Information Classified as State Secret
(1) If information, which is classified as a state secret no longer requires protection from disclosure in the interests of national security of the Republic of Estonia, the information, is declassified prematurely pursuant to the procedure provided for in this Act.
(2) Premature declassification of information concerning a natural person, classified as state secret, specified in clause 7 9), clauses 8 2), 3) and 7) and clauses 9 7) and 8), is only permitted during the lifetime of the person concerned upon the written consent of the concerned person to the extent specified by him or her, except if the person has been convicted of intentionally committed criminal offence against the state or a crime against humanity.
(3) The decision to prematurely declassify information which is classified as a state secret is adopted by:
1) the President of the Republic – in the case of a state secret created by the Office of the President of the Republic;
2) the Board of the Riigikogu - in the case of a state secret created by the Chancellery of the Riigikogu and Committees of the Riigikogu;
3) a Minister – in the case of a state secret created within the area of government of the respective Ministry, except a state secret entered in a medium submitted to the Government of the Republic or government committee for adopting a decision;
4) the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – in the case of a state secret created by courts;
5) the Chancellor of Justice – in the case of a state secret created by the Office of the Chancellor of Justice;
6) the Auditor General – in the case of a state secret created by the National Audit Office;
7) the Governor of Eesti Pank – in the case of a state secret created by Eesti Pank and its subsidiaries;
8) the State Secretary – in the case of a state secret created by the State Chancellery, except a state secret entered in a medium submitted to the Government of the Republic or government committee for adopting a decision;
9) the head of a security authority – in the case of a state secret specified in clause 9 4) of this Act. Declassification of a state secret takes place before the intended term of expiry if this is necessary for discharging a function of a security authority and only to the extent that will not endanger the security of individuals who participated or are participating in the collection of the information or who are mentioned in that information.
(4) The Government of the Republic shall decide on the premature declassification of information that is classified as a state secret, not specified in subsection (3) of this section.
(5) The procedure for filing a request for the premature declassification of information which is classified as a state secret, notification of the intention of premature declassification, contesting premature declassification, notification of premature classification and marking the appropriate media shall be established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic in the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
§ 14. Procedure for Extension of Term for Classification of Information Classified as State Secret
(1) If information which is classified as a state secret also requires protection from disclosure in the interests of the national security of the Republic of Estonia after the expiry of the term of classification established by this Act and legislation issued hereunder, the term for the classification of the information may be extended for five-year periods, but not for more than seventy five years in all. The term for the classification of the information specified in clause 9 8) of this Act may not be extended.
(2) The decision to extend a term for the classification of information which is classified as a state secret is adopted by:
1) the President of the Republic – in the case of a state secret created by the Office of the President of the Republic;
2) the Board of the Riigikogu - in the case of a state secret created by the Chancellery of the Riigikogu and Committees of the Riigikogu;
3) the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – in the case of a state secret created by courts;
4) the Chancellor of Justice – in the case of a state secret created by the Office of the Chancellor of Justice;
5) the Auditor General – in the case of a state secret created by the National Audit Office;
6) the Governor of the Bank of Estonia – in the case of a state secret created by Eesti Pank and its subsidiaries.
(3) The Government of the Republic shall decide on the extension of the term for the classification of information which is classified as a state secret, not specified in subsection (2) of this section.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(4) The procedure for filing a request for the extension of the term for the classification of information which is classified as a state secret, notification of the intention of extension of the term for classification, contesting extension of the term for classification, notification of extension of the term for classification and marking the appropriate media shall be established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic in the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
§ 15. Declassification of Information Processed as State Secret with no Legal Grounds and Changing Level of Classification of Information Classified as State Secret, Basis and Term of Classification
(1) The Government of the Republic shall declassify the classification of information processed as a state secret with no legal grounds or shall change the level, grounds or term of a state secret classified at an incorrect level, on wrong legal grounds or for a wrong term of a state secret included in a medium to be submitted to the Government of the Republic or a government committee for the adoption of a decision.
(2) A natural person outside the service or institution serving as the originator of the information or an individual or his or her deputy assigned by an agency, constitutional institution or legal person that are originators of information assigned under the procedure provided in subsection 20 (2) of this Act, shall declassify the information processed as a state secret with no legal grounds or shall change the level, grounds or term of a state secret classified at an incorrect level, on wrong legal grounds or for a wrong term of a state secret, in cases not specified in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) Should the identification of the originator of the information, specified in subsection (2) of this section, be impossible or if the originator of the information has ceased to exist or the originator of the information is no longer entitled to process a state secret, the Minister of the Interior shall declassify the information processed as a state secret with no legal grounds or shall change the level, grounds or term of a state secret classified at an incorrect level, on wrong legal grounds or for a wrong term.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(4) The procedure for the submission of an application for the declassification of information processed as a state secret with no legal grounds and for changing the level, legal grounds or term of a state secret classified at an incorrect level, on wrong legal grounds or for a wrong term, notification of the intent of declassifying the information or changing the level of classification, contesting the declassification of the information or changing the level of classification, notification of declassification or changing the level of classification and marking of the respective media shall be established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic in the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
(5) If the processing of information as a state secret with no legal grounds or the classification of a state secret at the incorrect level, on wrong legal grounds or for a wrong term has been proven by a court ruling or a ruling on misdemeanour, the possessors of media bearing such information shall immediately mark such media pursuant to subsection (4) of this section under the procedure established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
Division 3 Protection of State Secrets
Subdivision 1 General Provisions
§ 16. Protection of State Secrets
The protection of state secrets shall be ensured by the following:
1) compliance with the procedure for access to state secrets;
2) compliance with the INFOSEC procedure;
3) protection of state secrets against unlawful disclosure;
4) annual inspection of the existence and integrity of media containing state secrets classified as ‘secret’ and ‘top secret’;
5) imposition of disciplinary, misdemeanour or criminal liability for violation of the procedure for the protection of state secrets;
6) notification of individuals of the requirements for the protection of state secrets before granting access to state secrets.
§ 17. Protection of Classified Media
(1) The classified medium as a whole is classified at the highest classification level attached to its different parts.
(2) The term of classification term of a medium shall be equivalent to the classification term of a state secret stored on the medium. If state secrets of different types and with different classification terms have been stored on a medium, the term of classification of a medium shall be equivalent to the longest possible term of classification applicable to state secrets stored on the medium.
(3) The expiry of a classified medium and the term of classification of any excerpts and copies made of this medium shall commence as of the date for the initial registration of a medium as a classified medium.
§ 18. Duty to Maintain State Secrets, Applicable to Persons Who Do Not Possess Right for Access to State Secrets
(1) A person who does not have the right to access state secrets but to whom a state secret becomes known or who comes into possession of a classified medium is required to maintain the confidentiality thereof and promptly notify the Security Police once realising he or she is in possession of a state secret or classified medium. The person is required to give the classified medium promptly to the Security Police.
(2) If a state secret becomes known to a person specified in subsection (1) or he or she comes into possession of a classified medium by a service or contractual relation, such a person is required to maintain the confidentiality thereof and promptly notify the Security Police after he or she realised or should have realised that he or she is in possession of a state secret or classified medium. The person is required to give the classified medium to a person assigned under the procedure specified in subsection 20 (2) of this Act.
(3) In cases specified in subsections (1) and (2) of this section, a person is required to apply reasonable measures at his or her disposal, required to protect the classified medium from disclosure and from access by persons who do not possess a right for access and need to know, until a classified medium can be handed over.
§ 19. Duties of Persons with Right for Access to State Secrets and a Facility Security Clearance
A person with a right for access to state secrets or a Facility Security Clearance is required to:
1) maintain the confidentiality of state secrets which become known to him or her;
2) protect classified media in his or her possession from disclosure and access by unauthorised persons who have no right for access or need to know;
3) notify immediately an agency, a constitutional institution or legal person in whose service the person obtained a right for access or a Facility Security Clearance due to a service or some other contractual relationship, and the Security Police of any person who attempted or is attempting in any way to obtain unlawful access to state secrets;
4) notify immediately an agency, a constitutional institution or legal person in whose service the person obtained a right for access or a Facility Security Clearance due to a service or some other contractual relationship and the Security Police of each attempt to violate the requirements of this Act or any legislation issued on the basis thereof, which becomes known to him or her;
5) take measures upon illegal disclosure of a state secret or becoming known thereof to an unauthorised person who has no right for access to state secrets to avoid the damages potentially resulting from such disclosure or communication;
6) notify immediately the corresponding agency which is competent to perform a security vetting of the address of his or her place of stay and other contact information when staying in a foreign state for a period longer than three months;
7) notify immediately the corresponding agency which performs a security vetting of any change in his or her name.
§ 20. Duties of Persons in Possession of Classified Information
(1) Persons in possession of classified information are required to adopt suitable organisational, physical and INFOSEC security measures for the protection of state secrets.
(11) A possessor of a classified information shall have the right to apply special measures of state supervision provided for in §§ 47 and 52 of the Law Enforcement Act for entry into the security area of classified information on the basis of and in the procedure provided for in the Law Enforcement Act. Application of measures specified in §§ 47 and 52 of the Law Enforcement Act shall not be recorded.
[RT I, 13.03.2014, 4 - entry into force 01.07.2014]
(12) During the stay in the security area of classified information the possessor of classified information shall have the right to apply special measures of state supervision provided for in §§ 48, 49 and 52 of the Law Enforcement Act on the basis of and in the procedure provided for in the Law Enforcement Act.
[RT I, 13.03.2014, 4 - entry into force 01.07.2014]
(13) RDuring the stay in the security area of classified information the possessor of classified information shall have the right to use physical force upon application of special measures of state supervision provided for in §§ 48, 49 and 52 of the Law Enforcement Act on the basis of and in the procedure provided for in the Law Enforcement Act.
[RT I, 13.03.2014, 4 - entry into force 01.07.2014]
(2) The head or a directing body of an agency, institution or legal person in possession of state secrets is required to appoint a person and the deputy of the person who shall organise the protection of state secrets. If necessary, a structural unit organising the protection of state secrets shall be formed.
(3) The responsible person or a structural unit specified in subsection (2) of this section shall be directly subordinate to the head or directing body of an agency, constitutional institution or legal person and to the Secretary General in ministries, in issues concerning organisation of the protection of state secrets.
(4) Requirements applicable to the responsible person or a structural unit, specified in subsection (2) of this section, shall be established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
(5) The head or a directing body of an agency, a constitutional institution and a legal person in possession of state secrets is required to assign positions assuming the right for access to state secrets as a prerequisite for holding such a position. Such positions shall be identified as a separate list or a membership table, giving the required level of access to state secrets that is required for each position.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(6) An agency, a constitutional institution and a legal person in possession of state secrets is required to adopt the guidelines for the protection of state secrets, laying down the requirements for the protection of state secrets, applicable in the given agency, constitutional institution and legal person. The requirements to be observed in these guidelines shall be established by a Regulation of the Government of the Republic under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
(7) The possessor of a state secret is required to inspect the existence and integrity of media containing a state secret classified as ‘secret’ and ‘top secret’ in its possession at least once per year. The existence and integrity of media kept in archives that contain ‘secret’ and ‘top secret’ information shall be inspected at least once every five years. The results of the inspection shall be recorded in writing.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(8) Upon termination of an agency, a constitutional institution or a legal person in possession of state secrets, the classified media shall be deposited with the Security Police or, in the case of the Defence League or the Defence Forces, the General Staff of the Defence Forces.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
§ 21. Use of Weapon for Protection of State Secret
(1) A military or a service weapon may be used for the protection of a state secret if the danger cannot be diverted in another way or in time. One must do everything possible to avoid threatening a life or the physical integrity of any third party when using a weapon.
(2) One may use a firearm against a person only as an extreme measure to render the attacker incapable of attack, resistance or escape for protecting state secrets classified as ‘confidential’, ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’ if no other option is available for the protection of state secrets and it is necessary, at the same time, to:
1) fend off an immediate threat to one’s life or the danger of serious physical harm occurring;
2) prevent the escape of a person if that person is in illegal possession of a medium containing a state secret classified as ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’, or
3) prevent the commitment of a crime of a first degree that can be anticipated or is in process or the commitment of a crime that may result in a life sentence in prison.
(3) A person against whom a weapon shall be used must be first warned of the use of a weapon. Should the warning give no result or is not possible due to an urgent need to fend off a threat or a dominant need to protect some benefits, one is free to use a weapon.
§ 22. Competence of Security Police and General Staff of Defence Forces in Organising the Protection of State Secrets
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(1) The protection of state secrets shall be organised and supervision over implementation of this Act and any legislation passed hereunder shall be exercised by the Security Police, and in the Defence Forces and the National Defence League, by the General Staff of the Defence Forces, except in the cases specified in § 23 of this Act.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(2) The Security Police and the General Staff of the Defence Forces are required, as appropriate, to:
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
1) supervise the compliance with the requirements of state secret protection in agencies, constitutional institutions and legal persons in possession of state secrets, and supervise the access by natural persons to state secrets;
2) supervise compliance with requirements for the processing of state secrets and classified media;
3) determine violations of requirements of this Act and any legislation issued on the basis thereof;
4) make proposals to the Security Committee of the Government of the Republic for the prevention and elimination of the deficiencies and violations;
5) organise periodic training on issues of the protection of state secrets;
6) check for the presence of illegal intercept devices in a security area of classified information of a possessor of classified information, depending on the risk assessment rating.
(3) In the course of exercising supervision, the Security Police and the General Staff of the Defence Forces have the right to access all necessary information and issue mandatory precepts to the possessor of classified information for the elimination of a violation or danger of violation of requirements arising from this Act or any legislation passed hereunder.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(4) If, in the course of supervision, violations of requirements established by this Act or legislation issued on the basis thereof are ascertained which may bring about a disclosure of state secrets, the Security Police and the General Staff of the Defence Forces, as appropriate, have the right to issue a mandatory precept to the possessor of state secrets who is being supervised for the suspension of the processing of state secrets and classified media and, if necessary, to take the classified media temporarily into storage until establishment of the necessary conditions.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(5) Upon failure to comply with the precept, specified in clauses 3) and 4) of this section, the Security Police and the General Staff of the Defence Forces have a right to apply substitutive enforcement and penalty payment in the procedure provided for in the Substitutive Enforcement and Penalty Payment Act and impose a penalty payment with a maximum value of 3,200 euros.
[RT I 2010, 22, 108 - entry into force 01.01.2011]
(6) The Minister of the Interior shall approve of the working schedule for the conduct of inspection of state secret protection by the Security Police and the working procedure of the Committee conducting inspection.
§ 23. Competence of Information Board in Organising Protection of State Secrets
(1) The Information Board shall:
1) organise and verify compliance with the requirements established for INFOSEC;
2) organise and verify the protection of state secrets on foreign missions and in the units of the Defence Forces, located outside the territory of the Republic of Estonia.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(2) The Information Board shall, for the purpose of organisation and verification of INFOSEC:
1) provide advice and guidance to possessors of classified information in matters related to INFOSEC for the protection of state secrets;
2) provide advice and guidance to possessors of classified information in matters related to the violation of requirements established for INFOSEC, participate in the assessment of incurred damages, give recommendations for the adoption of additional security measures;
3) initiate the accreditation of a processing system at the request of a possessor of classified information or at its own initiative;
4) issue and invalidate a conformity certificate given to a processing system and a temporary permit of use;
5) co-operate with foreign states and international organisations in the sphere of INFOSEC;
6) organise and verify the processing of encrypted materials that are used to protect state secrets and provide advice and guidance for their processing;
7) applies security measures to protect the processing system in the case of a security failure or a threat thereof;
8) organise periodic training for assuring conformity with the INFOSEC requirements.
(3) On foreign missions and in the units of the Defence Forces, located outside the territory of the Republic of Estonia, the Information Board shall:
1) supervise the compliance with the requirements of state secret protection and access by natural persons to state secrets;
2) supervise compliance with the requirements for the processing of state secrets and classified media;
3) determine violations of requirements of this Act and legislation issued on the basis thereof;
4) make proposals to the Security Committee of the Government of the Republic for the elimination of deficiencies and prevention of violations;
5) organise periodic training in order to ensure the compliance with the requirements of the protection of state secrets;
6) check for the presence of illegal intercept devices in a security area of classified information of a possessor of classified information, depending on the risk assessment rating.
(4) In the course of exercising supervision, the Information Board has the right to access all necessary information and issue mandatory precepts to the possessor of classified information for the elimination of a violation or danger of violation of requirements arising from this Act or any legislation passed hereunder.
(5) If, in the course of supervision, violations of requirements established by this Act or legislation issued on the basis thereof are ascertained which may bring about a disclosure of state secrets, the Information Board, as appropriate, has the right to issue a mandatory precept to the possessor of state secrets who is being supervised for the suspension of the processing of state secrets and classified media and, if necessary, to take the classified media or a part of a processing system temporarily into storage until establishment of the necessary conditions.
(6) Upon the failure to comply with the precept, specified in clauses 4) and 5) of this section the Information Board has the right to apply substitutive enforcement and penalty payment in the procedure provided for in the Substitutive Enforcement and Penalty Payment Act. The maximum amount of the penalty fine to be imposed is 3,200 euros.
[RT I 2010, 22, 108 - entry into force 01.01.2011]
§ 24. Competence of Security Committee of Government of Republic in Organising Protection of State Secrets
The Security Committee of the Government of the Republic shall:
1) provide advice to the Government of the Republic for the organisation of the protection of state secrets;
2) review petitions and complaints concerning the unlawful application of or failure to apply this Act or legislation issued on the basis thereof by a Minister and shall inform the Government of the Republic of the results of the review;
[RT I, 08.07.2011, 8 - entry into force 22.07.2011]
3) give an opinion concerning draft legislation and international agreements pertaining to state secrets submitted to the Government of the Republic;
4) express opinion concerning premature declassification of state secrets, extension of term of classification and change of the grounds, level and term of classification.
Subdivision 2 Access to State Secrets
Sub-subdivision 1 General Provisions
§ 25. Granting Access to State Secrets
(1) Before permitting access to a state secret, the possessor of the state secret is required to ascertain each time that the person holds a right for access to state secrets of the corresponding classification and verify that the person has a need to know.
(2) If the classified medium contains state secrets classified at different levels, other information with restricted access or information not subject to restricted access, access shall be granted to the part of medium not containing information with restricted access or to information made available to that respective person according to the right for access and need to know. Access is denied to the part of the medium that provides the basis for drawing conclusions on the part of the medium to which the person holds no right for access or need to know.
(3) A citizen of a foreign state, a person with no citizenship or a legal person registered in a foreign state may only be granted access to a state secret in the following cases:
1) for the participation of a person in negotiations concerning a public or international procurement;
2) a possessor of classified information needs to grant the person access in connection with the functions to be discharged by the institution and the person concerned has the required special knowledge, skills or equipment to contribute to discharging the aforementioned functions, or
3) in cases specified in §§ 29 or 30 of this Act.
Sub-subdivision 2 Right for Access
§ 26. Right for Access to State Secrets
(1) A person has the right for access to state secrets:
1) by virtue of office;
2) under the decision of a head of an agency;
3) under a Personnel Security Clearance;
4) in relation to the adoption of witness protection measures or
5) by the ruling of an investigation institution, prosecutor’s office or court.
(2) Right for access to a higher classification of state secrets also grants the right to access a lower classification of state secrets. Right for access to a lower classification of state secrets does not grant the right to access a higher classification of state secrets.
(3) Right for access is not granted solely with the purpose of granting a person access to a security area of classified information or to facilitate movement in the security area.
(4) A Facility Security Clearance does not grant the person under contractual or service relationship with the person holding a Facility Security Clearance a right for access to state secrets.
(5) The term of the right for access, granted in case of a temporary need for access, must not exceed the term of the person’s participation in the temporary task or work.
(6) Expiry of the right for access to state secrets does not relieve the person who held a right for access from the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of a state secret.
(7) The person who held a right for access must return all the classified media in his or her possession to the possessor of classified information, which granted him or her access to state secrets, upon the expiry of the right for access. The media that only contain state secrets created by the person who held the right for access are handed over to the state agency that initiated the creation of information and to the Security Police in all other cases.
§ 27. Right for Access to State Secrets by Virtue of Office and Under Decision of Head of Agency
(1) The right for access to any level of state secret is, under this Act, given by virtue of office to the following individuals:
1) the President of the Republic;
2) a member of the Riigikogu;
3) a member of the Government of the Republic;
4) a judge;
5) the Commander of the Defence Forces;
[RT I, 08.07.2011, 8 - entry into force 22.07.2011]
6) the Chancellor of Justice and the Deputy Chancellor of Justice-Adviser;
7) the Auditor General;
8) the Governor of Eesti Pank, Chairman and member of the Executive Board of Eesti Pank;
9) the Head of the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate.
[RT I, 08.07.2011, 8 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(2) The right for access only to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ shall be granted, by virtue of office, to a civil servant of a state agency, an employee of a state agency administrated by a government authority and an employee of Eesti Pank who is appointed, chosen or hired under a contract of employment for an office that requires access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ as a prerequisite for holding this office.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(3) If circumstances specified in subsection 32 (1) of this Act are revealed concerning the person applying for or holding the office specified in subsection (2) of this section:
1) this person will not be given an office that requires access to state secrets; or
2) this person is dismissed from an office that requires access to state secrets under the procedure provided by the Public Service Act or some other specific legal act, regulating public services or the contract of employment, signed with this person, is terminated, as provided in the Employment Contracts Act of the Republic of Estonia.
[RT I 2009, 5, 35 - entry into force 01.07.2009]
(4) If circumstances specified in subsection 32 (2) of this Act are revealed concerning the person applying for or holding an office that assumes access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’, the head of a security authority, who conducts a security vetting on the person, may deprive the person of the right for access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ or prohibit granting the right until the respective circumstances have lapsed. Clauses (3) 1) and 2) of this section shall be applicable in this case.
(5) The decision to grant natural persons outside the services the right for access only to a state secret classified as ‘restricted’, is adopted separately in each case by:
[RT I, 08.07.2011, 8 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
1) the appropriate minister;
2) the head of the appropriate institution in the case of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu, the Office of the President, the State Chancellery, the Office of the Chancellor of Justice, the Eesti Pank, courts, the State Audit Office and a security authority
3) the Governor of Eesti Pank in the Financial Supervision Authority.
(6) The right for access shall be granted for a fixed term in cases specified in subsection (5) of this section. The right for access expires upon the expiry of the fixed term, if not extended, or upon the deprivation of the right for access.
(7) If circumstances specified in subsection 32 (1) of this Act are revealed regarding the person specified in subsection (5) of this section, the person shall be denied the right for access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’, or the right for access shall be deprived by a decision of a person competent to cancel the right for access.
(8) If circumstances specified in subsection 32 (2) of this Act are revealed regarding the person specified in subsection (5) of this section, the head of a security authority, who conducts a security vetting on the person, may deprive the person of the right for access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ or prohibit granting the right until the appropriate circumstances have lapsed.
(9) The security authority shall send the officially verified transcript of a decision, specified in subsections (4) and (8) of this section, within five working days to a person who was deprived of the right for access and a notice regarding the adoption of such a decision to an agency, constitutional institution or a legal person, which employs the person or which granted the right for access to the concerned person.
(10) If a person applying for or holding a right for access only to a state secret classified as ‘restricted’ holds no right for access to state secrets classified as ‘confidential’, ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’, the agency specified in subsections (2) or (5) of this section shall:
1) notify the person who has been granted the right for access of the obligations, specified in § 19 of this Act;
2) shall take a signed verification of the person, stating that he or she is aware of the requirements for the protection of state secrets, the liability incurring from their violation, and obligation to safeguard the state secret becoming known to him or her;
3) shall take a signed consent from the person that shall entitle an agency competent to conduct a security vetting to obtain information concerning the person from natural and legal persons and from institutions and bodies for the adoption of a decision concerning both the granting of the right for access or extending its term as well as during the term of the right for access.
(11) Verification and consent, specified in subsection (10) of this section, and a copy of the resolution, adopted under subsection (5) of this section, are sent to the agency competent to conduct a security vetting concerning the person.
[RT I, 08.11.2010 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(12) Should the person refuse to give the verification or consent, specified in subsection (10) of this section, the person shall not be granted the right for access only to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’. Subsection (3) of this section shall be applicable in this case to a person, who applies for or holds an office requiring the right for access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’.
(13) The format of the documents specified in clauses (10) 2) and 3) of this section is established by a Regulation of the Government of the Republic under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
§ 28. Right for Access to State Secrets under Personnel Security Clearance
(1) The right for access to state secrets classified as ‘confidential’, ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’ is available to a natural person who has been granted a personnel security clearance to state secrets (hereinafter a Personnel Security Clearance) of an appropriate level.
(2) If provided under an international agreement, application for a Personnel Security Clearance is not required from a citizen of a foreign state or a person with no citizenship who holds a right for access to the appropriate level of classified information of a foreign state.
§ 29. Right for Access to State Secret on Basis of ReasonedOrder of Investigative Body or Prosecutor’s Office or Court Ruling
(1) Participants in pre-trial proceedings or judicial proceedings, an individual involved in the proceedings and the representatives of both parties in criminal, civil or administrative matters, or matters of misdemeanour have the right to access, after passing the security vetting, state secrets classified as “restricted”, “confidential” or “secret” on the basis of a reasoned order of an investigative body, the Prosecutor’s office or a court ruling if access is unavoidably necessary for the adjudication of the criminal, civil or administrative matter, or the matter of misdemeanour.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(2) Access on the basis of a reasoned order from an investigative body, the Prosecutor’s office or a court ruling is not permitted to state secrets classified as “restricted”, “confidential” or “secret” if this endangers the protection of rights provided for in clauses 12614 2), 4), 5), 6) and 7) of the Code of Criminal Procedure or to state secrets classified as “top secret”.
[RT I, 21.06.2014, 11 - entry into force 01.07.2014]
(3) A security vetting shall not be performed in respect of suspects, the accused at trial and a counsel who is an advocate if the need to access state secrets arises from ensuring the right of defence in criminal proceedings.
(4) An investigative body, the Prosecutor’s office or a court shall forward an application for the conduct of a security vetting to an agency which performs a security vetting in order to decide on the granting of the right to access state secrets to a person. In order to pass the security vetting, the person shall submit the document specified in clause 27 (10) 3) of this Act to the agency which performs a security vetting.
(5) The agency which performs a security vetting shall present the information obtained as a result of a security vetting to an investigative body, the Prosecutor’s office or a court within the term specified thereby, and this term shall not be less than one month.
(6) An investigative body, the Prosecutor’s office who prepared an order or a court which prepared a ruling shall notify the person to be granted a right for access to state secrets pursuant to the procedure prescribed in this section of the obligations specified in § 19 of this Act and shall obtain a signed verification specified in clause 27 (10) 2) of this Act from a person before access to the information is granted, which shall be included in the materials of the file.
(7) Upon refusal to sign the consent, specified in subsection (4) of this section or to give a verification specified in subsection (6) of this section, the consent or verification shall contain a notation concerning the refusal and the reasons thereof that shall be confirmed by the body conducting proceedings. The person who refuses to give the consent or verification shall not be granted the right for access to state secrets.
§ 30. Right for Access to State Secrets of Persons Protected Under Witness Protection Act and Their Representatives
(1) A person in respect of whom witness protection measures are applied pursuant to the Witness Protection Act and the advocate representing the aforementioned person have the right to access state secrets concerning his or her protection without a Personnel Security Clearance or compliance with the requirement to pass a security vetting, to an extent which is unavoidably necessary. The person shall be notified of the obligations provided for in § 19 of this Act and is required to sign the verification, specified in clause 27 (10) 2) of this Act. The person refusing to give the verification shall not be granted the right for access to state secrets.
(2) A representative of the person specified in subsection (1) of this section, not being a lawyer, is given access to state secrets concerning the protection of the aforementioned person after passing a security vetting to the extent that is deemed necessary. Subsections 29 (4)-(7) of this Act are applicable to such cases.
Sub-subdivision 3 Application for Issue, Issue, Extension of Term and Expiry of Personnel Security Clearance
§ 31. Application for Personnel Security Clearance or Extension of Term Thereof
(1) In order to obtain a Personnel Security Clearance (PSC) or to be granted extension of the term thereof, a person shall submit an application to the agency which performs a security vetting through a constitutional institution, governmental authority or state agency administrated by a government authority (hereinafter the ‘sponsor of a PSC’) which justifies the need for access and supports the granting of a PSC or extension of the term thereof, to which the following documents shall be appended:
1) a letter from the sponsor of the PSC (except if the sponsor of the PSC and the agency performing a security vetting are one and the same agency) which justifies the need for access by the person who is in an employment, service or contractual relationship or applying for such relationship and which supports the granting of the PSC or extension of the term thereof;
2) a completed form by the applicant for a PSC upon application therefor. Upon application for a PSC within the period of one year as of the expiry of the previous PSC or for the extension of the term thereof or applying for a higher access level, a completed form of the person who is extending the PSC;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
3) documents specified in clauses 27 (10) 2) and 3) of this Act.(2) Upon extension of the term of a PSC, one may, if applicable, apply for access to state secrets of a classification level lower or higher than specified in the valid PSC.
(3) In order to be granted extension of the term of a PSC, the documents required for extension shall be submitted to the agency that performs a security vetting no later than three months before the expiry of the PSC.
(4) In the case of the timely submission of the documents required for the grant of extension of the term of a PSC, the term of the PSC shall be extended until the decision to extend or refuse from reviewing the application has been adopted.
(5) The format of the application for a PSC or extension of the term thereof and the format of an application form of a person applying for a PSC or extension thereof shall be established by a Regulation of the Government of the Republic under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
§ 32. Bases for Refusal to Grant Personnel Security Clearance or Extend Term Thereof
(1) A PSC shall not be granted to or extension of the term thereof shall be refused to natural persons:
1) who are lacking the need to know;
2) who do not meet the requirements provided for in subsection 33 (1) of this Act;
3) with restricted active legal capacity;
4) who are employed or have been employed by the intelligence or security service of a foreign state, except if the person complies with the requirements specified in subsection 25 (3) of this Act and, according to a security authority, does not pose a threat to the security of the Republic of Estonia;
5) who have been disclosed or are subject to disclosure pursuant to the procedure provided for in the Procedure for Registration and Disclosure of Persons who Have Served in or Co-operated with Intelligence or Counter-intelligence Organisations of Security Organisations or Military Forces of States which Have Occupied Estonia Act;
6) who are serving a prison sentence;
7) whose activities are directed against the Estonian state and its national security;
8) who have been punished for committing an offence against the state or humanity regardless of whether the punishment has been expunged from the punishment register or not;
9) who have been deprived of the right for access due to violation of the provisions of this Act and legislation issued on the basis thereof;
10) whose previously granted PSC has been revoked due to violation of the provisions of the State Secrets Act and legislation issued on the basis thereof within the period of five years as of the revocation of the PSC.
(2) Granting of a PSC or extension of the term thereof may be refused to natural persons:
1) whose activities have been directed against the Estonian state and its national security;
11) who has been involved in co-operation with an intelligence or security service of a foreign state;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
2) who are involved with an organisation which by its activities ignores public policy or the purpose of which is to change the public order or independence of the Republic of Estonia by violence, violent breach of territorial integrity, violent seizure of power, or violent changing of the constitutional order of Estonia;
3) who are participants in criminal proceedings as suspects or accused;
4) who have been punished several times for misdemeanours and the information concerning the punishment has not been expunged from the punishment register;
5) who have been punished for intentionally committed official misdemeanour or criminal offence that the person has committed as a public servant, regardless of whether the punishment has been expunged from the punishment register or not, or with regard to whom the disciplinary proceedings or misdemeanour proceedings that have been commenced with elements of official misconduct or a criminal offence against the state, have been dropped under §§ 202, 203 or 205 of the Code of Criminal Procedure;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
6) against whom disciplinary proceedings or misdemeanour proceedings with elements of official misconduct or corruption or violation of this Act or any legislation issued on the basis thereof are conducted;
7) who have been punished for an intentionally committed criminal offence and the information concerning the punishment has not been expunged from the punishment register;
8) who have been punished for committing a criminal offence against the state due to negligence, regardless of whether the punishment has been expunged from the punishment register or not;
9) who are dependent on narcotic or psychotropic drugs or alcohol or gambling;
10) who have concealed information or submitted falsified or false information that is essential in deciding the grant of a PSC in the application form for a PSC or extension of the term thereof submitted to the agency which performs a security vetting or in the interview for applicants for a PSC;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
11) who have not performed all of their obligations regarding state and local taxes;
12) who have stayed in a foreign state for a longer period for circumstances that cannot be identified;
13) who suffer from mental disturbances that limit their ability to understand or control their behaviour;
14) who are economically dependent on their spouse, grandparent, parent, brother, sister, child or grandchild, in respect of whom the circumstances provided for in clauses (1) 4) 5) or 7), or clause (2) 2) of this section become evident;
15) who have, either by word or deed, expressed dishonesty, disloyalty, untrustworthiness or indiscretion that may refer to the person’s untrustworthiness to protect a state secret;
16) who indulge a well-developed habit or addictions, which may result in economic dependence of the person concerned.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(3) A security check shall be performed on the person under the provisions of this Act to check the circumstances specified in subsections (1) and (2) of this section.
(4) If circumstances provided for in subsections (1) or (2) of this section become evident in respect of a person, an agency, constitutional institution and legal body which is in an employment, service or contractual relationship with the person is required to promptly notify thereof the agency competent to perform a security vetting with respect to the person..
§ 33. Granting of Personnel Security Clearance and Extension of Term Thereof
(1) A Personnel Security Clearance (PSC) may be granted to a citizen of Estonia or a natural person specified in subsection 25 (3) of this Act.
(2) The basis for the granting of a PSC or extension of the term thereof is a decision which is made on the basis of a security vetting which shall be founded on all the information gathered in the course of the security vetting.
(3) Granting of a PSC or extension of the term thereof shall be decided by a head of an agency which performs a security vetting no later than within three months as of the receipt of documents required for the granting of a PSC or extension of the term thereof. A PSC shall be granted by an agency that has conducted a security vetting with respect to the person.
(4) An agency which performs a security vetting may extend the term provided for in subsection (3) of this section by three months in the following cases:
1) where it has not been possible to conduct an interview with the applicant for a PSC in the course of a security vetting within the period of three months as of the submission of the required documents due to material circumstances depending on the applicant;
2) where it is necessary for the decision on the granting of a PSC to be based on information originating from a foreign state;
3) where information gathered in the course of a security vetting indicates that bases for refusal to grant a PSC are likely to become evident within the following three months;
4) where information gathered in the course of a security vetting indicates that bases for refusal to grant a PSC may cease to exist in respect of the person subject to a security vetting within the following three months.
(5) An agency which performs a security vetting shall refuse to review the application in the following cases:
1) where it has not been possible to conduct an interview with the applicant for a PSC in the course of a security vetting within the period of three months as of the submission of required documents due to immaterial circumstances depending on the applicant;
2) the granting of a right for access or extension of the term thereof to state secrets classified at the same or lower level has been refused to this person earlier and the application does not show that the circumstances serving as the grounds for refusal have lapsed;
3) upon the application of the applicant of a PSC or his or her sponsor;
4) under other circumstances provided by law.
(6) If a PSC to the classification level of state secrets specified in the application cannot be granted to a person or extension of the term thereof is not possible as a result of the consideration of circumstances specified in subsection 32 (2) of this Act but it would be possible to grant a PSC or extend the term thereof to a lower level of classification, a PSC or extension of the term thereof is granted for a lower level of classification, if considered necessary by the applicant for the permit and his or her sponsor.
(7) In order to access state secrets classified as ‘top secret’ or ‘secret’, a PSC shall be granted to a person for up to five years or the term thereof shall be extended for up to five years. In order to access state secrets classified as “confidential”, a PSC shall be granted to a person for up to seven years or the term thereof shall be extended for up to seven years.
(8) If the granting of a PSC is applied for by a person who wishes to hold an office where access to state secrets is a prerequisite for employment or who wants to enter into an agreement where access to state secrets is a prerequisite for the performance of the agreement, the PSC granted shall be validated as of the moment for the appointment or assignation of the person for the office or as of the enforcement of the appropriate provision of the contract. The term of the PSC is then calculated as of the date of the granting a PSC.
(9) A PSC or extension of the term thereof shall be prepared on the letter-head with security features of the agency which performs a security vetting, with the signature of the head of the agency. A PSC or a notice concerning extension of the term thereof shall set out the following data:
1) the date of the granting a PSC or extension of the term thereof and the number of the decision;
2) the basis for the decision;
3) the given name, surname and the personal identification code of the person;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
4) the classification of state secrets which the person is permitted to access;
5) the term of a PSC.
(10) A PSC or a notice concerning extension of the term thereof shall be sent to the recipient of the PSC within five working days as of the adoption of the decision through the agency which has supported the granting of the PSC.
(11) Upon refusal to grant a PSC or extend the term thereof, the agency which performs a security vetting shall send an officially certified copy of the decision to refuse to grant a PSC or extend the term thereof to the applicant for a PSC and the notification about the decision to refuse the granting of a PSC to the agency which justifies the need for access and supports the granting of a PSC within five working days, except if the agency that supports the granting of a PSC is the agency performing a security vetting.
(12) If a person who is holding an office where access to state secrets is a prerequisite for employment or is applying for such an office is refused the granting of a PSC or the extension of the term thereof, provisions of clauses 27 (3) 1) and 2) of this Act shall apply.
§ 34. Expiry of Personnel Security Clearance
(1) A PSC shall expire:
1) upon the death of a person or upon a person being declared dead or as missing by a court ruling;
2) upon expiry of the term specified in a PSC;
3) upon revocation of a PSC;
4) upon revocation of the right for access from a person with an enforced court ruling or the decision of a body conducting extrajudicial proceedings.
(2) A PSC, that has been granted to a person, is declared invalid if circumstances specified in subsection 32 (1) of this Act become evident with respect to that person.
(3) A PSC, that has been granted to a person, may be declared invalid if circumstances specified in subsection 32 (2) of this Act become evident with respect to that person.
(4) In the case of a short-term lapse in the need for access, a PSC need not be revoked.
(5) The agency that has the capacity to decide on the extension of the term of a PSC that has been granted to the person shall revoke a PSC.
(6) The sponsor of granting of a PSC and an agency, constitutional institution, or legal body, in which a natural person whose PSC is revoked is employed or contracted by, shall promptly be notified of the revocation or repeal of the PSC of the natural person. Notification of revocation of the PSC is not required if the sponsor of the granting of a PSC and an agency, constitutional institution, or legal body, in which a natural person whose PSC is revoked is employed or contracted by, requested the revocation of the PSC on the bases of clause 32 (1) 1) upon the expiry of employment or contractual relationship.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(7) The agency which performs a security vetting shall immediately inform the National Security Authority of the expiry of the term of a PSC of a person holding a Personnel Security Certificate on the basis of clauses (1) 3) or 4) of this section.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(8) If a person who holds an office where access to state secrets is a prerequisite for employment or is applying for such an office is refused the granting of a PSC or the extension of the term thereof or the PSC is declared void or its invalidity is identified, the provisions of subsection 27 (3) of this Act shall apply.
Subdivision 3 Processing of State Secrets and Classified Media
Sub-subdivision 1 General Provisions
§ 35. Communication of State Secrets
(1) Internally, state secrets communicated to a possessor of classified information may only be communicated upon the written consent of a head or directing body of an agency, constitutional institution, or public legal person that is the originator of the state secret or, in the case of a state secret related to criminal proceedings, the prosecutor in charge of the proceedings or a prosecutor above him, observing the procedure specified in this Act and legislation issued on the basis thereof. If a natural person outside a service or a legal person governed by private law is an originator of the information, an agency supporting the granting of a Personnel Security Clearance or a Facility Security Clearance shall also give a written consent for communication of the information. The consent is not needed if a ministry communicates a state secret at the confidential or lower level to an agency within the area of government of the respective ministry.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(2) If the originator of information, specified in subsection (1) of this section, cannot be identified or the originator of the information or an agency supporting the granting of a Personnel Security Clearance or a Facility Security Clearance has ceased to exist, the consent for communication is given by the Minister of the Interior.
(3) Provisions of subsection (1) and (2) of this section shall not apply upon the communication of state secrets within an agency, constitutional institution, or legal person, also when communicating state secrets to authorities, specified in §§ 22 and 23 of this Act, the National Security Authority, a court, the Riigikogu, the Chancellor of Justice, the Auditor General and the Government of the Republic.
(4) State secrets may be communicated to a foreign state, international organisation or an institution established under an international agreement by the Government Office, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Defence Forces and a security authority in the procedure provided for in this Act and legislation issued on the basis thereof if this is necessary to ensure or increase the security of the Republic of Estonia under an international agreement and if the agency receiving the information shall ensure the protection of the communicated information from disclosure.
[RT I, 18.02.2014, 1 - entry into force 01.08.2014]
(5) State secrets may be communicated to a foreign state, international organisation, or an institution established under an international agreement by the Police and Border Guard Board, observing the procedure specified in this Act and legislation issued on the basis thereof and the provisions of the Witness Protection Act, provided that the agency receiving the information shall ensure the protection of communicated information from disclosure.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(51) State secrets containing surveillance information at the ‘restricted’ level that is required for the maintenance of law and order may be communicated to a foreign state, international organisation, or an institution established under an international agreement by a competent surveillance authority or the Prosecutor’s Office if such an obligation is due under the European Union law or an international agreement or is required for the work of an international investigation group, provided that the agency receiving the information shall ensure the protection of the communicated information from disclosure.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(6) Communication of state secrets to a foreign state, international organisation or an institution established under an international agreement shall be first registered at the Estonian National Security Authority, except if information is being communicated by a security authority under the conditions provided for in this section, if information specified in clauses 7 51), 7), 10) and 11) of this Act is communicated by the Defence Forces to a foreign state or if information is communicated under subsections (5) or (51) of this section.
[RT I, 18.02.2014, 1 - entry into force 01.08.2014]
§ 36. Maintaining Records of Classified Media
(1) Maintaining records of classified media is performed as provided by the Administrative Procedure Act, the Archives Act, a regulation of the Government of the Republic, adopted under subsection 58 (1) of the Public Information Act and the legislation issued on the basis thereof, considering the specifications provided for by this Act and the legislation issued on the basis thereof.
(2) Registration of copies made of classified media, except the media containing state secret classified as ‘restricted’ or ‘confidential’, is mandatory.
(3) The Government of the Republic may lay down requirements different from provisions specified in subsection (2) of this section for the registration of electronic classified media, observing the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
§ 37. Marking of Classified Media
(1) Classified media shall be marked with:
1) a classification marking;
2) a notation concerning the legal basis for classification of the information;
3) a notation concerning the date of registration and term of classification of media.
(2) Classified media may be left unmarked only if marking may endanger the classification of state secret.
(3) Classified media shall be marked as follows:
1) a classified medium containing a state secret classified as “restricted” shall be marked with a classification marking “PIIRATUD” [restricted];
2) a classified medium containing a state secret classified as “confidential” shall be marked with a classification marking “KONFIDENTSIAALNE” [confidential];
3) a classified medium containing a state secret classified as “secret” shall be marked with a classification marking “SALAJANE” [secret];
4) a classified medium containing a state secret classified as “top secret” shall be marked with a classification marking “TÄIESTI SALAJANE” [top secret].
(4) Media containing state secrets that also contains classified information of foreign states shall be marked with information concerning the processed classified information of foreign states, if so provided by an international agreement.
(5) Should it be expedient to mark the classified media additionally by paragraphs and illustrations, the marking of a paragraph is inserted into the beginning and end of each paragraph and illustration. Unmarked paragraphs and illustrations present in a medium with a paragraph marking, are given the classification level of the medium, until the originator of information has decided how the appropriate paragraph or illustration should be marked. Marking must be decided promptly after the need for processing of that respective paragraph or illustration has incurred.
(6) A classified medium may be marked by additional marking that refers to additional security measures applicable to the medium or the circle of persons that have the right for access to the medium.
(7) If the media is marked with a classification marking, upon the expiry of the classification term applicable to state secrets the possessor of the classified media is required to put an appropriate marking on the classified media
§ 38. Storage and Destruction of Classified Media
(1) A medium the term of classification of which has expired shall be transferred to the National Archives in accordance with the Archives Act.
(2) The part of medium, containing sensitive personal data, transferred to a medium the classification term of which has expired and that contains information collected as a result of the collection of information of covert investigation, shall not be transferred to the National Archives if a person in regard to whom the surveillance activities were conducted, or the person whose private or family life was violated by the activities requests the destruction of information containing sensitive personal data and this information is no longer required for public purposes. In such cases, the part of medium that contains sensitive personal data shall be destroyed in a way that shall make the restoring of the information contained impossible.
(3) In the case of media, the classification of which has not expired, it shall only be allowed to destroy:
1) a copy made of classified media;
2) a classified medium in an unexpected situation where there is no other alternative available to protect the medium from access by a person not having the right for access and such access would probably result in considerable damages to the security of the Republic of Estonia. In such cases, the originator of the classified information, having created the medium, the Security Police and the Security Committee of the Government of the Republic of Estonia shall be promptly notified of the destruction and the reasons thereof;
3) a draft after the compilation of a medium that the draft was prepared for;
4) a medium with no archival value upon the consent of the state archivist or an official authorised by him or her;
5) a medium which is not a record for the purposes of the Archives Act;
6) a classified medium that only contains classified information of a foreign state and that has not been assigned a storage term by the originator of the classified information of foreign states or the destruction of which is not prohibited under an international agreement;
7) a medium that contains only the information specified in § 10 of this Act.
(4) In cases specified in subsection (3) of this section, the classified medium shall be destroyed in a way that renders restoration of the information contained therein impossible.
§ 39. Adoption of Processing Procedure
(1) The requirements for processing state secrets and classified media, including more specific INFOSEC requirements, except the requirements specified in subsection (2) of this section, shall be established with a Regulation of the Government of the Republic under the procedure applicable to the protection of a state secret and classified information of foreign states.
(2) The Minister of Defence shall adopt a regulation, specifying the following, for INFOSEC purposes:
1) requirements to encrypted materials and processing and protection thereof;
2) requirements for ensuring radiation safety
3) requirements for computer and local networks security
(3) The parts of the regulation, specified in subsection (2) of this section, that contain state secrets, are classified, as provided for by subsection 10 (2) of this Act. The regulation is submitted to the Surveillance Committee of Security Authorities of the Riigikogu for notification purposes.
Sub-subdivision 2 Admissibility to Processing of State Secrets
§ 40. Admissibility to Processing of State Secrets
(1) State secrets and classified media may be processed on the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency or Eesti Pank.
(2) With the appropriate permit issued by the Security Police (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Facility Security Clearance’), state secrets and media containing thereof may also be processed outside the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency or Eesti Pank, provided that the person has a justified need for that.
(3) A Facility Security Clearance may be granted to:
1) a natural person;
2) a legal person in public law of Estonia;
3) a legal person in private law, registered in Estonia;
4) a legal person of a foreign state for processing classified information in its branch, registered in Estonia, for the participation of a person in negotiations concerning a public or international procurement or if the agency which possesses state secrets needs to permit access by such persons to the state secrets in connection with the functions imposed on the agency and if the person has the necessary special knowledge or skills or means to assist in the performance of such functions.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(4) A Facility Security Clearance is granted to a legal person only after the person organising the protection of state secrets within the legal person has been issued a Personnel Security Clearance.
(5) The processing system may only be used for the processing of state secrets if a conformity certificate or a temporary permit of use, issued by the Information Board, is available.
§ 41. Application for Facility Security Clearance or Extension of Term Thereof
(1) In order to obtain a Facility Security Clearance or to be granted extension of the term thereof, a person shall submit an application to the Security Police through a constitutional institution, governmental authority or state agency administrated by a government authority (hereinafter the ‘sponsor of a Facility Security Clearance) which justifies the need for processing and supports the receipt of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof, to which the following documents shall be appended:
1) a letter from the sponsor of the Facility Security Clearance, setting out the type or types of state secrets that the Facility Security Clearance is applied for, together with reference to the basis of classification of such information and which justifies the need for processing state secrets and the media containing thereof outside the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency or Eesti Pank by the person who is in an employment, service, or contractual relationship or applying for such relationship and which supports the receipt of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof;
2) a document that proves the right for access to state secrets or a verified copy thereof in the case of a natural person, except in cases specified in subsection (5) of this section or if the right for access was granted by the Security Police;
3) the documents specified in clauses 27 (10) 2) and 3) of this Act in the case of a legal person and a completed form of natural persons upon application for a Facility Security Clearance or, upon extension of the term of a Facility Security Clearance, a completed annex to the form.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(2) Upon extending the term of a Facility Security Clearance, one may, if applicable, apply for access to state secrets with a classification level lower or higher than specified in the valid Facility Security Clearance.
(3) In order to be granted extension of the term of a Facility Security Clearance, an application together with the documents appended thereto shall be submitted to the Security Police not later than three months before the expiry of the Facility Security Clearance. Natural persons and legal persons are required to submit an application to the supporting agency no later than four months and seven months before the expiry of the Facility Security Clearance, respectively.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(4) The term of a Facility Security Clearance shall be extended until the decision to extend or to refuse from reviewing the application has been adopted in the case of the timely submission of documents required for granting an extension of the term of a Facility Security Clearance.
(5) The application specified in subsections (1) or (2) of this section may be submitted together with the application for a Personnel Security Clearance or the extension of the term thereof.
(6) The format of the application for a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof and the format of an application form and the annex thereto shall be established by a Regulation of the Government of the Republic, adopted under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
§ 42. Bases for Refusal to Grant Facility Security Clearance or Extend Term Thereof
(1) A Facility Security Clearance shall not be granted to or an extension of the term thereof shall be refused to natural persons:
1) who lack the right for access;
2) who lack a justified need to process state secrets or classified media containing thereof outside the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency;
3) who have not provided conditions required for the protection of state secrets and classified media, provided by this Act and legislation issued on the basis thereof;
4) who have been deprived of the processing rights.
(2) A Facility Security Clearance shall not be granted to or an extension of the term thereof shall be refused to legal persons:
1) who lack the need for access;
2) with respect to whom the circumstances specified in clauses (1) 2)-4) of this section exist;
3) who do not meet the requirements, specified in subsections 40 (3) or (4) of this Act;
4) with respect to whom the circumstances specified in clauses 32 (1) 7), 8) or 10) of this Act exist;
5) with respect to whom the conditions serving as a pre-requisite for the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings exist or who are subject to initiation of a liquidation procedure.
(3) The granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof may be refused to legal persons:
1) with respect to whom the circumstances specified in clauses 32 (2) 1)-8), 10) or 11) of this Act exist;
2) whose commercial or trading activities are contrary to good practices and good morals;
3) who have, during the last three years, violated any public procurement contracts;
4) at least one third of the shareholders or participation of which belongs to a person that cannot be identified.
(4) The procedure for checking the existence of circumstances specified in clause (1) 3) of this section shall be established by a Regulation of the Government of the Republic, adopted under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
(5) A security vetting shall be performed on the legal person under the provisions of this Act to ensure the circumstances specified in subsections (2) and (3) of this section.
(6) An agency, a constitutional institution and a legal body in which the person is employed under service or contractual relationship is required to notify the Security Police of persons in respect of whom the circumstances provided for in subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section become evident.
§ 43. Granting of Facility Security Clearance and Extension of Term Thereof
(1) The basis for the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof is a decision which is made on the basis of inspecting the circumstances specified in clause 42 (1) 3) of this Act and which shall be founded on all information gathered in the course of such vetting
(2) The basis for the granting of a Facility Security Clearance to legal persons or extension of the term thereof is also a decision which, in addition to the decision specified in subsection (1) of this section, is made on the basis of a security vetting and which shall be founded on all information gathered in the course of the security vetting.
(3) The granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof shall be decided not later than within two months in the case of natural persons and not later than within six months in the case of legal persons, after the submission of a valid application. In cases specified in subsection 41 (5) of this Act, the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof shall be decided immediately after the granting of a Personnel Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof.
(4) The term described in the first sentence of subsection (3) of this section may be extended by three months in the case of a natural person and by six months in the case of a legal person in the following cases:
1) where it is necessary for the decision on the grant of a Facility Security Clearance to be based on information originating from a foreign state;
2) where it has not been possible to conduct an interview with the legal person applicant or a representative of the applicant for a Facility Security Clearance within six months in the course of a security vetting due to material circumstances depending on the applicant;
3) where information gathered about the legal person applying for a Facility Security Clearance in the course of the security vetting indicates that bases for refusal to grant a Facility Security Clearance are likely to become evident within the following six months;
4) where information gathered in the course of a security vetting indicates that bases for refusal to grant a Facility Security Clearance may cease to exist in respect of the legal person applying for a Facility Security Clearance and subject to a security vetting within the following six months.
(5) The Security Police shall refuse to review the application in the following cases:
1) the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof to state secrets classified at the same or lower level has been refused to this person earlier and the application does not show that the circumstances serving as the grounds for refusal have lapsed;
2) upon the request of the applicant of a Facility Security Clearance or a sponsor of a Facility Security Clearance to refuse the review of the application;
3) where it has not been possible to conduct an interview with the representative of the legal person applicant for a Facility Security Clearance in the course of a security vetting within the period of six months as of the submission of required documents due to immaterial circumstances depending on the applicant or its representative;
4) in other circumstances provided by law.
(6) If a Facility Security Clearance to the classification level of state secret specified in the application cannot be granted to a person or the extension of the term thereof is not possible as a result of the consideration of circumstances specified in subsection 42 (3) of this Act or checking of the conditions specified in clause 42 (1) 3) of this Act, but it would be possible to grant a Facility Security Clearance or extend the term thereof to a lower level of classification, a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof is granted for a lower level of classification if considered necessary by the applicant for a Facility Security Clearance and his or her sponsor.
(7) A Facility Security Clearance is issued or the term thereof is extended for a fixed term if the need to process state secrets and media containing thereof may also be processed outside the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency or Eesti Pank is of a temporary nature but in the case of a natural person applicant the term shall not extend the term of the right for access to state secrets.
(8) A Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof shall be prepared on the letter-head with security features of the Security Police, with the signature of the Director General of the Security Police. A Facility Security Clearance or a notice concerning extension of the term thereof shall set out the following data:
1) the date of the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof and the number of the decision;
2) the basis and justification for the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof;
3) the given name, surname, personal identification code and a job or a position of the person if a Facility Security Clearance is granted to a natural person;
4) name, seat and registry code of the person if a Facility Security Clearance is issued to a legal person;
5) the classification and level of state secrets which the person is permitted to process or only the level;
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
6) the term of a Facility Security Clearance.
(9) A notice concerning the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or the extension of the term thereof shall be sent by the Security Police to the recipient of a Facility Security Clearance through the sponsor of a Facility Security Clearance within five working days as of the adoption of the decision.
(10) Upon refusal to grant a Facility Security Clearance or to extend the term thereof, the Security Police shall send within five working days an officially certified copy of the decision to refuse to grant a Facility Security Clearance or to extend the term thereof to the person who was denied the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof and a notice regarding the decision is sent to the sponsor of a Facility Security Clearance.
§ 44. Expiry of Facility Security Clearance
(1) A Facility Security Clearance shall expire:
1) upon the expiry of a right for access to state secrets, granted to a natural person;
2) upon termination of a legal person;
3) upon revocation of the right for processing from a person by an enforced court ruling or the decision of a body conducting extrajudicial proceedings;
4) upon expiry of the term specified in a Facility Security Clearance;
5) upon revocation of a Facility Security Clearance.
(2) A Facility Security Clearance shall be revoked if:
1) a person’s justified need to process state secrets and media containing thereof may also be processed outside the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency has ceased to exist;
2) the conditions provided by the person do not comply with the conditions required for the protection of state secrets and classified media, provided for by this Act and the legislation issued on the basis thereof;
3) the right for access to state secrets granted to a natural person has expired;
4) circumstances specified in subsection 42 (2) of this Act exist in the case of a legal person.
(3) In the case of a short-term lapse in the justified need to process state secrets and media containing thereof to be processed outside the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency, a Facility Security Clearance need not be revoked.
(4) A Facility Security Clearance granted to a legal person may be also revoked if:
1) circumstances specified in subsection 42 (3) of this Act exist with respect to the person;
2) the legal person is reorganised.
(5) A Facility Security Clearance shall be revoked by the Director General of the Security Police. The Security Police shall send within five working days an officially certified copy of the decision to revoke the permit to the person whose Facility Security Clearance was revoked and a notice regarding the decision to the sponsor of a Facility Security Clearance.
(6) The sponsor of the Facility Security Clearance and an agency, constitutional institution or a legal body, in which a natural person whose Facility Security Clearance is revoked or identified as invalid, is employed or contracted by, shall promptly be notified of the revocation of a Facility Security Clearance of the natural person.
(7) The sponsor of a Facility Security Clearance and the head or the directing body of a legal person and the person who is authorized to organize protection of state secrets by the legal person whose Facility Security Clearance is revoked or identified as invalid, shall promptly be notified of the revocation of the Facility Security Clearance of the legal person.
(8) Upon the expiry or revocation of a Facility Security Clearance the person who has been granted a Facility Security Clearance must return all the classified media in his or her possession to the possessor of the classified information that granted him or her access to state secrets. Media that only contain state secrets created by the person who held the Facility Security Clearance shall be handed over to the agency that initiated the creation of information, and to the Security Police in all other cases.
§ 45. Obligations of Legal Person in Private Law who Holds Facility Security Clearance
A legal person in private law who holds a Facility Security Clearance is, in addition to compliance with the requirements specified in § 19 of this Act, required to notify the Security Police promptly of the following circumstances:
1) a merger, division or reorganisation of a legal body;
2) the changing of members of the Management or Supervisory Board;
3) the contact information of the members of the Management or Supervisory Board if they are staying abroad for a period longer than three months;
4) a change in material liabilities if the incurring material liability is bigger than 30 percent of equity or if the total value of material liability exceeds 70 percent of equity;
5) bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings that have been initiated with respect to a legal person.
§ 46. Certificate of Conformity of Processing System and Temporary Use Permit
(1) The Information Board shall issue a certificate of conformity to a processing system as a result of accreditation, provided that the processing system complies with the INFOSEC requirements. The classification level of information that is permitted for processing by the system and the term of a certificate of conformity shall be specified in the certificate of conformity.
(2) The Information Board shall issue a Temporary Use Permit to a processing system as a result of accreditation if the processing systems do not comply with the INFOSEC requirements but the related security risks are temporarily acceptable. The Temporary Use Permit shall specify the classification level of information that is permitted for processing by the system, the term of the Temporary Use Permit, and the obligation, conditions and term for new accreditation of the processing system.
(3) If electronic processing of state secrets takes place outside the immovable or movable possessed by a state agency or Eesti Pank, the issue of a certificate of conformity or a Temporary Use Permit is, in addition to the compliance with the requirements specified in subsections (1) and (2) of this section, subject to the availability of a valid state secrets processing permit.
(4) The procedure for the application for and revocation of a certificate of conformity to a processing system and temporary permit of use shall be established by a Regulation of the Government of the Republic under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
Subdivision 4 Security Vetting
§ 47. Basis for Performing Security Vetting
(1) The performance of a security vetting shall only mean the checking of the existence of circumstances specified in § 32 and subsections 42 (2) and (3) of this Act and the proceedings performed must not restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons more than necessary to establish the presence of respective grounds.
(2) In order to obtain a right for access under a Personnel Security Clearance or on the basis of an order of a investigative body or the Prosecutor’s Office or on the basis of a court ruling, or to obtain a Facility Security Clearance of a legal person or to be granted extension of the term of a right for access or a Facility Security Clearance, an applicant must pass a security vetting..
(3) The agency performing a security vetting is also entitled to check for the existence of circumstances specified in § 32 and subsections 42 (2) and (3) of this Act during the term of a Personnel Security Clearance and a Facility Security Clearance of a legal person and within the period of five years as of the expiry of the term if the person concerned has during the term of a Personnel Security Clearance come across classified information which, once disclosed, would considerably damage national security.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(4) If there is a justified suspicion that circumstances providing the grounds for refusal of the granting of a Personnel Security Clearance may exist with respect to a person, a security vetting may be performed with respect to the following persons if requested by a head or directing body of an agency, specified in subsections 27 (2) or (5) of this Act:
1) a person who is about to be employed in a position which requires access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ or who is already holding such office;
2) who is considered to be given access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ or who has a right for access, granted under the procedure specified in subsection 27 (5) of this Act.
(5) In cases specified in subsection (4) of this section, the head or directing body of an appropriate agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘applicant’) is required to submit a justified application to an agency competent to perform a security vetting who shall then adopt a decision regarding the performance of a security vetting within two weeks as of the receipt of such application and shall notify the agency that submitted the application.
(6) A security vetting may only be performed if a person has given the consent, specified in clause 27 (10) 3) of this Act.
§ 48. Security Vetting Agencies
(1) A security vetting shall be performed by the Security Police, except in the cases specified in subsection (3) of this section.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(2) [Repealed –RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(3) The Information Board shall perform a security vetting with regard to the following persons:
1) those who stand as candidates for the position of security officials at the Information Board and persons who are in the service of the Information Board, except the Director General of the Information Board and his or her deputy;
2) the Director General of the Security Police and his or her deputy;
3) the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior;
4) the Public Prosecutor.
§ 49. Performance of Security Vetting
(1) A security vetting shall be performed pursuant to the procedure provided for in the Security Authorities Act, considering the specifications of this Act.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(2) A committee, consisting of at least three members, is formed at a security authority by a relevant Minister at the proposal of an agency performing a security vetting for the purpose of reviewing the information collected as a result of a security vetting.
[RT I 2008, 35, 213 - entry into force 01.01.2009]
(3) The committee, specified in subsection (2) of this section, shall make proposals to a person or a body that is competent to grant a right for access, a Personnel Security Clearance or Facility Security Clearance or extend the term thereof, adopt decisions concerning the revocation of a right for access or a Personnel Security Clearance or a Facility Security Clearance, adopt decisions concerning the issue of a right for access, a Personnel Security Clearance or a Facility Security Clearance, or adopt decisions concerning the extension of the term thereof on the basis of information collected as a result of a security vetting.
(4) For the purposes of a security vetting, an agency performing a security vetting shall conduct an interview with a person subject to a security vetting or, in the case of a legal person, his or her legitimate representative (hereinafter referred to as ‘applicant’). If a security vetting is performed to adopt a decision concerning extension of the term of right for access, a Personnel Security Clearance or a Facility Security Clearance, the agency performing a security vetting shall only conduct an interview, if applicable. An agency performing a security vetting shall record the interview.
(5) A person interviewed is questioned regarding the circumstances specified in § 32 and subsections 42 (2) and (3) of this Act. The applicant shall be entitled to give explanations considered important for checking the existence of the aforementioned circumstances.
(6) An agency conducting a security vetting shall finish the performance of a security vetting immediately at the request of the person being vetted, the head of an agency specified in subsections 27 (2) and (5) of this Act, and a sponsor of a Personnel Security Clearance or a Facility Security Clearance. If this is the case, the person will be refused the granting of a right for access or the granting of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof or will be deprived of the right for access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ or the granted Personnel Security Clearance or Facility Security Clearance will be revoked.
(7) If a suspicion that a person may suffer from mental illness, mental disability or some other psychic disorder which may limit his or her ability to interpret his or her behaviour or to control it incurs upon the conduct of a security vetting, an agency performing a security vetting shall ask this person for consent to be sent for a psychiatric examination. Should the person refuse to give consent, he or she will be refused the granting of a right for access or of a Facility Security Clearance or extension of the term thereof or will be deprived of the right for access to state secrets classified as ‘restricted’ or the granted Personnel Security Clearance or Facility Security Clearance will be revoked.
(8) The procedure for psychiatric examination to be performed during a security vetting and the form of conclusion shall be established by a Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs.
§ 50. General Provisions
(1) Unless provided otherwise by an international agreement, the provisions applicable to the appropriate level of classification of state secrets, provided in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 Division 3 and Chapter 4 of this Act are also applicable to the classified information of foreign states, considering the specifications detailed in this chapter.
(2) If the conformity of the classification level of the classified information of foreign states and state secrets has not been determined by an international agreement, the conformity of such levels shall be determined by the National Security Authority on the basis of the conformity of protective measures.
(3) International agreements shall serve as the basis for determining the term of classification of the classified information of foreign states and media containing thereof. If the originator of information of foreign states has not specified the term of classification for such information, the classification of the medium may only be declassified at the permission of the originator of classified information of foreign states.
(4) Information processed as classified information of foreign states with no legal grounds is declassified or the level, legal grounds or term of classified information of foreign states classified at an incorrect level, on wrong legal grounds or for a wrong term of a state secret is changed, as provided in § 15 of this Act if the originator of classified information of foreign states has previously granted his or her consent. Should the identification of the originator of the classified information of foreign states be impossible or if the originator of the information has ceased to exist, the National Security Authority shall declassify the classification of classified information of foreign states processed as a state secret with no legal grounds or shall change the level, grounds or term of classified information of foreign states classified at an incorrect level, on wrong legal grounds or for a wrong term of classified information of foreign states.
(5) If provided by an international agreement, the medium containing classified information of foreign states shall be marked with a marking given by the originator of classified information of foreign states and classification marking of the conforming level of classification of a state secret.
(6) If requirements established for a processing system, used for processing classified information of foreign states, provided under an international agreement, are stricter than the requirements established for a processing system by this Act or legislation issued hereunder, the processing system, used for processing classified information of foreign states must be additionally accredited, as provided by § 46 of this Act.
(7) Regulations, adopted by the Government of the Republic under subsection 20 (4), subsection 27 (13), subsection 31 (5), subsection 36 (3), subsection 39 (1), subsection 41 (6), subsection 42 (4) and subsection 46 (4) of this Act, may establish specifications to be observed for the purpose of the protection of classified information of foreign states.
(8) Specifications for the protection of classified information of foreign states may be imposed with regulations, adopted by the Minister of Defence under subsection 39 (2) of this Act.
§ 51. Access to Classified Information of Foreign States
(1) Unless provided otherwise by an international agreement, the provisions provided in Chapter 2 Division 3 Subdivision 2 and 4 of this Act are also applicable to giving access to the classified information of foreign states, considering the specifications detailed in this Chapter.
(2) If the grounds for refusing right for access, provided in an international agreement, are stricter than the grounds stipulated in subsections 32 (1) and (2) or subsection 42 (2)-(3) of this Act, the existence of circumstances arising from an international agreement is also checked when a security vetting is performed and the existence of the appropriate circumstance shall serve as the grounds for refusing right for access to classified information of foreign states. If the originator of classified information of foreign states prohibits granting of the right for access to a person, such a person is not granted the right for access to respective classified information of foreign states.
(3) If an international agreement requires performing of a security vetting for giving right for access to classified information of foreign states, such a security vetting shall be performed with respect to persons holding the right for access by virtue of office, except the President of the Republic.
(4) If the issue of a Personnel Security Clearance Certificate is specified in an international agreement as a pre-requisite for granting right for access to classified information of foreign states of the respective level, a certificate granting access to classified information of foreign states (hereinafter referred to as ‘Personnel Security Clearance Certificate ’) is issued to give access to classified information of foreign states. The National Security Authority shall issue the Personnel Security Clearance Certificate.
(5) The National Security Authority shall immediately notify an agency performing a security vetting with respect to a person of the issue of a Personnel Security Clearance Certificate for access to classified information of foreign states to a natural or legal person, revocation or identification of invalidity of such a certificate.
(6) Specific procedure for the issue, refusal to issue, extension of the term and revocation of Personnel Security Clearance Certificate is established by a Regulation of the Government of the Republic adopted under the Procedure for Protection of State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States.
§ 52. Competence of National Security Authority for Organisation of Protection of Classified Information of Foreign States
(1) The National Security Authority has the following functions under this Act, the legislation issued on the basis thereof and with international agreements:
1) receipt of classified information of foreign states from the originator thereof, processing of and organising access to such information, maintaining records concerning classified information of foreign states and the agencies, constitutional institutions, natural and legal persons who possess such information;
2) supervision over the security measures applied by agencies, institutions, natural and legal persons for the protection of classified information of foreign states and access of their employees to such information, including at the representations of Estonia and in the units of the Defence Forces which are outside the territory of the Republic of Estonia;
3) in the case of the unlawful disclosure of classified information of a foreign state, informing the originator of the information of the circumstances of the disclosure, under the conditions prescribed by the international agreement;
4) issue of Personnel Security Clearance Certificate for Access to Foreign Classified Information and informing the originator of the information of the circumstances of the granting of access, under the conditions prescribed by the international agreement;
5) notification of possessors of classified information of foreign states of changing the grounds, level and term of classification of classified information of a foreign state;
6) provision of periodic training in order to guarantee the conformity of the security measures with the requirements set for the protection of classified information;
7) making proposals to the Security Committee of the Government of the Republic for the elimination of omissions and avoidance of violations for the purpose of protection of classified information of a foreign state;
8) performance of other duties imposed thereon by international agreements.
(2) For performance of the functions provided in subsection (1) of this section, the National Security Authority has the right to:
1) examine, in the process of supervision operations, all the necessary information;
2) obtain, pursuant to the Administrative Cooperation Act, professional assistance from security authorities and the Defence Forces within the limits of their competence;
[RT I, 18.02.2014, 1 - entry into force 01.08.2014]
3) issue precepts to possessors of classified information of a foreign state for the elimination of a violation or danger of a violation of requirements arising from international agreements or this Act;
4) issue precepts to possessors of classified information of a foreign state to suspend the processing of classified information of foreign states or to take the media containing classified information temporarily into storage until establishment of the required conditions if a violation or danger of requirements arising from international agreements or this Act or legislation issued on the basis thereof that may result in disclosure of classified information has been established as the result of checks.
(3) Unless provided otherwise by an international agreement, the National Security Authority shall not organise or check the information exchange of security authorities and the Police and Border Guard Board, conducted under the provisions specified in subsections 35 (4), (5) and (51) of this Act.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(4) Upon failure to comply with the precept, specified in clauses (2) 3) and 4) of this section, the National Security Authority has a right to apply substitutive enforcement and penalty payment in the procedure provided for in the Substitutive Enforcement and Penalty Payment Act and impose a penalty payment with a maximum value of 3,200 euros.
[RT I 2010, 22, 108 - entry into force 01.01.2011]
(5) Upon the termination of activities of an agency, institution or legal person in possession of classified information of a foreign state, or on demand of the National Security Authority, the media containing classified information shall be immediately transferred to the National Security Authority.
(6) The National Security Authority are entitled to carry a service weapon during his or her performance of official duties and use such weapon pursuant to the procedure provide for in this Act.
(7) The types of service weapons used by the officials of the National Security Authority during his or her performance of official duties and the procedure for handling thereof shall be established by a Regulation of the Minister of Defence.
§ 53. Violation of Requirements to Protection of State Secrets
(1) Violation of requirements to protection of state secrets by a person holding the right for access of state secrets if accompanied by danger of disclosure or becoming known to a person with no right of access, processing of information as state secrets with no legal grounds, classification of state secret on the incorrect legal grounds, at an incorrect level or for an incorrect term, failure to classify a state secret, failure to declassify a state secret after the lapse of a threat to security before the expiry of classification term or failure to comply with the notification requirement, specified in subsections 19 (3), (4), (6) and (7), subsection 32 (4), subsection 42 (6) or § 45 of this Act shall be punishable by a penalty fine of up to 200 fine units or an arrest.
(2) Conduct specified in subsection (1) of this section if the object of a misdemeanour is a state secret classified as ‘secret’ or top secret’ shall be punishable by a penalty fine of up to 300 fine units or an arrest.
(3) Conduct specified in subsections (1)-(2) of this section if committed by a legal person shall be punishable by a penalty fine of up to 32,000 euro.
[RT I 2010, 22, 108 - entry into force 01.01.2011]
§ 54. Disclosure of State Secrets Due to Negligence and Loss of Classified Medium
(1) Disclosure, unlawful communication or allowing unlawful access to state secrets by a person, required to maintain the confidentiality of state secret if the conduct was due to negligence and also the loss of classified medium shall be punishable by a penalty fine of up to 300 fine units or an arrest.
(2) The same act if committed by a legal person shall be punishable by a penalty fine of up to 32,000 euros.
[RT I 2010, 22, 108 - entry into force 01.01.2011]
§ 55. Liability for the Violation of this Act
(1) A person shall not be relieved from responsibility when committing a misdemeanour, the object of which was a state secret, information was declassified or the legal grounds, classification level or term for classification of such information was changed, except if there were no legal grounds for the classification of such information. A person shall be responsible for classification of information with no legal grounds also after the declassification of such information.
(2) If a person is deprived from a right for access to a state secret or the right for processing state secrets and classified information of a foreign state outside the immovable or a movable possessed by a state agency or Eesti Pank for commitment of a misdemeanour under the State Secrets and Classified Information of Foreign States Act or the legislation issued on the basis thereof, such a person must apply again for the respective right for a Personnel Security Clearance or a Facility Security Clearance to obtain the right for access or a processing right.
(3) Provisions of the General Part of the Penal Code and the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure shall be applicable to the misdemeanour specified in this chapter.
(4) Extrajudicial proceedings in a misdemeanour specified in this chapter shall be conducted by the Security Police.
§ 56. Review of Media
(1) A possessor of classified information is required to review the classified media within one year as of the enforcement of this Act, except media specified in subsection (2) of this section.
(2) The medium that is kept in an archive of a possessor of classified information shall be reviewed by the possessor of the information for the processing of classified media, as necessary, except the proceedings related to storage requirements and the inspection provided for in subsection 20 (7) of this Act.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(3) All the media, specified in subsection (2) of this section, must be reviewed, regardless of their processing needs by January 1st 2012 at the latest. The media shall be marked with the classification of state secret of the highest level, contained in the set of records.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
(4) If information contained by a medium is not classified information for the purposes of this Act, such information is declassified and the medium is marked, as provided by this Act. If information contained by a medium is classified at a different level, legal grounds or for different term for the purposes of this Act, the classification marking of a medium, the marking concerning the grounds of classification or term of classification shall be respectively changed.
(5) Section 15 or subsection 50 (4) of this Act shall apply as the grounds for considering declassification of information and changing the level, legal grounds or term of classification. Thereby there is no need to notify other agencies or constitutional institutions in advance of the intention of declassification or changing the level or term of classification and there is no need to hear their objections before such actions are conducted.
[RT I, 08.11.2010, 3 - entry into force 18.11.2010]
§ 57. Validity of Right for Access Granted Prior and Performance of Security Vetting
(1) Personnel Security Clearances, Personnel Security Clearance Certificates, temporary permits of use of processing systems and certificates of conformity, issued before the enforcement of this Act, shall remain valid until the expiry specified in such documents.
(2) An open-ended right for access, granted under subsection 23 (3) of the State Secrets Act shall remain in force for the period of one year as of the enforcement of this Act if the person is not deprived of the right for access prior to this time.
(3) A security vetting may be performed with respect to a person who has been granted a Personnel Security Clearance, a Personnel Security Clearance Certificate or is holding right for access before enforcement of this Act under the subsections 23 (2) or (3) of the State Secrets Act under the conditions provided for in the State Secrets Act and pursuant to the procedure provided for in this Act until the expiry of such right for access or granting of right for access under this Act.
§ 58. Access to State Secrets After Establishment of List of Positions
(1) A person who is employed in a position where, after establishment of the list of positions specified in subsection 20 (5) of this Act, he or she must have the right for access to state secrets classified as "restricted" but who does not hold a valid Personnel Security Clearance, shall submit the documents specified in clauses 27 (10) 2) and 3) of this Act to the agency which performs a security vetting not later than within one month after the entry into force of the aforementioned list of positions.
(2) A person who is employed in a position where, after establishment of the list of positions specified in subsection 20 (5) of this Act, he or she must have the right of access to state secrets classified as "confidential" or higher but who does not hold a valid Personnel Security Clearance that grants a right for access to state secrets of respective level, shall submit a Personnel Security Clearance application for performing a security vetting with respect to that person to the agency which performs a security vetting not later than within one month after the entry into force of the aforementioned list of positions.